I DARE you to fill this out.

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Post by sid_barrett » Feb 22nd 2003, 4:13 am


Name: Michael
Location: Ohio
Place of birth: Ohio
Date of birth: Feb. 6, 1978
Current age: 25
Occupation: Just lost my job of 13 years, unemployment here i come
Height: 5'8
Weight: 180
Hair colour: blond
Eye colour: blue
Skin tone: nice and pale
Distinguishing marks: smug nose, small mouth, bad teeth
Siblings: twin brother, excellent teeth
Pets: Mao and Veta, cute little hell raising kittens
Hobbies: Comics, lots and lots of movies, pretending to know how to play music, Magic the Gathering CCG, still practice Track and field to stay in shape.

Animal: Cats.
Colour: Blue
Book: American Psycho, 2001: a Space Odyssey
Magazine: Tape Op, Inquest
Play: any shakespear
Season: fall
Holiday: dont care much for any holiday
Number: 3
Car: any Saab, dont know why
President: Garfield, lived right down the street from here.
Smell: sent of a women, yea thats pretty stupid.
City: Chicago, wish i lived there
Country: Germany, cant wait to go back
Name: Sid and Elizabeth, or Chase
Friend: there all great
Clothing: thrift store specials, dark and baggy
Breakfast food: whats breakast?
Lunch food: anything with bread on the top and bottom
Dinner food: any pasta and sause
Dessert: chocolate or strawberry shake
Snack: bread, rye with a bit of butter
Fruit: apples
Vegetable: peppers, peas
Pie: banana cream
Candy: heath bars
Healthy food: good old salad, water
Resteraunt: never eat out
Day of the week: monday
Month: october
Sport: Baseball, other sports mean nothing to me
Game: Magic the Gathering CCG, Asherons Call online
Time of day: between 2 and 5 am, the world seems to stop

*~*All about You*~*

Most happy moment: there have been some good ones, nothing id like to discuss atm
Most sad moment: haveing to put Zach to sleep, poor kitty.
Most angry moment: getting dumped after 4 years of bending over backwords and trying my best.
Most confusing moment: every time i look into the sky, its goes on forever....
Most embarrasing moment: too many to list
Most regretful moment: 1996-2000
Most sinful moment: sinful? evey time i go into a store, shoplifting is addictive
Most dirty moment: this question confusses me.

*~*This or That*~*

Pizza or Hamburger: pizza
Coke or : was unaware of any other pop or soda
Ice cubes or Crushed: no ice please
Rain or Sunshine: rain
Pop music or Rock music: good old rock
Newspaper or TV news: newspaper
Bicycle or Skateboard: bike
Snowboarding or Skateboarding: suck at both
Fake tans or natural skin: tans are nasty
N*sync or Backstreet Boys: no comment
UK music or American music: UK
MTV or VH1: both stink
The Simpsons or South Park: simpsons
Tony Blair or George Bush: n/a
North Pole or South Pole: north.
CDs or Cassettes: CDs
Books or Mags: Books
Bracelets or Necklaces: bracelets
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Washing the dishes or taking out garbage: garbage

*~*Hot or Not*~*
Boy bands:not
Eye glitter: ick
Tanning beds: ""
Platform shoes: not
Pop singers: not
Black lipstick: not
Animal backpacks: not
Studded belts: not
Tube tops: not
TV show Friends: sick
TV show Dawson's Creek: not

*~*TV shows*~*
Best TV show ever: My So-Called Life, Lois and Clark, News Radio
Best cartoon: Batman
Best drama: My So- Called Life, Soprano's
Best comedy: News Radio
Best channel: ABC
Most educational channel: History
Most funny show: see above
TV show with hottest actors: no comment
TV show with uglist actors: ""
Show you want to stay forever: all the ones ive watched that have been cancelled
Show you want thrown to the garbage: reality tv, MTV
Show you would never watch: too many
TV show that is your guilty secret: cant think of one
Best current movie: Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers
Best movie of all time: 2001: A Space Odyssey
Favourite actor: Robet DeNiro
Favourite actress: Thora Birch
Favourite soundtrack: Star Wars: A New Hope
Favourite scene: The end of @001 when Dave sees himself getting older, phot booth scene in Buffalo 66
Most disgusting movie: Salo, wow!
Most funny movie: Ferris Bullers Day Off
Most romantic movie: When Harry Met Sally, Jerry Magwire
Most scary movie: the Shining,

