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Post by Megs » Jun 30th 2003, 9:15 am

Thank you for elaborating. :wink:

I see a lot of good things in what you've told us. The meeting of eyes for longer than a glance, the jet ski, the good-bye hugs. I am not sure what to think about her basically telling you to leave... At first I thought the same as TomSpeed.

Hopefully you will get to hang out with her soon, and maybe it will be more intimate. Just the two of you.
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Post by andrewgd » Jun 30th 2003, 10:02 pm

Megs wrote:Hopefully you will get to hang out with her soon, and maybe it will be more intimate. Just the two of you.
My friend reminded me that this weekend is a holiday weekend. How fun would it be to spend it cuddled up under a blanket watching fireworks? :wink:

I really want to post a photo of her, cause she's soooo cuuuuute. But I said before, I try not to post my own personal info, and it wouldn't be right to post a photo of her. As much as I want to show you all how amazingly cute she is. :D
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Post by Megs » Jul 1st 2003, 9:03 am

Yeah, I will admit that I am dying of curiosity to see how cute this girl is. And what you look like, as well! :wink:

It would be perfect if you could spend the holiday watching fireworks together. How romantic!
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Post by Nothingman » Jul 1st 2003, 12:01 pm

The good part about not knowing what she looks like is it's easier not to be jealous. But seriously, I can totally relate to the attraction of her playing the guitar. That is one of those things that make me trip over my tongue. And if they can write and sing too, "Hi, I'm Ra..Ra..rafumaduhblabla, umm... hi!"
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Post by Megs » Jul 1st 2003, 12:04 pm

*Note to self*

Learn to play the acoustic guitar and write own music.

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Post by fnordboy » Jul 1st 2003, 12:56 pm

I swear everytime I open this thread I can not get the Archers of Loaf song out of my head.

"she's an indie rocker/and nothings going to stop her"

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Post by andrewgd » Jul 1st 2003, 1:40 pm

Megs wrote:Yeah, I will admit that I am dying of curiosity to see how cute this girl is. And what you look like, as well! :wink:
Well, maybe if we end up taking one together. Ok, everyone at once now, "Awwwww :) ".

Archers of Loaf? Never heard of them. Whats the name of the song?

And Megs, you don't have to learn to play your own stuff, just playing guitar is enough. :P Its partially the attraction to a talent like that, and its also part envy.
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Post by fnordboy » Jul 1st 2003, 2:36 pm

andrewgd wrote:Well, maybe if we end up taking one together. Ok, everyone at once now, "Awwwww :) ".

Archers of Loaf? Never heard of them. Whats the name of the song?

The song is called "Plumb Line" and it is off one of the best indie rock albums of all time, Icky Mettle

Archers of Loaf Info and sound samples (pay more attention to the earlier works, anythign below White Trash Heroes and the top album on the side). Unfortunately I can not find a sample of "Plumb Line".

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jul 1st 2003, 3:25 pm

And of course "South Carolina" by said Archers of Loaf was featured on MSCL!
Natasha aka candygirl ::

Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer.
You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?

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Post by andrewgd » Jul 1st 2003, 3:28 pm

fnordboy wrote:Unfortunately I can not find a sample of "Plumb Line".
S'what Kazaa is for. Of course, if I like it, I promise I'll buy it. :roll: :wink:

Oh, and I just realized a good incentive. If I end up hooking up with her, then I'll be able to take a photo of the two of us to put up. Of course, that'll only happen if all your advice doesn't suck :P . How's that for incentive? Of course, I'm joking (mostly! :P )

ps. anyone else not like the tounge smilie? Perhaps I should petition to change it, and submit my own...
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Post by andrewgd » Jul 5th 2003, 3:24 am

Ok, so I called her wednesday and asked if she wanted to get together for dinner and see if we could watch fireworks friday. She said her parents might have something going on, but she'd call Thurs. to let me know if she was free.

Her job sent her to NY (a 2 hour drive down and back), and I didn't hear from her Thurs. So I figured that was a pretty good signal that she wasn't even interested enough to get back to me.

