FBI Surveillance of Protestors

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Ed Zwick Wannabe
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FBI Surveillance of Protestors

Post by lance » Nov 24th 2003, 11:05 am

Hey all,

Another day here in John Ashcroft's America.


Just saw yesterday in the New York Times that the FBI is spying on anti-war protests held here in the US. I don't have link to that one. I do have a link to a similar article from the San Francisco Chronicle:
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.c ... 3925E1.DTL

"The FBI has collected extensive information on the tactics, training and organization of antiwar demonstrators and has advised local law enforcement officials to report any suspicious activity at protests to its counterterrorism squads, according to interviews and a confidential bureau memorandum. "

Not to be overly paranoid but...

Back when my mom and I were in the protest here in Cincinnati back in March, there was a guy with no press credentials videotaping all the protestors.

Another nuget to chew on, my mom was active in the peace moment back in the 1980s opposing President Reagan's Central American policies. My mom working for the church it was rather a good fit. The church didn't look too kindly on Reagan's El Salvador backed government killing 4 American nuns and Archbiship Oscar Romero. Anyway mom was informed in the 1990s by a guy doing freedom of information Act filing that the FBI had a file on her because of her protest related activities. Came out that the FBI investigated all peace groups back then.

Also consider that the current Administration has been one huge job fair for old Reagan and Bush officals like Elliot Abrahams and Oliver Poindexter.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Remember right now that Democratic and Republican Congressmen and Senators are working right now to get parts of the Patriot Act repealed. If you feel as I do that the Patriot Act is an infringment on our few remaining civil liberties, please let your Congressional members know.

Don't know who they are? Check this link to find out:


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