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(I heart) The OC
(I heart) The OCAs a result of Sammi's brilliant suggestion, a brand spanking new separate thread for the OC!
Discussion from the "Is tv rubbish in the fall?" thread...
Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? Hmm... Now I have to think of more quotes from the show that I liked.
From last week's epidoe, when Seth and Ryan happen upon Summer and Marissa at the burrito place, and Seth turns to Ryan and says, "Who's winning right now? Me or my hair?" And it points back and forth from his face to his hair. I <heart> Seth. I can't wait for the show to come back in October. Sandy joining a private law firm and flirting with that lawyer, will Sandy cheat on Kirsten? ... Ryan going to school... Will Kirsten tell Sandy about the smooch Jimmy planted on her? Should she? Oh, yeah, and will Marissa survive the cornily played-out OD? So many questions, and so long to wait for the answers! "I have all these dreams where I know exactly what to say. And you tell me, you know, that you forgive me."
I kind of liked it on Tuesdays - they seem so empty this season (last year, we watched/taped American Idol, Buffy, the Shield, the Real World, and something that was on at 9pm that is escaping me right now).
Wednesday night - that means I'll have to give the VCR a workout because I really want to start watching Ed again, and I also (heart) Angel! Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? Instead of competing with my Tuesday night of watching Gilmore Girls, it will not be competing against Smallville. Looks like I will be replay TV'ing Smallville and watching The O.C. in the bedroom. Which... seems to fit somehow.
"I have all these dreams where I know exactly what to say. And you tell me, you know, that you forgive me."
tvshowsondvd reported that Warner Home Video is already planning a DVD release of The OC!
Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? I hate THE OCFor all you out there watching The OC, please stop. I am from The so-called OC. Let me just say, it does not represent. Please tell me that everyone who watches this does not think that this is what Orange County is like. I grew up there, and I have caught a few episdoes. It is very surreal for me to watch it, they name all these place I have been to, which is very strange. Though my teenage years were nothing like this show. I never went to a "coming out debutant party" nor did I ever burn down a house. True I am not from the rich areas of Newport Beach, although I did go there all the time to shop. I just think it is strange, this show is called The OC, like this is how all of Orange County lives, which is so not true. First of all Orange County is a huge place. It has its won slums and million dollar homes. I am from a very middle class area. This show represents maybe 4% of Orange County and yet pretends to show how the whole county lives. I just hope people don't think this show is true. Orange County is basically a super surburb of LA. Nothing much really happens there, it is not a cool place. True some cool bands originated from OC, but notice thay all left when they could afford to. Notice Gwen Stefani lives in LA and not Anaheim. It's a buch of track homes that all look alike. It is a great place to have a family and grow up, but incredible boring if you are a teenager or a young single person, why do you think I left. This show is basically just a rip off of 90210, and I am so glad I am not getting roped ointo watching more crap. I am so sick of the bad teen shows on TV, like The OC. So unrealistic and stupid. It just makes me miss My So-Called Life even more. These shows do not give a voice to teens, they are just written by stupid adults who think they know what High Schoolers like. Anyway I am ranting, mainly because I am in such disbelief that anyone wopuld make a show about a place like Orange County. It is not a cool place, trust me I should know.
"It just goes to show you, if it's not one thing it's another, but it's always something!"
Roseanne Roseannadanna
Even if I hadn't lived briefly in the O.C. or known people who live there, I wouldn't take a tv show's portrayal of a particular area as the truth because I know it's entertainment. I don't believe that Boston Public portrays every public high school in Boston or that Nip/Tuck represents every cosmetic surgeon. I don't think that The O.C. pretends to represent all of the different aspects or socioeconomic groups in Orange County - they are specifically concentrating on Newport Beach and the prejudice that exists in within the world of debutantes and the "Noopies" (as evidenced by one of the rich wives taking offense at being reminded that she is from Riverside). I know it's hard not to take it personally when what you see does not reflect your experience, but people from almost every city where MTV has had a show (Real World, Sorority Life, Fraternity Life, etc) have complained that those shows do not accurately portray their cities either. Only a close-minded person would really believe that a tv show (whether it's reality tv or a scripted series) is the truth about anything. I mean, do you believe that every person from Chino is like Ryan? They're all punkass kids from broken homes with alcoholic moms, abusive father figures, and jailbird brothers? I don't believe that any more than I believe that every person in all of Orange County is from Newport Beach. I watch the O.C. because it is entertaining (and it DOES represent some truth - you can't deny that there isn't some truth in the Ladies Who Lunch!).
Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? The O.C has a ring of truth but maybe like a size two ring... The show is so entertaining and really a great show that your mind may get wrapped in to the show a little to much and you might actually believe things are like that but every show has a ring of deciet to it as well... I mean look at other shows Dawsons Creek Felicity Pary of Five BH 9020 <~~~ MY PERSONAL FAVE!!! and they all have like ths cult following that makes you want to believe that it is real and that it all happens on the show as in real life when Im sure that it doesnt... Im not even sure that some of the stuff that happens to characters in one season can happen to someone in a whole life time!!! I mean look at kellys character from BH 90210 her character went through this in ten seasons... She got a nose job, She revealed she was a slut, She had a friend who was addicted to diet pills, Her mom was an alcoholic and drug user, she stole her best friends boyfriend twice, she was addicted to diet pills, she was almost raped, she was burned in a fire, she joined a cult, she was addicted to cocaine, she was almost killed by her roomate from her rehab, she was raped, she murdered a person, I mean the list goes on and on and on but if you compare all of these dramas to MSCL it does not even compare to the truth that MSCL holds... Realistic and trustworthy... the worst thing that happend to angela was getting a zit... well not the worst thing but honest and things you can empathize with...
My favorites: Seth: Dad. Those eyebrows are out of control! Dad: They are a sign of power! and when Seth saw Summer in her candy-striping outfit: Good Lord! I also liked when Sandy and his wife (forget her name, Karen?) were talking about him having drinks with Rachel, and Sandy said, "I let you paint over at Jimmy's for an entire weekend, and nothing happened, right?" And the actress played it so well with her facial expressions... That was an awesome scene and was acted very well. "I have all these dreams where I know exactly what to say. And you tell me, you know, that you forgive me."
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