First 'date' exspierence 3/7/03 10:00 pm

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First 'date' exspierence 3/7/03 10:00 pm

Post by sid_barrett » Mar 7th 2003, 4:26 am

i hate to to do this, but...
i was at Dennys last week (realy, we dont normaly go there), and this girl walked up to are table. she proceeded to talk to me for almost 20 min, and asked for the old phone number, yaknow that whole boring routine. (allthough this has never happend to me, just assuming its boring for everyone else.) didnt give it much thought, no girl in there right mind would want to talk to me after the initial 20 min.
low and behold, 2 days later she calls. we talk, and talk, and talk, what in the world is going on here? shes smart, funny, a bit wild, somtimes dosnt make any sence, and swears...alot. so on wednesday she calls up, and being the very straight forward person she is says, 'pick me up, 20 minutes, dont be late.' i hastly scribble down the directions, make a panic phone call to the best friend asking what exactly do you do on the first "date" and hop in the car. of couse, i couldnt find the house, and by the time i do figure out what i wrote down, shes waiting in the drive way.
her, "where we going?" me, "um", her "mind if i smoke?" me, "well i dont normaly..."
anyway, we head across town to my little recording studio, just to hang out. she acts some what interested while i blab on about what certain things do, music, movies whatever. up to this point, im bit nervous, but talking freely, and constantly pacing. a bad habbit, only do it when im nervous or on the phone. she sits down on the couch, taking off her jacket and shoes. let me tell ya, for it being so cold out side, her clothes were a bit... revealing. i decide to sit, on the oposite side of course, trying to play it cool. thats when the trouble started. if anyone mentions sex, i blush and fade into the shadows, maybe i just dont understand the concept, or its all the horrible moments ive had
she just launches into it, when, where, how many times all that crap. suddenly, im speachless, and the little devil is just sprawled out on hte couch, watching her prey squrim helplessly. what happened during the next 45 mins, cant realy be described here, but lets say the morals were put to a full test.
after she settled down, we had a genuin, sencier conversation. it was great, there was a connection, i actually made eye contact. we made plans to see eachother again, hoped in the car, drove back to her place.
this afternoon, i arrived at the studio, did the normal bs, witch includes checking the messages on the machine. 2nd one is the her. in a low voice she utters "hey, i guess you dont ever have to call me again, later." WTF!!!!!! i mean, i didnt put much faith in this thing at all, im not all that pissed off, but it seems now that im the bad guy. the even strainger thing is, she calls here, askes for me, and when i pick up the phone, she hangs up before i even say hello. if any one has any advice, please pass it my way.
p.s. sorry about all the spelling, obviously, i cant spell.
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Post by mglenn » Mar 7th 2003, 10:31 am

OK I know how hard this advice will be to take and I understand that you WILL ignore it, so anyway here it is: RUN!!! Run as far from this girl as you can! You'll will find the whole situation stimulating because you are always thinking about it, but if you stop, you'll realize that its causing you nothing but pain.

To parallel the story I was out at the bar 3 years ago with a bunch of friends, frighteningly enough I was also 25 at the time. Anyway a friend of a friend brought a girl along. To say I was drooling would be an understatement. But I'm told she has a guy, so I drink my beer and talk to my friends. So she gets up and starts dancing, our table is right beside the dance floor. (Don't stare, Don't stare, Don't Stare... s**t I'm staring!! :oops: ) So out of the blue she walks over and says "So I hear you've been asking about me." Rico "Project Manager" Swava 8) kicks in "Maybe..." "Well then why don't you get your ass up here and dance with me?" :shock: "....ok...."

Lust Blinders Engaged Captain!
Routing all function through secondary brain!

Turns out she lived with a guy and that they had almost got married but then called it off. I spent the next two years of my life alternating between having all out fights with her and having some of the most intense situations that I can't discuss around my mother. You see she was everything I thought I wanted, except that she spoke! And don't think I'm being a male pig here, cause when she spoke the most instulting and profoundly dumb things would come from her lips. My friends HATED her. And when she would ask me why they didn't like her I made the stupid mistake of telling her the truth. Which would lead to a whole nother fight because I didn't defend her, which would lead to stupid mistake number two I would explain that I agreed with them.

