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Illness of a memberIllness of a memberHey all,
Just wanted to put this out there. Please keep good thoughts/prayers for Mek. He went into cardiac arrest this morning at 1:00 am EST. He is currently in ICU at a local hospital. I will update the board as things settle out. Needless to say, this is not a good day here in lanceland. Best, Lance Man Lance,
Really sorry to hear that ![]() Thoughts and good wishes to Mek. Starbug --------------------------------------------- http://www.urban-hills.blogspot.com ---------------------------------------------
Me too! TomSpeed
Patty: If Rayanne's not seeing you, and we're not seeing you, who is seeing you? Graham: And how much of you? Angela: Dad! Graham: Oh, I'm sorry! I asked a question about your life, didn't I? Woah, what came over me? http://www.last.fm/user/TomSpeed/
updateHey all,
megs, tom speed, fnordboy, starbug and candygirl Thanks all for your support. Received an update, he is awake and alert and off breathing support. This is good news. He is being kept overnight in ICU. Tonight it is lizard patrol for me. Mek has several spunky lizards who need to be fed. So off to Petsmart. Keep the good thoughts coming and I will keep you up to speed, not Tom Speed, but ya know. Best, Lance Man[/b]
Re: updateGreat news! Thanks for the update Lance. Megs, Thanks I really, really appreciate it. I saw Mek last night he was doing okay. He is still in ICU put he is alert and mostly back to his normal self. He is just gearing to get out of there. As many of you may know you just can't rest in hospitals, especially in ICU. You start to fall asleep and a nurse comes in for a blood sample. You start to fall asleep and someone is paging for a doctor. You start to fall asleep and the automatic blood pressure device kicks in clamping down on your arm. You start to fall asleep... Well you get the idea. ![]() He does send his regards and his thanks to all of you. Continued best, Lance Man Hey, Lance, That's what we're here for. We got a great little community here. Thank you for keeping us updated on Mek. I am still thinking and praying for you both! Meg "I have all these dreams where I know exactly what to say. And you tell me, you know, that you forgive me."
Please pass along my well wishes to Mek for a speedy recovery and a fast return home. And I hope you're holding up strong. Hang in there, guy! No, hospitals are NOT for sleeping, even though nurses, doctors and family members will always say "Get some rest" as they're walking out of the room. They mean well but it's almost impossible. I know when I was the unwilling guest of a major hospital in Manhattan, the only thing that was allowing me to sleep for more than twenty minutes at a time was the heavy medication, medication so strong that I understood the end of "2001: A Space Odyssey" when I watched it on my second night there (I forgot what it meant by the morning). If I didn't have that (the drugs, not the movie), I would have been up the whole time. Lance's description is letter-perfect... someone or something will always wake you up. Of course, you're in a hospital, so you're naturally going to be tense, uncomforatable, and wondering what the hell got you there in the first place. But it would be really keen if you could have those really quiet rooms you see in the movies... My best to the both of you. And the lizards... ![]() Gary I certainly will. I am bit tired but holding up.
LOL! (about the 2001 not that you were in a hospital) You understood the end? Yet, you lost it the next morning. Pity, now unless major surgery is going to be performed, we will never understand the ending of 2001. ![]() I always advised people who are about to be anesthesitized to have a paper and pen at hand so you can write down the first thoughts that occur to you when you wake up. Back in ohh, '91 I got my wisdom extracted and tried this. I wrote the following in my delirum, "Mom, yogi has stolen my picnic basket." Gary, Thanks again for your support, and wry wit. Mek has been moved to a regular hospital room. He might be released within the next couple of days. Less monitors, tubes and such so this is a good sign. He sends his thanks to all of you at the forum. Best, Lance Man Take care of yourself, Lance. It's good to know that Mek has such a caring friend to help him through this. That is a very good sign, thank you so much for keeping us updated. My father had a heart attack at an early age, and all I remember is that we were not allowed to see him (after his quadruple bypass surgery) until after he had all those scary tubes removed. I am thankful that my mom didn't want us to see my dad when he was that vulnerable. Now, go take care of yourself and get some rest. ![]() "I have all these dreams where I know exactly what to say. And you tell me, you know, that you forgive me."
That must have been extremely difficult to get through. Thanks for sharing that. Yes mam! Off to fun and recreational activities. Best, Lance Man No problem my friend. FANTASTIC! That is great news. You can skip the surgery (in fact, I HIGHLY recommend that you skip the surgery), just use morphine in an IV drip for two weeks. Works like a charm, but it makes for lousy memories. And believe me, the one thing I DO remember is how much my theory about the ending made sense when the film ended. The film was less of a mystery. Blew everything I ever learned in film school to shame. Odd thing was that I had a paper and pen right next to me, but I couldn't reach it. Instead, I tried to call my friend from film school, but I couldn't reach the phone either, and even if I got it, I couldn't remember the number or see the buttons. Dammit, I should've had a nurse take a memo...
![]() Something happened to you when you were a kid, lance? ![]() Gary
Last edited by GaryEA on Feb 20th 2003, 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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