- My So-Called Life (Pi... - #1 »
- Dancing in the Dark - #2 »
- Guns and Gossip - #3 »
- Father Figures - #4 »
- The Zit - #5 »
- The Substitute - #6 »
- Why Jordan Can't Read - #7 »
- Strangers in the Hous... - #8 »
- Halloween - #9 »
- Other People's Daught... - #10 »
- Life of Brian - #11 »
- Self-Esteem - #12 »
- Pressure - #13 »
- On the Wagon - #14 »
- So-Called Angels - #15 »
- Resolutions - #16 »
- Betrayal - #17 »
- Weekend - #18 »
- In Dreams Begin Respo... - #19 »
Man, emmie, your real estate woes reminded me of The Nanny Diaries. The main character is looking for an apartment in NYC:
"Hello, I'm looking for Pat." "She doesn't work here anymore." "Oh. Well, perhaps you can help me? I'm looking to rent a studio for July first." "Can't help you." "What?" "Can't help you. It's only the beginning of the month. You want a place for July you show up at the end of the month with a fistful of cash, say at least twelve thousand to start, and we'll tawk." "Cash?" "Cash." "I'm sorry, twelve thousand in cash?" "Cash. For the landlord. Youv'e gotta come with the first year's rent in cash." "The entire first year?" "And you have to bring documentation proving that you net, net, mind you, forty-four times the month's rent, and your guarantors -" "My what?" "Guarantors - the people who are going to guarantee that the rent gets paid even if you die, typically your parents. But they must live in the tristate area so their assets can be seized and they have to net at least one hundred times the rent." "That seems a little extreme. I just want a small studio, nothing fancy." "Oh, my Gawd. This is June! June! Every American under the age of thirty is graduating from something and moving here." "But all that in cash?" "Honey, the Wall Street kids all get relo money from their companies. You want to beat them out you gotta pay up front." "Oh, my God." She takes a deep breath. "What were you looking to spend?" "I don't know...six, seven hundred." "A month?" She holds the phone away from her mouth while she cackles. "Honey, do us all a favor and look in the Voice for an apartment share." "But I don't want to share." "Then I would get myself an apartment in Queens and a can of pepper spray." "Well, do you have any listings in Brooklyn?" "We don't do the boroughs." She hangs up. Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? Gah, Emmie, that is terrible. It makes renting in London sound like a dream: you pay a month's rent (or six weeks if the landlord is particularly twitchy) as a deposit and then a month's rent in advance. I did have to show bank statements with an income or an amount, but it certainly wasn't a multiple of the rent. And you have to have references, which I got from uni and work.
Anyway, I figure it is time to fess up with my moving plans, since it is definite enough now. They certainly are radical.... Mr. S and I will be moving to New Zealand in late September! Yes, it is not physically possible for us to get any further away. For the moment we are looking at staying there for around two years. I think we have to give it at least a year to allow for bedding-in and teething difficulties. If we hate it after that, we'll come back without hesitation. If it's going well, we will stay. I think that after two or three years, it would have to be going very well indeed in order for us to stay: it is such a long way from family and friends. I have resigned my job (long story short: my job and Mr. S's job both went downhill fast in the last two months) and I leave there on 28th July. This gives me six weeks to concentrate on getting my masters dissertation done properly and means that I don't have to do a job that I hate anymore! Mr. S has secured a good job in NZ and we are currently trying to organise immigration stuff. There is such a lot to deal with that I won't post about it all here, but I will update my blog regularly with details of what's happening and wat the plans are, so anyone who is interested can read about it there: http://www.urban-hills.blogspot.com Obviously, we are both really excited ![]() ![]() ![]() --------------------------------------------- http://www.urban-hills.blogspot.com --------------------------------------------- candygirl: LOL. that is exactly what it was like. so funny. I mean, I think that buying a house would be easier. they are so freaking ridiculous. ah well.
starbug: that's so awesome about new zealand. there have to be photos once you get there. like Kristin said, I can't even fathom moving so far away. man, I thought moving to NYC was tough! ![]() Starbug, Wow. Sorry to hear about the job trouble but I think you will definately enjoy New Zealand. Well news of my own. I got kicked out of my apartment 3 weeks ago so my roomate could move in his abusive girlfriend. I had 36 hours to get all my stuff in storage. Been very, very, very stressful. Fortunately a couple of kind people have let me stay at their places for the past couple of weeks. Tomorrow I move into my new apartment, which will be quite cool when all is said and done. -LanceMan
So, after dragging it out for a month, my move is done. Well, if all we're talking about is getting all of my books and other crap entirely out of one place and into the other and no longer having keys to two places, I'm moved. If we're talking about me not constantly tripping over unpacked boxes and not being able to find anything, or to sit anywhere, I've probably got another month of moving to go (maybe less since summer school will be done tomorrow).