Now on my friends side of the situation, I am going to be a male pig here, they would say that they hated her but admit that she was a looker. Which feeds your ego because you want to impress your friends that you can get a girl that they might be a bit jeolous of.

Which leads to my point that the whole situation is a self-destructive circle that spirals to the depths of hell. I see alot of the same traits in your story that I remember very clearly from my own. I wish I could tell you something to convince you of it. But I also know that next to nothing could sway me from the path I was on. And I admit that in the end I learned alot about myself and I am now much more confident around women, (Translation: I can actually speak to them.)
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Post by lance » Mar 7th 2003, 11:31 am


I am not the best person for personal advice...

but I agree with Mglenn, run do not walk. She sounds like she has serious issues.


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Post by Megs » Mar 7th 2003, 11:40 am

Yeah. She sounds pyscho. :shock:

I had a bit of a problem following your saga. I could tell you're very heated.

Anyway, I agree with M and L. Stay away.
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Post by TomSpeed » Mar 7th 2003, 12:24 pm

I agree with the others -- she sounds like a crazy woman. No one should tell his or her life story, esp. his or her sexual history, during a first meeting. That's weird. She has issues and she might or might not want you involved in them for all of the wrong reasons.

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Post by K-man » Mar 7th 2003, 2:10 pm

Even though I have never EVER been approached by a girl I would agree with the studio audience and say lose her. She only sounds like trouble. (I guess being horribly ugly and repulsive has an upside. It keeps the psychos away)
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Post by fnordboy » Mar 7th 2003, 2:34 pm

Well just to be different, try to get back together :)

Seriously though, run for your life! I have had my share of the crazy ones, granted the crazier they are the better they are in some situations, but they can't function in the everday world and they make your life a living hell. Believe me.

Avoid her at all costs.

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Mar 7th 2003, 3:58 pm

Run like hell. And block her phone number!


Sad to say that some chicks merit that kind of defensive behavior, but there it is.
Natasha aka candygirl ::

Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer.
You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?

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Post by sid_barrett » Mar 9th 2003, 3:20 am

thanks so much every one!!! again sorry to blow up like that. BTW, i have taken your advice and dropped her. turns out that there was some obscene message left on her machine, and she thinks i left it. i kindly said have a nice life and left it at that. mglenn, great story. thanks :D :D :D
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Post by GaryEA » Mar 9th 2003, 3:58 pm


I'm coming into this late (obviously), but I just wanted to say that I'm glad, for you, that it worked out and she's out of the picture. It sounds like she's the type that really needs to figure a lot of stuff before she hops back on to the dating scene.

Not being biased mind you, guys do it too. All the time, and then they have that deer in the headlights look on their face when it goes sour.

Sounds to me that she needed far more than you could have ever have given her, and would give little in return. Hey - you deserve better than that.

Oh yeah, and block her number or get caller ID. No really. She knows where you work.


p.s. Denny's, huh? Thank goodness we don't have a lot of them around here... :)

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Post by lance » Mar 9th 2003, 10:34 pm

sid_barrett wrote:thanks so much every one!!! again sorry to blow up like that. BTW, i have taken your advice and dropped her. turns out that there was some obscene message left on her machine, and she thinks i left it. i kindly said have a nice life and left it at that. mglenn, great story. thanks :D :D :D

No problem buddy, eveyone needs to vent at some time or another. I am glad that we could be of some help.


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Post by Megs » Mar 10th 2003, 10:33 am

sid_barrett wrote:thanks so much every one!!! again sorry to blow up like that. BTW, i have taken your advice and dropped her. turns out that there was some obscene message left on her machine, and she thinks i left it. i kindly said have a nice life and left it at that. mglenn, great story. thanks :D :D :D
No need to apologize. That's what we're here for.

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Post by mglenn » Mar 10th 2003, 10:36 am

Yup... don't worry about it... This site is as much about Our So-Called Lives as it is about "My So-Called Life"....

And you will all listen to me when I talk about my life, cause I'm special, I'm a nice person, and gosh darnit people like me! :lol:
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