Movie you loved as a kid: Iron Eagle
Movie you absolutely hate: Chasing Amy
Actor you hate:
Actress you hate:
Movie that describes your life: Taxi Driver
Best director: Stanley Kubrick, George Lucas
Movies you want to see: Gangs of New York


Best male artist: Lou Reed
Best female artist: dont realy have one
Favourite instrument: Bass
Favourite CD: Velvet Underground: White Light, White Heat. thats an unfair question.
CDs you want to buy next: not sure
Worst band ever: Limp Bizcut

*~*Your Future*~*
Who is your dream husband/wife? dont know, but i hope to meatn them
Who is your ideal husband/wife? ""
Do you want kids? sure
If yes, how many? ??
What will you name them? Sid, and Chase
Where do you want to live? Chicago, Germany, or right here
What's your dream job? Movie directore
Do you want to be rich? not realy, if i can eat im good
Do you want to retire early? hard to say
Name 3 things you want to do before you die: make a movie, travel the world, save a life.
Worst way to die: drowning
Best way to die peacefully: asleep
How would you want to be remembered: i doubt anyone will realy care

*~*Silly random questions*~*

10 words to describe yourself: shy, quiet, outsider, self doubting, bla bla
Will the sky fall one day? would be an interesting exspierence
Things you don't like in people: shallowness, always concerned with image
Do you love people or animals more? people cause they can talk i guess
Are you a vegetarian? nope
Do you exercise everyday? yep
Are you afraid of being fat? i guess
Are you popular in school? i had my moments, and my brother new everybody
Do you hate your neighbor? never met them
Have you ever hurt someone? yes, been in a few stupid fights, and have hurt a few feelings.
Have you ever been out of your country? yes
Do you speak more than 1 language? yes
Ever kissed someone? yes
That's not a family member? yes
Have you ever been really sick? yes
Do you like or hate school? like, when its interesting to me
Who was your first crush? Elizabeth, fell hard
Isn't life super? ummm...
What is the date today? 22
Do you like seeded grapes? indeed
"...and I said ' oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what a feeling'"

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Post by Nostradamus » Feb 23rd 2003, 7:06 pm

It has come to my attention that "animal backpacks" may refer to animal-shaped bags for humans, rather than human style backpacks for domestic pets. In that event, I amend my previous answer to reflect my belief that "animal backpacks" can be kinda cute, on the right person. :wink:

Part Seven of my response:

*~*TV shows*~*

Best TV show ever: Couldn't quite say.
Best cartoon: Daria
Best drama: Tie: Star Trek: DS9; MSCL
Best comedy: The Simpsons
Best channel: Ehh? <shrug>
Most educational channel: The Discovery Channel of the mid '90s (before it became the Grisly Murder Channel -- yuck.)
Most funny show: South Park (There is a difference between the funniest and the best comedy.)
TV show with hottest actors: ST: DS9 -- Nana Visitor, Terry Farrell, Chase Masterson, and Nicole deBoer on one set -- yum! :D
TV show with uglist actors: Uhh...
Show you want to stay forever: First few years of X-Files.
Show you want thrown to the garbage: Garbage is too classy; some TV shows are trash.
Show you would never watch: If I don't watch it, how do I know it's trash?
TV show that is your guilty secret: Now And Again -- the plot had more holes than Swiss cheese, but it was so much fun! :D
I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.
-- Clarence Darrow

I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.
-- Mark Twain

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Post by sid_barrett » Feb 24th 2003, 3:18 am

Nostradamus wrote:Show you would never watch: If I don't watch it, how do I know it's trash?
"...and I said ' oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what a feeling'"

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Re: I DARE you to fill this out.

