Discussion for Episode 6: the Substitute

General discussion about the nineteen episodes of "My So-Called Life". Note: Our episode guide can be found here.
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Re: Discussion for Episode 6: the Substitute

Post by Cami A. » Oct 29th 2008, 7:37 am


This is fun!
I'm game for some episode discussions :). Monny is sure to be interested too. You should look at the thread "About Angela" too. Monny and I had a pretty good ongoing convo in that thread a few months back. I'll also try to get my friend Kenny back in the game, she's great at analyzing and discussing the show.

Yeah. Even the stuff we don't like that much we have to appreciate. The writing is pure gold. I loved the point you made about Jordan and Rayanne relating because they don't like establishment, and Angela relating to Racine because she was in a stage of rebellion.

I also thought it was interesting that Graham thought Racine was cool when he met him--he says that to Patty--but I don't think Patty agreed... What is it about Graham that allowed him to see the "coolness" that the kids saw vs. Patty who seems to see him as more of a tool...

Sorry. Not sure if I'm making any sense--it's 4:35am here.

Glad to have u back, pal. Is married life still treating you well?
I think it's so cool that you are a teacher!
If I were a teacher I would totally want to be cool like Vic and throw crappy poems out the window! The one thing I thought was really corny was that "fable" Angela wrote lol. But I'll have to admit just the sound of the "Oak Tree Poem" is lame....
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Re: Discussion for Episode 6: the Substitute

Post by MonnyUK2 » Oct 29th 2008, 8:28 am

Camy and Dave,
Thanks for the welcome back Cami.lol! Check out the 'About Angela' discussion we had Dave. We covered much ground. I would be up for some episode discussions. I love talking and analysing this show because as there were only 19 episodes it all we have. Dave check out the 'continuation' section of the fanfiction on this site. There are great stories writtten about what might have happened next. I have two stories myself but there are loads of other great ones.

In terms of my favourite episode Dave then it would be between the last episode or the 'Life of Brian'. I am massive Krakow fan and well the end of 'In Dreams' gets me swearing at the TV everytime, lol! Many poeple who wrote on this site prefered 'Self Esteem' becuase it is where Angela and Jordan finally get it on. I liked this episode but I think the female fans prefer it than men. I could be wrong.

The substitute isn't one of my favourites either but I wouldn't say it was rubbish. I have to disagree with cami, lol! I love the Fable and the oak tree. It shows that Angela is very clever but she is going through a stage where she wants to rebel and not be such a swat. In 'Self -Esteem' she does say it is easy to hide away as bots like answering all the questions. Maybe this is why unlike Brian, Angela isn't really known as clever and she isn't noticed and 'blends in' like Ricky points out in 'The Zit'.

I am here everyday guys looking to see what is posted so keep your ideas and thoughts coming.

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Re: Discussion for Episode 6: the Substitute

Post by HeyDave » Oct 30th 2008, 12:10 pm

Hey guys,

I will check out the about Angela string. I'm at work now,so I don't have time to write. Talk to you tonight.


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Distribution of The Lit

Post by Stick » Dec 30th 2008, 4:44 pm

(I know I keep going back to my school but bear with me) I'm not surprised that the students would also distribute a paper written by the students. Our school paper (The Published Mind or something) is dropped off at the office and handed out by random kids who come in asking for copies.

Back to the episode: As a fan of The Dead Poets Society I was initially put off by this episode. It just seemed like TDPS with Mike Damone in place of Robin Williams. Thankfully, the rest of the episode saved itself. What seemed like a "very special episode" about inspirational teachers turning Liberty students around turned about to be another brilliant episode that shows Angela growing up and maturing.

As for Brain's reactions to Vic, I probably would have acted the same way.

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Re: Discussion for Episode 6: the Substitute

Post by Abbaloushka » Jan 24th 2009, 11:00 am

About Brian's reaction to the substitute- I was kind of a Brian in high school, and I think one of the key things to remember about him is while he is very smart, he seems to be more scientific than literary. Sure, he understands the reading and can answer the teacher's questions in every subject, but I don't think he'll go to a liberal arts college. So back when someone said Brian will experience college profs way more out there than Vic, I'm not sure that's true (it wasn't for me as a bio major). I think being creative is a challenge for Brian, and it's probably hard to see other people be smart in a way that he has to work at. (Kind of like me reading here; I don't get stuff near as well as all of you!)

