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Post by starbug » May 27th 2003, 5:25 am

Any European members see this? I missed it and have only read of my country's shame :oops: :oops: :oops:

NUL POINTS :?: :!:
Were we really that bad?

Normally I love the tack-fest and at least catch the voting but the Matrix Reloaded called to me and I had to go...


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Re: Eurovision

Post by Sascha » May 27th 2003, 6:41 am

starbug wrote: NUL POINTS :?: :!:
Were we really that bad?
Yes, they were... :puke: It almost hurt.

Well, the others weren't really that much better, but I have to say it was one of the best songcontests in years - and a very close race till the very end between Turkey, Belgium and Russia (very uneventful performance BTW, t.a.t.u didn't kiss, masturbate or any other thing the yellow press predicted - but they got booed from the audience anyway) .

The highlight was the "spokesperson" from Slovenia - the last country to vote. Instead of announcing the results of the jury, he just left with the result sheet in his hand. Of course, it was just a (lame) joke and he came back a second later, but I wished I could see the pure horror on the faces of the officials from EBU / UER in that moment ;-)

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Post by starbug » May 27th 2003, 6:55 am

sab wrote: but I have to say it was one of the best songcontests in years - and a very close race till the very end between Turkey, Belgium and Russia
I love it when there's no runaway winner like that. Can't believe I missed it! Especially the bit where the Slovenian spokesperson 'left'. Hehe... classic Eurovision moment.

Almost as good as last year's Greek entry... I loved their dance. :D


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