Post by So-Called Angel » Feb 26th 2003, 8:55 am


Name: So-Called Angel!!!
Location: Australia
Place of birth: Australia
Date of birth:
Current age:
Occupation: Mother
Height: 5'4
Weight: About 60 kilos - Don't do pounds!
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Light green
Skin tone: Pretty tanned - I tan easily
Distinguishing marks: A few birthmarks and probably my eyes. People tell me I have unusual eyes
Siblings: Older brother
Pets: Cuddles (dog), Beavy and Belle (cats), Squeak and Batman (guinea pigs), Rabbit (rabbit), Chook, Nugget, Chasseur, Schnitzel, Foghorn and Leghorn (chickens).
Hobbies: Reading, going to the movies, watching T.V, spending time with my husband and two kids


Animal: Cats.
Colour: Pink
Book: Most romance novels - hey, give me a break, I've been married for nearly 10 years!
Magazine: Don't read them - too many ads.
Play: The Sound of Music
Season: Autumn
Holiday: Christmas.
Number: 4
Car: Mercedes station wagon - haven't got one but I want one.
Celebrity: --
President: Don't have any in this country, and even we did, I'd say none because all politicians are wankers.
Smell: Don't know, but the worst would have to be my 2 year old's dirty nappies!
City: London
Country: Malta
Name: The names I chose for my kids.
Friend: My friends are all great.
Clothing: Something comfortable - namely trakky daks and a t-shirt!
Breakfast food: Grilled bacon, with fried tomatoes and eggs and baked beans.
Lunch food: Anything with smoked salmon in it.

Dinner food: Chicken
Dessert: Creme brulee
Snack: Potato chips, Mrs Field's cookies and brownies.
Fruit: Cherries, Mangoes
Vegetable: Brussel sprouts - I'm serious!
Pie: Blueberry with King Island double cream
Candy: M&M's
Healthy food: ?????
Restaurant: Does McDonald's count?
Day of the week: Saturday
Month: December coz of Christmas
Sport: I suppose if I had to choose I'd say figure skating - as in watching on TV
Game: --
Time of day: Whenever food is involved

*~*All about You*~*

Most happy moment: Taking our premmie baby home after she spent the first three months of her life in hospital
Most sad moment: Our baby being born too early.
Most angry moment: --
Most confusing moment: --
Most embarrasing moment: --
Most regretful moment: --
Most sinful moment: Boring people don't sin!
Most dirty moment: Cleaning the oven every couple of months

*~*This or That*~*

Pizza or Hamburger: Pizza
Coke or Sprite: Coke
Ice cubes or Crushed: Crushed
Rain or Sunshine: I like both
Pop music or Rock music: Pop
Newspaper or TV news: TV news
Bicycle or Skateboard: Neither
Snowboarding or Skateboarding: Neither.
Fake tans or natural skin: Natural.
N*sync or Backstreet Boys: They both suck!
UK music or American music: US
The Simpsons or South Park: The Simpsons
Tony Blair or George Bush: Neither
North Pole or South Pole: What's the difference - I'd freeze my ass off either way.
CDs or Cassettes: CDs.
Books or Mags: Books.
Bracelets or Necklaces: Neither - don't like jewellery much.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Washing the dishes or taking out garbage: Dishes - I've got a dishwasher

*~*Hot or Not*~*
Boy bands: Not.
Eye glitter: Not
Tanning beds: Not
Platform shoes: Not
Pop singers: They're O.K
Black lipstick: Not
Animal backpacks: Not
Studded belts: Not
Tube tops: Not
TV show Friends: Not
TV show Dawson's Creek: NOT

*~*TV shows*~*
Best TV show ever: My So-Called Life
Best cartoon: Road runner
Best drama: My So Called Life, ER
Best comedy: Will and Grace
Best channel: --
Most educational channel: --
Most funny show: Rove Live - In Oz only I think
TV show with hottest actors: Will and Grace
TV show with ugliest actors: Becker
Show you want to stay forever: My So-Called Life
Show you want thrown to the garbage: Survivor, Big Brother
Show you would never watch: Survivor
TV show that is your guilty secret: Sweet Valley High :oops:

