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Post by fnordboy » Aug 16th 2003, 10:20 pm

grim4746 wrote:
fnordboy wrote:Let's see...Canada..."grim" in the last name.... Ed. Ed Grimly! I knew it!! ;)
sounds good to me, you've inspired me to change my avatar. or maybe you've uncovered me so i thought i'd show my face.

Very cool avatar...I must say.

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Sep 16th 2003, 3:30 pm

sab wrote:Yeah, "sab" isn't really an exciting username :)

The only interesting thing is maybe that my two names actually mean the same: "Sascha" is just a russian nickname for "Alexander". My parents originally just wanted to name me "Sascha", but back in 1975, "Sascha" was not an allowed name for boys in Germany. So they had to find a second name (to make it clear on legal documents that I'm male)... quickly ... and all they came up with was "Alexander" :)
Sascha - is there a list of names that you are allowed to name your kids in Germany?
Natasha aka candygirl ::

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Post by Sascha » Sep 16th 2003, 6:25 pm

candygirl wrote:Sascha - is there a list of names that you are allowed to name your kids in Germany?
Not anymore. But a name can still be rejected if doesn't indicate the kid's sex (a middle name can be added then) or if the kid would probably be subject to humiliations in school or elsewhere. That stops parents naming their kids after cars or action figures...

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Post by Kalalily » Sep 16th 2003, 9:44 pm

It's my favorite flower....Spelt with a "K" is to personalize it with the first letter in my name.
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Post by JPP13 » Sep 16th 2003, 10:35 pm

Well, the JPP is my initials, because I'm too lazy to think of anything else.

The 13 is my ode to Dan Marino, the greatest QB of all time. Of course years ago, when I started posting places, I didn't realize that many people use their age as a number. Hence many thought I was 13. Which I'm not.

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Post by dTheater » Sep 19th 2003, 12:07 am

sab wrote:Not anymore. But a name can still be rejected if doesn't indicate the kid's sex (a middle name can be added then) or if the kid would probably be subject to humiliations in school or elsewhere. That stops parents naming their kids after cars or action figures...
Maybe it's a regional thing, but I can't recall having evet met anyone named Volkswagen.
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Post by Megs » Sep 19th 2003, 12:11 am

dTheater wrote:
sab wrote:Not anymore. But a name can still be rejected if doesn't indicate the kid's sex (a middle name can be added then) or if the kid would probably be subject to humiliations in school or elsewhere. That stops parents naming their kids after cars or action figures...
Maybe it's a regional thing, but I can't recall having evet met anyone named Volkswagen.
I've known of a few Porshe's. (Did I spell that right?)
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Sep 19th 2003, 1:00 am

Well if it's spelled Portia (as in the Shakespeare character in the Merchant of Venice), fine. But when it's Porsche, as in the car, ugh. Or Mercedes. Come on people! Would you name your kid Datsun or Oldsmobile?

P.S. I knew a girl in middle school named Michelin.

Natasha aka candygirl ::

Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer.
You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?

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Post by Chase Cat » Sep 19th 2003, 1:48 am

candygirl wrote:Well if it's spelled Portia (as in the Shakespeare character in the Merchant of Venice), fine. But when it's Porsche, as in the car, ugh. Or Mercedes. Come on people! Would you name your kid Datsun or Oldsmobile?

P.S. I knew a girl in middle school named Michelin.

Actually Mercedes is a Spanish women's name :). The cars are named after the daughter of Emil Jellinek, who was a rich and aristocratic German. He first put his faith and believe in automobiles and ordered the very early cars from Daimler-Benz. In races he used the name of his daughter as an alias name. Later the name was used for the team and finally the Daimler-Benz company took it as name for their cars. But today the name is also absolutely old-fashioned in Germany (maybe it is used in Spain?).

Really there are people called Porsche? Uh, how about Ferrari?

A nice example for a name which was forbidden in Germany is "Pepsi Carola" :lol: I'm not kidding.
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Post by starbug » Sep 19th 2003, 4:38 am

I've got a cousin named Madison...
My dad's reaction?

'Well, you may as well have called the child Detroit!'


A friend of mine is a teacher at a posh school in London and she taught a girl named 'Coco Fenelle'. Heheh.

Is it illegal in Germany to call your child Adolf? I'm genuinely curious...

I also have another cousin called Keegan. Which I'm sure is fine if you're American. But if you're British, you will endlessly have the mickey taken as Kevin Keegan is a football player/pundit with a disasterous 80s perm and who has exploited the market with such things as his autobiography and ridiculous pop song releases.

My cousins seem to think it is a traditional Irish name. Er yes. Surname. It's like calling your child Smith Jones. Kian is a traditional Irish first name.
Last edited by starbug on Sep 19th 2003, 4:42 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Post by starbug » Sep 19th 2003, 4:41 am

So how would you pronounce Porsche (spelt that way - I know how to say Portia) :?:

Being a brit I would say 'Porsh'. My mother, being an American, would say 'Porsh-a'.

And Michelin? That's really bad and just makes me think of spare tyres :D
How did she say it?
'Mi-ch-i-lin'? or 'Meesh-lan' (the french way).


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Post by Chase Cat » Sep 19th 2003, 4:59 am

starbug wrote:Is it illegal in Germany to call your child Adolf? I'm genuinely curious...
Actually not. But I haven't met any Adolfs, who are younger than 60. A former teacher of mine was called Adolf. He retired the year after we had him. I guess it was a quite popular name before Nationalsocialism. Maybe you wear some clothes or shoes from another "famous" Adolf from Germany. Adolf Dassler (died 1978) founded adidas (BTW his brother Rudolf was founder of Puma).
starbug wrote:So how would you pronounce Porsche (spelt that way - I know how to say Portia)

Being a brit I would say 'Porsh'. My mother, being an American, would say 'Porsh-a'.
It's pronounced like "Porsh-a". So there could be a similarity to Portia (?).
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Post by Nostradamus » Aug 3rd 2004, 11:02 pm

Is whitespy12's username taken from the Spy vs Spy cartoons? I used to love those...

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Post by MyLifeIsBrians » Nov 24th 2004, 11:58 pm

My name, MyLifeIsBrians, is in honor of Brian Krakow. When I made the name I think I was feeling like a geek or something and well Brian is a lot like me so it fits me well.
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Post by lance » Nov 28th 2004, 4:55 pm

MyLifeIsBrians wrote:My name, MyLifeIsBrians, is in honor of Brian Krakow. When I made the name I think I was feeling like a geek or something and well Brian is a lot like me so it fits me well.
Very cool. Brian was the one in the series I used to identify with. 10 years later I am closer to Angela.


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