There's a lot to say about this move, but as I'm not the only one in the world to go through an unwanted move during a heat wave I'll skip it. I'll just say: I moved further away from the beach (further than I've ever lived my whole life), I'm paying more money for less space, I went from month to month to a year lease, there are officially no closets, and I moved from the second floor (where I had nothing but open windows all the time, letting in light, providing views of gorgeous trees and my pretty street, and no other second stories nearby on any side), to a first floor dwelling (where my windows are always closed and which do not afford such nice views). That being said, I'm just a few blocks up the street from my last place, and I went from one of four apartments in a house to a little house of my own with a yard, a garage and everything (I'm even working on getting my own washer and dryer!!!!!!! I'm estactic about that!!!!!). This (being my yard), however, brings me to my present concern: I have a very strange stalker-type presence going on there. 1.) I never actually close my garden gate all the way in the mornings, and several times I've come home to find it latched closed when I did not do it. 2.) My mail box was opened and the flag pointed up when I came home the other day (before the mail man had come) 3.) I have two hanging plants from my work that I took home to revive, that the other day the wind had blown off my porch into an empty flower bed, which I had not corrected, and yesterday I came home to find them both hanging from the ledge of my window box. The first two could probably be explained away easily enough, but the last... If someone's walking into my garden, up my front porch to my front door and rearranging toppled over flora and fauna, what else are they doing?? And why?? And who the hell are they??? Sometimes I write a little MSCL fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1039807/Jody-Barsch
Also, after multiple V. Mars reiterations, and finally a Deadwood movie, still wishing for some continuation of The Riches ! Lance,
Man, that's rough. Mr. S has suffered kind of the same thing (though the girlfriend wasn't abusive and he had far more than 36hours) and I know it's not easy. Glad to see things are looking up now though. Jody, Sounds like things are a little more settled for you, too. As for the stalker, sounds strange. What kind of neighbourhood is it? Are we talking little old ladies who tend your roses for you and make community muffins, or a drug-dealing hell-hole where you have to buy a big dog, or somewhere in between? You could do a police-style stake-out and see WTF... Intriguing. I wouldn't be too worried at the moment, though. --------------------------------------------- http://www.urban-hills.blogspot.com --------------------------------------------- wow, seems like we're all moving lately. coincidence?
I've been living out of a suitcase and on friends' couches going on 9 weeks now. very nice friends indeed. but hopefully either this weekend or the next (dependent on money and weather), I'll be moving into an apartment in queens with a friend of mine. so that is nice. Lance: sorry about the abrupt situation. sounds like you and Jody both had to move unexpectedly. but perhaps it's for the best? I mean, if the place is cool and all your own, I mean. ![]() Jody: don't know what to say about your stalker. it does sound sort of like a little old lady syndrome. hopefully it's as harmless as that. sorry that you had to move into a place that is less than perfect, but at least you have a space that is more yours than sharing a building, right? don't you just hate compromise sometimes?!
I noticed a lot of people are moving now too. My sister just bought a condo and is currently moving/painting/furnishing and my other friend just bought his first place this week. It feels like time of change and growth overall. My cousin is pregnant, my other cousin's wife is pregnant, my other friend just got engaged - whew! Between the moving, marrying, and babies it's a whirlwind!
Jody, I agree that it sounds like your stalker is of the little old lady neighbor type, but I'm a paranoid person so I would either take a day off from work to see who comes by and starts latching the gate or fussing with the plants. We bought a security camera system for about $150 and we have used the footage on several occasions - once we caught the person who stole our extension cord from the hallway, and another time we gave the tape to the police when something was stolen from our lab. My boss was already convinced that buying the camera would be a great investment, but every time something like this happens, he reminds us what a good idea it was. Congrats on finding a new place - it sounds awesome - all four walls are your own. It's so great when you don't have to share walls anymore. ![]() Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? Well been in my new place for 2 months and so far pretty good.
Nice and quiet, roomates pretty much keep to themselves. Went online to check out rooms for rent in my area now that the University of California at Santa Cruz is back, ![]() prices have gone up by a third. The students are back, let the gouging begin! ![]() -LanceMan
Ha! Yeah... it's so stupid, I wish there was actually a better story behind it. My landlord decided to hire gardeners and never told us. I was home one day and walked outside to find two men working in my yard -- so I', assuming they're from the landlord... On other apartment news, yesterday I got a barbeque and a washer and dryer -- I LOVE it! Emmie, how's your housing situation going? Sometimes I write a little MSCL fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1039807/Jody-Barsch
Also, after multiple V. Mars reiterations, and finally a Deadwood movie, still wishing for some continuation of The Riches !
It's good to know that ther was nothing nefarious going on at your new place!
What kind of barbeque did you get? I'm still rocking the George Foreman grill, or Cucinare con George as Mr. CG calls it. Having a washer and dryer makes SUCH a huge difference. It's so much more convenient to have your own! A few years ago, my friend and I were having a long involved discussion about vacuum cleaners when we realized we were officially Old. I like to think that most household appliances qualify you as at least moderately old, so welcome to the club! ![]() Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?
The first barbeque we got turned out to have the wrong grill racks in it, so after this long goose chase of research and store hopping, we settled on The Brinkmann Grand Gourmet 6345. We just put it together this morning. It's much better than the last one (3 burners rather than two, and stainless steel) and was on sale at Target. I'm having a big house warming / barbeque tomorrow.
I totally hear the adult - appliance thing. I really want one of those uber-expensive Dyson vacuums. When I bought my refrigerator for my last apartment, my sister's in-laws joked that I was ready to get married. Sometimes I write a little MSCL fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1039807/Jody-Barsch
Also, after multiple V. Mars reiterations, and finally a Deadwood movie, still wishing for some continuation of The Riches ! Who is onlineUsers browsing this forum: No registered users and 1 guest |