Best current movie: LOTR TTT
Best movie of all time: My Best Friend's Wedding, Toy Story 1&2, Back To The Future
Favourite actor: Viggo Mortensen
Favourite actress: Winona Ryder
Favourite soundtrack: Streets of Fire :oops:
Favourite scene: The part in LOTR TFOTR towards the end where Aragorn lets Frodo go and he turns around to face the orcs and he puts the sword up in front of him in slow motion - I love that bit!
Most disgusting movie: --
Most funny movie: Bridget Jones's Diary
Most romantic movie: Mansfield Park
Most scary movie: I don't watch them because I get scared. I tend to just sit there hiding behind my husband while he says "Watch, watch"

Movie you loved as a kid: Black Beauty
Movie you absolutely hate: The Silence of the Lambs
Actor you hate: Jack Nicholson, Christian Slater, and that guy that plays Anakin Skywalker.
Actress you hate: --
Movie that describes your life: MSCL - I know it's not a movie but the similarities are there
Best director: Peter Jackson
Movies you want to see: LOTR The Return Of the King!


Best male artist: --
Best female artist: --
Favourite instrument: Drums
Favourite CD: Fragma "Toca"
Worst band ever: Kiss, Hayzee Fantayzee (not sure how it's spelt)
Worst CD ever: Anything by Kylie "I have teeth bigger than a horse" Minogue
Worst female and male ever: As above and Marilyn(he was around in the 80's)
Favourite song: Heaven Can Wait - Sandra
Worst song: Anything by Billy Joel

*~*Your Future*~*
Who is your dream husband/wife The one I've got - he is my real life Jordan Catalano
Who is your ideal husband/wife? As above.
Do you want kids? I already have some
If yes, how many? I have two - one of each
What will you name them? I already have!!!
Where do you want to live? Wherever my family is
What's your dream job? I know this going to sound corny but, truth is, I love being a mum
Do you want to be rich? YES
Do you want to retire early? N/A
Name 3 things you want to do before you die: See my kids grow up, become a grandmother, grow old gracefully!
Worst way to die: dying is dying - it sucks any which way
Best way to die: peacefully in sleep
How would you want to be remembered: Fondly, I guess.

*~*Silly random questions*~*

10 words to describe yourself: shy, honest, perfectionist, stress too easily
Will the sky fall one day? I bloody hope not
Things you don't like in people: dishonesty, arrogance, violence, smart asses, ignorance
Do you love people or animals more? I love both
Are you a vegetarian? No
Do you exercise everyday? What's exercise ? :shock:
Are you afraid of being fat? Not really
Are you popular in school? I was just an average person in school, I didn't stand out in the crowd
Do you hate your neighbor? No! She's a really sweet old lady
Have you ever hurt someone? Physically? No. but emotionally, yes.
Do you try and help people out in need? Yes, though not as often as I should.
Have you ever been out of your country? Yes
Do you speak more than 1 language? Yes
Ever kissed someone? Yes.
That's not a family member? Yes.
Have you ever been really sick? Yes.
Do you like or hate school? I didn't mind school
Who was your first crush? Some bloke named Jim - he used to play cricket in the park next door to our place!
Isn't life super? Most of the time
What is the date today? 26/02/03
Do you like seeded grapes? No
Last edited by So-Called Angel on Feb 16th 2006, 8:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
"See, I have this philosophy......."

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so called life

Post by lance » Feb 26th 2003, 11:18 am

So-Called Angel,

You have a chicken named Foghorn? Cool.

Lance Man

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Re: so called life

Post by So-Called Angel » Feb 27th 2003, 2:31 am

lance wrote:So-Called Angel,

You have a chicken named Foghorn? Cool.