Then Friday at two she IMed me "I'm sorry I never called you, but I was really tired last night. But my family's having people over. I have to go, juile's here. I'll ttyl" So I think I can finally say that the signal is no longer mixed.

So thats that. At this point, I think I've put in enough effort and made enough opportunities that she could have taken if she was even interested in doing anything even as a friend. I figure, if she wants to do something, she can call me, and then I'd really know that she wants to it, and isn't just doing it for fun. Although I absolutely hate it when girls do that (not call just because they want to see how long it takes for you to call them), I think it works in this situation.

So, unless something really suprising happens, I don't think we will (happen). I kinda doubt she'll even contact me just to hang out as friends, she hasn't thus far, but we'll see.

Its odd that someone can seem to have quite a bit of fun, and says so herself....but then seem fairly uninterested at other times.
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Post by fnordboy » Jul 5th 2003, 3:40 am

andrewgd wrote:So, unless something really suprising happens, I don't think we will (happen). I kinda doubt she'll even contact me just to hang out as friends, she hasn't thus far, but we'll see.

Its odd that someone can seem to have quite a bit of fun, and says so herself....but then seem fairly uninterested at other times.
Andrew, sorry to see things aren't working out as you had planned (hoped). You never know, something may still come of this, but it is also good that you have accepted that it may not, just in case.

People are weird, and women more so ;) :P. She might just be going through something right now, and eventually turn around and be interested. I have been in a similar situation before. You never know.

Since you met in IMs, look at the bright side..atleast she wasn't an axe murderer ....we think <gulp> :crazyeyes:

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Post by andrewgd » Jul 21st 2003, 3:58 pm

Not sure if anyone is interested anymore, but...

after the 4th, we'd IMed back and forth a little bit...not too much. But I mentioned that Bowling for Columbine was playing, and she said she had really wanted to see it. I asked if she wanted to go, and she told me "That'd be awsome."

We went, and it was fun. We got to talk about religion and a bit of politics on the way home, so it wasn't just boring small talk. Interesting bit when we got back home...I'll copy it from an IM session with a friend, since I already told him all of it:

I drove, and she left her car over here. When we got back, she had to leave right away cause shes going on a trip tomorrow. So we were going the usual, "Oh, had a good time" "Yeah" blah blah...standing a few feet apart. I think we both were getting ready for the goodbye hug, cause we'd kinda shrug towards eachother. I could see her do it a few times, but I never really started it myself. I was more interested to see what she'd do. Never did get the hug, but it was cuter seeing her kind of expect it. and just see her reaction to not hugging goodbye

Yesterday I showed her the new webcomic I colored, and I asked her when I could see some of her work. "I haven't showed you any yet??" She sent me a bunch of her work, and I was pretty impressed. Pretty good stuff.

I asked when she gets off of work, and she asked why. I told her it was cause I'd like to hang out more, and wondered when a good time to call was. She then mentioned that her friends were getting together sometime to play DDR, and asked if I wanted to come. :D So that was possibly one of the only times she actively asked me to do something. Felt good, even if it doesn't mean anything. She told me she'd call me when she knew details.

So maybe its not dead yet. We'll see. :P
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Post by Megs » Jul 21st 2003, 4:57 pm

Of course, we are still interested.

And, I shamefully love the fact that you didn't hug her, even when you sensed that was what she wanted. Hee. Make her want you more! :wink:
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Post by Nothingman » Jul 21st 2003, 6:04 pm

Hey Andrew. I can only speak for myself, but I’m still interested. I think we relationship folk were living vicariously through you throughout this whole journey, remembering our experiences dating and just enjoying the excitement that is a potential relationship. When things started to look down after you last post, it reminded all of us just how hard dating is. But anyway, back to you.

I get the impression from your post that both of you have started to shed the expectations people place on each other during those first few dates. In other words the pressure seems to be off and at least from your stand point you’re willing to let whatever happens, happen. This is healthy, especially since I’d guess neither of you care for the stereotypical model of dating. I’d say you’re in the “friends with potential” zone.

Good Luck
"To come to your senses, you must first go out of your mind." - Alan Watts

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