- My So-Called Life (Pi... - #1 »
- Dancing in the Dark - #2 »
- Guns and Gossip - #3 »
- Father Figures - #4 »
- The Zit - #5 »
- The Substitute - #6 »
- Why Jordan Can't Read - #7 »
- Strangers in the Hous... - #8 »
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- Other People's Daught... - #10 »
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- Self-Esteem - #12 »
- Pressure - #13 »
- On the Wagon - #14 »
- So-Called Angels - #15 »
- Resolutions - #16 »
- Betrayal - #17 »
- Weekend - #18 »
- In Dreams Begin Respo... - #19 »
we had a timewe had a timeQuick question - could somebody please tell me who said "We had a time" and in what episode? I would really appreciate it. Thanks
Rayanne said it at the end of the pilot. You can check it out in the transcripts section if you like.
"To come to your senses, you must first go out of your mind." - Alan Watts
I always love this scene, and for several reasons. First off, the energy!!! We start off with a high from Jordan seeking out a conversation with Angela, and then are surrounded by Rayanne, Rickie and a group of kids circling around, feeding off each other's enthusiasm; it is filmed great, and the viewer is really drawn into the momentum that meets Angela as she encounters the group. Secondly, this scene, for me anyway, really confirms the changes that Angela initiates in her life beginning in the Pilot. The episode begins with Angela following Rayanne's urging to "Go! Go now,” which echoes in every episode, even as Rayanne’s influence on Angela fades; we also see Angela dying her hair under Rayanne’s suggestion; throughout the entire episode Angela makes choices that remove her slightly, but ever more and more from her old life, bringing her more into Rayanne’s (wearing her clothes, walking a block (and parking lot) in her shoes). Their experiences at Let’s Bolt, however, make Angela pause and consider what she is doing; as she says, things are getting “too actual”. Angela removes Rayanne’s shoes and clothes, wipes her makeup off, and returns to the familiar world of her childhood and her mother. To Angela the night at Let’s Bolt was anything but a success - not the experience she was looking for (although it might be fair to say that she wasn’t quite clear on what she was looking for, just a change from what she was used to and seemingly programmed into, which it was that). However, when Angela confronts the kids in the hall, Rayanne challenges her to join in the retelling of their night. She is surprised to see Rickie and Rayanne presenting their story in this positive fashion, she considers what to say, the story, in the school hallways, is slightly improved and not-so scary, more like an adventure, removed from the actual scene it becomes easier for Angela to see it as her friends do. Rayanne waits to hear her response, then Agela joins in in affirmation, they did, they had a time. Angela is in. In for whatever Rayanne and Rickie bring her into.
Sometimes I write a little MSCL fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1039807/Jody-Barsch
Also, after multiple V. Mars reiterations, and finally a Deadwood movie, still wishing for some continuation of The Riches !
A theory I have about this scene: if Angela hadn’t just come away from a conversation with Jordan, (prompted by the fact that he saw her being arrested at Lets’ Bolt), and possibly also that she feels kind of cool for supposedly doing something hard core enough to be arrested for while his weekend sucked, would she have agreed that they had a time?? I mean, if Angela had run into Rayanne and Rickie first, or if Jordan had just walked past her, would Angela have responded the same? Even though Angela explains her frustrations with her life in general (not just in regards to Jordan), I always get the feeling that maybe the changes she makes in her life were really prompted by her desire for Jordan, in an effort to get even a little closer to him (“Jordan Catalano will be there’ “Rayanne always knew who would be there”). My freshman year in the dorms, my friends were all on other halls, and while I knew some of the kids on my hall, I didn’t start hanging out with them (which significantly changed my way of life), until I started liking a guy who lived on my hall. I changed who and where I was hanging out with, not even to directly hang out with him, but to put myself in his world… and it worked (in a somewhat adolescent unhealthy way…) which I guess I sort of see Angela doing in a way. NOT to say that Angela chooses to be friends with Rickie and Rayanne in order to get closer to Jordan, or that she wouldn’t have become friends with them if she didn’t have a thing for Jordan, but in a small and indirect way, it may have played a part in influencing a lot of her earlier actions with Rayanne (dying the hair, drinking at Let’s Bolt…) So I would like to raise the question, would Angela have concurred that they had had a time, if she didn’t see the upside of their experiences through her promising exchange with Jordan?
Sometimes I write a little MSCL fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1039807/Jody-Barsch
Also, after multiple V. Mars reiterations, and finally a Deadwood movie, still wishing for some continuation of The Riches ! Jody Barsh wrote;
That's a good question,and I think that she wouldn't.She definitely thinks that Friday night kinda sucked(except the part when Jordan called out her name) and I think that's obvious in the way she acted when she got home,the way she slipped out of her "cool" clothes, the way she said " sort of" when Patty asked her if she had fun.So yeah, I think the only reason she " had a time" is because she had previously talked to Jordan.Otherwise,I don't think she would flash that beautiful smile of hers.Maybe she would just say "yeah,yeah we had a time" but here you can see she really means it. Angela had a timeI disagree. I believe that Angela would have responded with "yeah, we had a time" even if she had not just talked with Jordan. Angela, Rickie and Rayanne were all having fun outside of Let's Bolt. the evening only got bad when the two strange guys started making trouble. as Jody Barsh wrote in her first post, this was a time of change for Angela. and that one little scene in the hallway represents her acceptance of these changes. she is accepting Rayanne's world as her own. even if the nights weren't perfect, they were different and exciting. Rayanne represents everything that Angela is not. she's impulsive, fun, and anything can happen with her. she is energy. I believe Angela is attracted to this because she is at a cross roads. she is bored with her old life, but doesn't quite know what it is that she's looking for. these new experiences are like an adventure, an exploration. and Jordan is only a small part of that.
I think it is clear that that is not at all what Emmie was saying. Forgive me, but it seems as though you are purposely misunderstanding what people write. Anyway, Rayanne is a lot of things that Angela is not. Rayanne does help Angela in her transition from her old life to her new one. Angela and Rayanne both recognize their differences, as do their mothers and Rickie:
I'm not sure if those excerpts prove my point, but simply watching the show will tell you that Rayanne is a lot of things that Angela is not - both good and bad. Watching the series will also prove Angela to be both fun and interesting in her own right, without the aid or encouragement of Rayanne. Sometimes I write a little MSCL fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1039807/Jody-Barsch
Also, after multiple V. Mars reiterations, and finally a Deadwood movie, still wishing for some continuation of The Riches !
I'm sorry, it's not just this post, but there seem to have been a lot of curt anonymous posts recently. But I realize I am nowhere near being a Moderator, so I'll shut up. Sorry if it wasn't bothering anyone else. Sometimes I write a little MSCL fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1039807/Jody-Barsch
Also, after multiple V. Mars reiterations, and finally a Deadwood movie, still wishing for some continuation of The Riches ! Who is onlineUsers browsing this forum: No registered users and 6 guests |