Lance Man
I think so, too. :wink:
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Post by Nostradamus » Feb 28th 2003, 12:23 am

Part Eight of my response:


Best current movie: I'm not very current at the moment.
Best movie of all time: Too many to choose.
Favourite actor: I just don't have fave movie stars...
Favourite actress: " "
Favourite soundtrack: The Saint (1997)
Favourite scene: Too many...
Most disgusting movie: The Alien/Aliens flicks.
Most funny movie: Barefoot In The Park
Most romantic movie: " "
Most scary movie: Roswell (NOT the TV series!)
Movie you loved as a kid: Don't remember.
Movie you absolutely hate: I've seen a lot of crap movies, but I rarely hate them, I just get bored by them.
Actor you hate: Leonardo DiCaprio
Actress you hate: Gwyneth Paltrow
Movie that describes your life: Clerks (on a bad day) Mind Walk (on a good day)
Best director: I guess I'm not attentive enough to notice directors...
Movies you want to see: Star Trek: Nemisis; Gods And Generals; Dreamcatcher; Seven Days In May; etc.
I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.
-- Clarence Darrow

I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.
-- Mark Twain

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Post by Nostradamus » Mar 8th 2003, 11:30 pm

Part Nine of my response:


Best male artist: I get them all confused.
Best female artist: Ditto.
Favourite instrument: Synthesizer, if that counts.
Favourite CD: Enigma MCMXC a.D.
Worst band ever: Too many to keep track.
Worst CD ever: Any cheap remixed compilation.
Worst female and male ever: Too many...
Favourite song: I prefer instrumental.
Worst song: Too many; maybe the Titanic theme?
I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.
-- Clarence Darrow

I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.
-- Mark Twain

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Post by Nostradamus » Mar 24th 2003, 7:15 pm

Part Ten of my response:

(phew, almost done)

*~*Your Future*~*

Who is your dream husband/wife? Don't plan to get married.
Who is your ideal husband/wife? Likewise.
Do you want kids? No.
If yes, how many? <0
What will you name them? n/a
Where do you want to live? A variety of country estates and city penthouses, each one custom designed to suit my tastes. 8)
What's your dream job? If I knew that, I'd be working now instead of typing on this survey. :wink:
Do you want to be rich? I'd prefer financial independence, but great wealth can be a hassle.
Do you want to retire early? Nah, too boring.
Name 3 things you want to do before you die: There's really only one: be happy. I've done it before, I'm working on it now, and hopefully I'll do it again.
Worst way to die: Morbid though I am, I never really think about that.
Best way to die peacefully: Sleeping, but I believe there's something to be said for a dynamic death, like while fighting heroically or making love to a beautiful lady. :P
How would you want to be remembered: Again, haven't thought much about it; probably wouldn't care once I'm, you know, dead and all... :angelwings:
I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.
-- Clarence Darrow

I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.
-- Mark Twain

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Post by Nostradamus » Mar 25th 2003, 12:01 am

Part Eleven of my response:


*~*Silly random questions*~*

10 words to describe yourself: vague, curmudgeonly, gangly, shiftless, paranoid, bespectacled, radioactive, sharp, cognizant, cool.
Will the sky fall one day? Depends on how you interpret the quatrains.
Things you don't like in people: Boorishness, self-righteousness; especially when the two are combined.
Do you love people or animals more? All the same to me...
Are you a vegetarian? No.
Do you exercise everyday? Uhh, I exercise my mind?
Are you afraid of being fat? No.
Are you popular in school? Well, yes, because I'm not in it.
Do you hate your neighbor? No.
Have you ever hurt someone? Yes.
Do you try and help people out in need? Yes, if it helps me too.
Have you ever been out of your country? Yes.
Do you speak more than 1 language? Nyet.
Ever kissed someone? Yes.
That's not a family member? Yes.
Have you ever been really sick? Yes.
Do you like or hate school? I like unschooling.
Who was your first crush? Girl in 1st grade.
Isn't life super? -califragilisticexpealidotious? Maybe...
What is the date today? I started this survey on 2/03/2003, and now it is 3/25/2003.
Do you like seeded grapes? Yes. Those grapes are taller than that air conditioner.

I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.
-- Clarence Darrow

I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.
-- Mark Twain


Post by Guest » Mar 30th 2003, 9:53 pm

hello everybody, i just can't sleep (it's 2h53 a.m. in france), so let's go...


