A Little Experiment

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A Little Experiment

Post by andrewgd » Nov 3rd 2003, 12:34 am

I thought of a little experiment we could all think about, if not take part in. One of the biggest problems that I see in politics is that people can't see things from other people's perspective. This is BLAZINGLY obvious when Wolfowitz basically says that if you question the administration and its policies, you don't love the country, and you would rather Saddam still in power, raping his citizens.

So I thought it could be enlightening if each of us find one issue or policy from the "other side" that you disagree with and actually defend it. Defend the NRA, Greenpeace, Bush, any Democrat, Anne Coultier (shudder), Michael Moore. Whoever you really disagree with.

Think about the issue/policy from their perspective and share that with us. I'll try and come up with something to share soon. And I swear I'll try and do it without sarcasm. Promise. :P

And remember, the better you know the "other sides" opinion, the more you can defend your own viewpoint on it, so maybe thats some incentive. :wink:
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Post by andrewgd » Nov 3rd 2003, 1:23 am

Funny, how, just after posting this, I read something about the Pres that I totally back him on:

As of late October, sources indicate that a central recommendation is likely, but not certainly to be resumption of manned lunar flights to develop advanced technologies that can support U.S. astronauts working beyond Earth orbit to not only the Moon, but eventually on near-Earth asteroids and Mars.

Not exactly something I disagree with him on, so I'll keep thinking about a good issue.
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Post by fnordboy » Nov 3rd 2003, 1:34 pm

andrewgd wrote:Funny, how, just after posting this, I read something about the Pres that I totally back him on:

As of late October, sources indicate that a central recommendation is likely, but not certainly to be resumption of manned lunar flights to develop advanced technologies that can support U.S. astronauts working beyond Earth orbit to not only the Moon, but eventually on near-Earth asteroids and Mars.

Not exactly something I disagree with him on, so I'll keep thinking about a good issue.
LOL, I would agree with him on that, but my initial feelings are that he is only doing this as a way to figure out how to setup missile bases (nuke and not) on these planets and natural satellites. Star Wars 2.

Your experiment is a good idea. This has actually been worked on in an occult perspective many times. Primarily within the Chaos Magick movement. Where you would take on a different set of beliefs for a set amount of time and experience within that system of thought. Or it could be as small as eating a food that you don't like and making yourself like it. It is an exercise in controlling your own Will. Granted, that is a different goal than what you are referring to and on a completely different level, but that is what it reminded me of.

Sounds interesting and I might take part in it. I would have to think of a good idea to defend though. :D

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Post by lance » Nov 5th 2003, 12:01 pm


Very, very interesting idea. Something Zen like about it.

I will have to think of an idea to defend.


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Re: A Little Experiment

Post by Hunee » Nov 5th 2003, 2:56 pm

andrewgd wrote:I thought of a little experiment we could all think about, if not take part in. One of the biggest problems that I see in politics is that people can't see things from other people's perspective.

I agree with you 100%... I think that it is a major problem that more people should question... I think that a good politician whoever they may be should look at both sides of the problem and be willing to listen to other peoples concerns and reasons without passing judgment or arguing with every point a person makes...
so make the best of this test, and dont ask why
its not a question, but a lesson learned in time its something unpredictable, but in the end is right i hope you had the time of your life

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Post by starbug » Nov 6th 2003, 9:22 am

I think I would like to give this a try... problem is, I can't think of an issue I'd like to argue against what I believe on.

Maybe someone else could pick the issues :?:

I've thought about arguing that the idea of slapping steel imports on non-US steel is justified (I don't think it is) and was a sensible decision for the president to make. What do you guys think?

I've thought about arguing that the war on iraq was justified but I think that's too huge and has been covered here enough.

What I'd really like is to just be given a topic, have to go off and research it, and then battle it out with the rest of you guys here... like what happens in debating societies.


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