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MovingMovingHey all,
Since I am soon to be moving from Cincinnati, I thought I would ask you to share any stories you might have about moving, good or bad. Anyone care to guess where I am moving to ?(Candygirl, shuush don't give it away). More later, LanceMan
Re: MovingCandygirl's new roomie? Re: MovingDefinate LOL! No, but you are getting close, geographically at least. LanceMan movingHey all,
By August 1st, 2004 I will be moving to Las Vegas, NV. If I get a job out there earlier, I will leave earlier. Otherwise, job or no job out to the Pacific Time Zone, I go. LanceMan Hey Lance,
sounds like it is all go in your neck of the woods.. hope it all goes well - keep us posted. Any particular reason you chose LV? --------------------------------------------- http://www.urban-hills.blogspot.com --------------------------------------------- I like Vegas for many reasons. Having more sunshine is just incredible. I am among the legion of people who get damper moods with the onset of winter and lack of sunshine. More sunshine, better moods. I am all over that. I just took a week of vacation out there back in October. My dad and his family grew up in El Paso, TX. In El Paso you wake up in the morning and get to see the sun rise over the mountains. Just awesome to see. Vegas is very much like El Paso, so in some respect it has a primal draw to me. Seeing the sun set over the mountains there is incredible. In Cincy sin is taboo, everybody does "it" but nobody talks about it. In Vegas sin is zoned . Also I have grown absolutely weary of the conservative political, moral and cutural climate here in Cincy. This place has never met a progressive idea it has liked: From the Cincinnati Enquirer October 7th, 1916: "Attention Suffragettes-Less Than 2% of Cincinnati Women Desire the Ballot" I can just imagine what the Enquirer would have said in 2,000 BC "Cincinnati says, Fire Bad!" Vegas has a rather healthy democratic party, this is something that I am looking forward to. Ohio's democratic party is on life support and the outlook for the patient is not good. Vegas has an awesome public library, which I am hoping to work for. In addition they have a kick ass public radio station. Never thought I would use that phrase. Cincy is a great place to be if you are married. If you are single it is like being in the Sahara Desert of dating. That might be an oasis on the horizon but it is probably a mirage. I am not exagerating by much here. As my marital status is about to change and I rejoin the ranks of single life, Vegas is again the better choice. The clincher here is that my brother is out there and for a couple of months at least, I can crash on his couch Will I still be pumped about Vegas in the hot 120 degree summer's sun? Don't have the foggiest, but I will see. Gasoline and housing are a bit more expensive in Vegas, so not everything is sunshine and roses. LanceMan
Heh, I was on vacation in Vegas one summer when it was about 110. Although it was obviously not the ideal temperature for someone like me who prefers year round mild weather it didn't matter too much since we were inside most of the time. I went a few times in the winter and the first time it was a shock how cold it was. I didn't expect it to be 75, but I also didn't expect for the wind to cut right through me, chilling me to the bone. The next time I was better prepared for the weather! Like I said, if you are inside most of the time, it doesn't matter since the casinos and most buildings are kept at a nice 67 degrees every day of the year. As long as you can make it from your door to the car and get to wherever you're going, it's not too bad.
Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? interviewWish me luck guys,
I have a job interview out in Las Vegas next week. -LanceMan
Re: interview\ Good Luck! (not that you'll need it in this booming economy )
Lance -
Good luck! let us know how you get on... what's the job? --------------------------------------------- http://www.urban-hills.blogspot.com ---------------------------------------------
Sir Lance,
In 1997 I made almost the identical move. Midwest to the Southwest! I was itching to get out of St. Louis and I knew nobody in California so the furthest I could go was a cousin in Phoenix AZ. Just packed everything into my old pickup and pointed her toward the west. It was definitely different out there from home. I hope you like the warm weather 'cause you're gonna get plenty. Watch out for the scorpions and rattlers, learn some Spanish if you don't already know some and get the A/C in your car charged up before you leave. Get used to wearing shorts and sandals and make sure you have acces to a pool and you'll be fine. Good luck!!!!! Daddy sold the farm and they've killed my trees. K-man
LOL! Well just completed an exhausting week. Last Tuesday I roared out of Indianapolis heading via Southwest for Vegas at 6:55 am Indianapolis time, note not Central Time. Indiana and Arizona routinely flout the time changes that the rest of the United States adheres to. In some Indiana towns half of the town is the Eastern Daylight Time Zone the other half some are in Indiana time zone an hour behind. Midwest madness. -Sidenote: Cincinnati has repeatedly made it to the #1 as the most expensive airport to fly out of in the country. Delta Airlines has a death grip on the Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky Airport. Many of us here instead fly out of Columbus, Indianapolis or Louisville where Southwest flies. Ahh, but I digress. I landed in Vegas at 9:00 am. I spend most of Tuesday apartment hunting and doing the mundane logistical moving stuff (new cell phone, checking account etc.). Found a couple of nice apartment complexs. Wednesday morning I went to my interview. I had three people interview me. I have never had three people interview me at one time, most of my interviews have involved two people: immediate supervisor and a HR rep of some kind. I thought the interview went well, but gauging these things are really hard. Anyway I got to Vegas airport about 4:00 and my flight for Indy left close to 6 pm PDT. I didn't land in Indy until 11:30 CDT. AFter baggage claim and long term parking I left the airport around midnight CDT. I rolled back into Cincinnati around 2:45, 3 am EDT. Took me a couple of days to shake off the jet lag. I was just wiped out. Since then I have been told they are still deciding who gets the job, so it may be a couple of weeks until I know whether I got the job or not. I am still on target for my July departure to Vegas. -LanceMan Who is onlineUsers browsing this forum: No registered users and 0 guests |