Name: maryline
Location: france
Place of birth: a city you don't know...
Date of birth: 31 july 1982
Current age: 20.
Occupation: wathing tv show, searching for a job, dreaming about my future life, and so many others things
Height: well, 1m68
Weight: 100 pounds i think
Hair colour: very long,light brown
Eye colour: Brown.
Skin tone: pale.
Distinguishing marks: no
Siblings: don't know this word...dictionnary...yes, a little brother and to sisters really olders than me.
Pets: fishs, maybe some cats later
Hobbies: tv series.and lot of others, but this is my biggest hobby


Animal: Cats.
Colour: blue,grey,light purple
Book: so much...lots of americans writers,sometimes ireland and british too.
Magazine: french magazines about tv series
Play: don't know a lot...i especially like one of sheakespeare i forget the title.I think i could apreciate theatre but never have the occasion
Season: ?.
Holiday: Christmas.
Number: 6.
Car: no car, i'm afraid in it.
President: bill clinton, but he wasn't my president, so...french president?none of them, i think
Smell: candy,washing powder,shampoo
City: new york.Makes me dream....
Country: U.S., and Canada, Ireland...
Name: don't know any more
Friend: i have no friends any more and i don't want it.
Clothing: jeans, 8 years old tee-shirt, doc marteen's(red or pink or flowered)
Breakfast food: extra kellog's, black cofee
Lunch food: whatever
Dinner food: pizza or potatos with a lot of coca cola
Dessert: ...
Snack: so much things... little things we eat for apperitif
Fruit: strawberry, apples and tangerine, apricot
Vegetable: potatoes, radish
Pie: --
Candy: all of them
Healthy food:yogurts?
Resteraunt: mac donald's, if that can be called "restaurant"
Day of the week: probably saturday
Month: December
Sport: i hate sports.
Game: no game, exept chess sometimes
Time of day: morning when i watch tv in dreaking coffe, and the evening when my boyfriend and i are eating in watching "simpsons" and "spin city"

*~*All about You*~*

Most happy moment: i hope i haven't live it yet
Most sad moment: sadely i haven't live it yet.
Most angry moment: against my mother
Most confusing moment: don't know.
Most embarrasing moment: don't wan't to think about it!!
Most regretful moment: no your business
Most sinful moment: absolutely not your business, definitly!!!
Most dirty moment: don't know
*~*This or That*~*

Pizza or Hamburger: pizza.It's hard to find vegetarian hamburger in france
Coke or Sprite: coke
Ice cubes or Crushed: crushed
Rain or Sunshine: rain.and snow and storm
Pop music or Rock music: neither.jazz because of my boyfriend
Newspaper or TV news: TV news
Bicycle or Skateboard: neither
Snowboarding or Skateboarding: Neither.
Fake tans or natural skin: Natural.
N*sync or Backstreet Boys:neither
UK music or American music: Whatever.
MTV or VH1: i haven't got these channel.
The Simpsons or South Park: the 2
Tony Blair or George Bush: neither
North Pole or South Pole: north pole.
CDs or Cassettes: CDs.
Books or Mags: the 2
Bracelets or Necklaces: neither.
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Washing the dishes or taking out garbage: washing dishes

*~*Hot or Not*~*
Boy bands: Not.
Eye glitter: not.
Tanning beds: no idea what '"tanning" means
Platform shoes: Not
Pop singers: Not.
Black lipstick: Not.
Animal backpacks: ? don't know this word
Studded belts: ?
Tube tops: ?
TV show Friends: Hot
TV show Dawson's Creek: Not

*~*TV shows*~*
Best TV show ever: there is so many tv show i'de like to discover...at that time, i'd say x-files, my so called life and the kingdom, the prisonner too, twin peaks...
Best cartoon: the simpsons, or daria
Best drama: don' t know but mscl is in good position
Best comedy: don'know
Best channel: --
Most educational channel:--
Most funny show: --
TV show with hottest actors: david duchovny, i so much appreciate the man who play graham!!! :oops:
TV show with uglist actors: don't know
Show you want to stay forever: x files, mscl, the kingdom
Show you want thrown to the garbage: so many, but i don't want to hurt anyone, so...
Show you would never watch: a lot...
TV show that is your guilty secret: none
Best current movie: welcome to gattaca
Best movie of all time: how could i know?
Favourite actor: none
Favourite actress: none
Favourite soundtrack: none
Favourite scene: none
Most disgusting movie: a lot...
Most funny movie: don't know
Most romantic movie: don't know
Most scary movie: don't know.