As far as Angela's non-suspension, it continues the trend of Angela wanting to be "bad" but being rejected by the one person who can give her that. When she tries to go back to Jordan and say ok, let's sleep together then (in Guns and Gossip, episode 3) he turns her down; when she does something that carried a specific threat from Foster, he chooses not to punish her (episode 6). It kind of represents the drama and lack of payoff that high school always brought; you thought something really big was going to happen but then it just fizzles. This is echoed by Jordan in Halloween (episode 9)- what if you didn't show up and something did happen? Then of course, in episode 10, the drama does happen, Rayanne almost dies, and it's too much for Angela. It changes their friendship, permenantly.
I mean, that, uh, poem? That oak tree poem? That was yesterday. What are you going to write today?

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Re: Discussion for Episode 6: the Substitute

Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jan 24th 2009, 9:35 pm

Abbaloushka wrote:About Brian's reaction to the substitute- I was kind of a Brian in high school, and I think one of the key things to remember about him is while he is very smart, he seems to be more scientific than literary. Sure, he understands the reading and can answer the teacher's questions in every subject, but I don't think he'll go to a liberal arts college. So back when someone said Brian will experience college profs way more out there than Vic, I'm not sure that's true (it wasn't for me as a bio major). I think being creative is a challenge for Brian, and it's probably hard to see other people be smart in a way that he has to work at. (Kind of like me reading here; I don't get stuff near as well as all of you!).
I'm not sure. I think that Brian is able to see the beauty and symbolism in lit. When they (the unsupervised English class) is discussing Kafka, Brian explains to Jordan, "Cause he's a giant cockroach. And they, like, they can't handle it. They're, like, repulsed, so...they, um, abuse him, they, they they starve him, but what it seems like when you're reading it, is that, um, he dies from loneliness."

Later when they discuss Shakespeare with Mr. Katimsky, Brian not only understands the meaning of the sonnet but is able to explain it in words that other teenagers can understand: "She's not just a fantasy. She's got like -- flaws. She's real."

What these two examples say to me are that Brian doesn't always take things literally or at surface value. He is able to understand the underlying meaning, as well as explain these concepts to his peers in a way that they can understand (compare this to him babbling to Delia: "And so in conclusion, I guess the truth is that I can't, you know, um work like twenty-four hours a day. All work and no play, or whatever."

I think that there is a good chance Brian will go to a liberal arts college so that he can triple major in a bunch of non-related things in the hopes of getting into graduate school. The reason I say this is that he likes to keep his options open, he likes to be as prepared as possible (see: playing multiple instruments so that he can get into a good college), and I kind of hope that this will be his way of passive-aggressively driving his parents insane.


In addition, a lot of prestigious schools are considered liberal arts schools, which means that Brian will be forced to take normal non-science/non-math classes like freshman English and his gen ed requirements, which means there is a good chance that he will experience a professor even more out there than Vic (and honestly, although Vic seems out there for a high school teacher, he's pretty tame, like the Disney version of rebellion). In fact, now that I think about it, I know college science professors who were way weirder than Vic!
Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com

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Re: Discussion for Episode 6: the Substitute

Post by majesty » Mar 19th 2009, 8:39 pm

I forgot to mention this, but I think the best part of this episode is Angela's second poem. I think she has a real talent for writing. :D I wish it was something the show had time to explore.

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Re: Discussion for Episode 6: the Substitute

Post by Kbranagh » Jun 23rd 2020, 7:04 am

What a strong episode!
That Vic Racine is amazing, i wish they extended his role maybe in two episode because he was
very well written!
His influence on the students and mostly on Angela it was very compelling to watch, it's bring out a new side of Angela free from all the boyfriends drama that allowed her to shine more than ever!! What a refreshing episode.
As always all The dynamics with Angela and Brian are gold and for once not romantically oriented. The music of W.G Snuffy Walden keeps getting better and better, the cue in the background when Rickie read the Angela's poem gives me the chills every time! i watched that scene and the montage sequence so many times in the last 10 days.

Grade: A/B
"Or something'

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