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Who is Tino ?
Who is Tino ?I don't really get the use of Tino in mscl, I mean sometimes it really frustrates me the way his name is used without us knowing who he is etc. one of my friends told me that he thinks it's clever to do this and it makes him like a secret and undercover kinda guy.....what do you think ? I once saw this list of quotes from all the times his name was used and it was insane the amount there were seeing that we never actually got to see him...like at all ! Come on, bring on all the opinions etc !
Re: Who is Tino ?I think having Tino is cool, he's kinda like the guy that everyone knows, or at least wants to know. Very mysterious, etc...
Re: Who is Tino ?The whole Tino thing is kind of like this running joke on the show --- The fact that he's frequently referenced, but never seen. I think it was done very tastefully (They could have overdone it, but it wasn't, I don't believe.). I always laughed whenever those moments would pop up about Tino --- It was initially mysterious, but after you caught on it was very funny. Just another great touch from the makers of the show.
Re: Who is Tino ?I have to agree with oldguy, once you got the joke, it was really funny. I don't think it was overdone either. Tino was like a legend, everyone knew who he was and he drifted just outside of our reach. I mean, how many times did we just miss Tino?? I love the way the writers put him in there, he's an inside joke between the show and the audience. I'm sure other shows have them. I'm trying to think if there are any inside jokes on any of the shows I watch...hmmm.... oh well, it's too late for real thinking.
emmie Re: Who is Tino ?Yeah, it doesn't really frustrate me; it's just kind of funny when you think of how little you know; they don't even know if he's a student at Liberty! And it's funny; in Halloween Brian asks who he is; it's like you would just assume he would know. If you think about it, he kind of connects all of them. Rayanne gets Jordan to get Angela a fake ID, 'cause she knows him and Tino, and so she gets Jordan to go to Brian's house, and he thinks Tino is gonna be there...Tino has the band, and Angela gets to go to the practice...well I'm kind of babbling; I'm not sure what examples I was thinking of, but there are some. He just kind of allows things to happen.
Re: Who is Tino ?In MSCL many of the people important to the characters are people that you never see, namely Tino, Brians Family, Sharons Father, Rayannes Father, the cat and it goes on.
I feel that this help to create the reality of the show, in real life you don't know everyone your friends know, you don't always meet their parents. In hiding these people from us there it creates something you don't know about the characters. In most kids shows you are shown every important part of a persons life, everyone that is spoken about is seem, nothing is left to the imagination. A lot of the charm of the show is to do with what you don't know, what you can imagine for yourslef, this is why the show is seen differently by every viewer, and each viewer feels it is special for them Thanks Re: Who is Tino ?I personally like Tino, he's just that person everyone wants to know and I think that everyone knows someone like that. Does Angela ever see Tino? I think she might have but I can't think of a time when she does. So besides that fact that it's just this little joke between the audience and the characters maybe you don't see Tino because Angela never does and it's being told through Angela's point of view. And that one time it's through Brian's but he would have never seen Tino either.
Re: Who is Tino ?I have to say that all the replies to my first statement are from a side that I never thought about before, I mean there are always people who everyone knows at school etc, like cool people who you never see, but hear about at parties that you weren't at etc.
I think that he is actually a pupil at Liberty high because in the the episode when he drops out of the band that I watched today Rayanne mentions something about him never being at school---I can't remember exactly what she said, but it would make you think that he was a student. Anyway thanks to everyone who replied to my initial thing ! Sarah ![]() Re: Who is Tino ?I think we did see Sharon's father one time. It was in the episode titled "Strangers in the House"
when Sharon's dad, Andy Cherski, has a heart attack. When Camille Cherski is holding his hand while he's in the hospital bed and we can see it on the tv screen in the hospital waiting room. I may be wrong because I haven't seen this episode in a long time, but I think that's what happened. Re: Who is Tino ?i have to agree with all the people here. tino is great for an ongoing joke. in high school there is always that person who knows everybody, and is always behind those unforgetable, but stupid partys. i realy liked the point made by, umm, well i dont rember, but the point was how tino somehow connects everyone. atino is a great charecture idea, im glad they never showed who he was.
Re: Who is Tino ?For me, Tino really is neither here nor there. I can see how some viewers would get annoyed by never seeing a character so frequently mentioned. On the other hand, I can see the side that say..." He's the mystery guy...Everyone knows someone like that!". I do think it is a very creative peice of writing on the shows part. The only problem I see with Tino, is that had the show been renewed for a second, third, etc. season the creators of the show would have had to reveal Tino eventually. We all know that would have been a disappointment when they finally put a face with the name we have been wondering about for so long. Almost like they were digging a hole they couldn't easliy climb out of. Every MSCL fan probably has a different idea of who Tino is and what he is like and there is no way the writers could have lived up to our expectations. All in all, I think it is best that we are left wondering, "Who Is Tino?".
Re: Who is Tino ?Forgive me if I am wrong but in 'self-esteem' @ the end where Jordan is being encouraged by his mates to walk over to Angela (no audio other than Buffalo Tom) there is a guy there leaning against the locker holding a pair of drum sticks....like he is in 'Frozen Embryos'.....he has been in several other episodes as Jordan's mate and always seems to want Jordan to go with him whatever Jordan is doing (eg: talking to Angela)...however in the episode where Ryanne becomes (or tries to become) the lead singer for the band, in the rehersal where they are practising 'I wanna be sedated' there is a different drummer! Jordan also complains about Tino leaving the band because of arguments..... could the guy Jordan is always with...you know, the one with flicked out, shoulder length brown hair (but to my knowledge has never been called by a name) be TINO????? What are your comments????
Joanna barnstable79@hotmail.com Re: Who is Tino ?No, that guy always with Jordan is named Shane. He is played by Jared Leto's real life brother
Shannon Leto. Tino is never seen by us viewers, period. Re: Who is Tino ?Thanks for letting me know Lacy....I always wondered about him!!! I'm gonna have to go back to my videos and check out if they look similar!
![]() Re: Who is Tino ?Joanna, Shannon Leto (Shane) is in a few episodes but I think he's only credited in episodes
7 (Why Jordan Can't Read) and episode 12 (Self-Esteem) he's the guy in the end scene holding the drumsticks talking to Jordan. Who is onlineUsers browsing this forum: No registered users and 1 guest |