Movie you loved as a kid: gremlins
Movie you absolutely hate: don't know
Actor you hate: Keanu Reeves , i can't stand him, and i don't think he's cute...
Actress you hate: --
Movie that describes your life: none.
Best director: david lynch or lars von trier maybe, don't know.
Movies you want to see: none

Best male artist: don't know
Best female artist: alanis morissette maybe?.
Favourite instrument: --.
Favourite CD: none
CDs you want to buy next: none
Worst band ever: french boy's band i suppose
Worst CD ever: don't know
Worst female and male ever: --
Favourite song: i don't remember...
Worst song: french songs certainly
*~*Your Future*~*
Who is your dream husband/wife? so weird...not ypur business
Who is your ideal husband/wife? my boyfriend
Do you want kids? i don't think so, but...maybe
If yes, how many? six, ten, who knows...
What will you name them? i search...it's hard
Where do you want to live? in usa :P
What's your dream job? making a lot of great tv show;..but in fact i just would like to have a job, that would be okay
Do you want to be rich? i would life to have enought money not to have problems with my bank.That would be great
Do you want to retire early? probably.
Name 3 things you want to do before you die: just be a little be happy, stay with my boyfriend, and....go to usa
Worst way to die: torture.Or car accident
Best way to die peacefully: in beeing happy, after a long enjoying life.
How would you want to be remembered: i would glad if someone remember me.

*~*Silly random questions*~*

10 words to describe yourself: it's 3h42 in the morning, and i haven't got courage to do that
Will the sky fall one day? yes
Things you don't like in people: i hate dumb people, and people without brain and heart.so much to say...
Do you love people or animals more? both. But i think humains lives are most important than animals lives
Are you a vegetarian? yes
Do you exercise everyday? No.
Are you afraid of being fat? Not really.
Are you popular in school? No
Do you hate your neighbor? i don't know them, and thet never complain
about anything, so...
Have you ever hurt someone? Physically? No.
Do you try and help people out in need? i'de like, but i don't think i've had the occasion.
Have you ever been out of your country? yes: U.K. and north Africa.
Do you speak more than 1 language? i speak a little bit english :wink:
Ever kissed someone? Yes.
That's not a family member? Yes.
Have you ever been really sick? no
Do you like or hate school? hate, even if i was good at school.
Who was your first crush? mac gyver
Isn't life super? i suppose
What is the date today? 31
Do you like seeded grapes? no

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Something about my so-called life

Post by Angela_fan » Mar 31st 2003, 2:23 am


Name: Anne
Location: Finland
Place of birth: North Finland (in some place that you don´t know)
Date of birth: 3 April 1981
Current age: 21
Occupation: mostly student
Height: 1,66 m
Weight: well. that´s a secret :P
Hair colour: medium, brown mostly...
Eye colour: Brown
Skin tone: normal
Distinguishing marks: I don´t know what they are
Siblings: brother and sister, both older than me
Pets: a cat and a dog
Hobbies: writing, learning astrology, music (listening), surfing in the net


Animal: Tiger
Colour: Light blue, purple
Book: Some astrology book
Magazine: Maybe Cosmopolitan
Play: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Season: Spring
Holiday: Christmas
Number: 3
Car: Don´t know. Maybe some sports car
President: I don´t like any president
Smell: Chocolate, vanilla
City: I haven´t travelled much, but I would love to visit in Rome and Paris
Country: USA, Finland
Name: Angela
Friend: that´s kind of hard to say
Clothing: anything lace
Breakfast food: toast, orange juice
Lunch food: Vegetarian lasagne
Dinner food: mozzarella pizza
Dessert: Chocolate pudding
Snack: Chips
Fruit: Strawberry
Vegetable: Carrot
Pie: Apple pie
Candy: Chocolate
Healthy food: ---
Restauraunt: I don´t visit any restaurants :wink:
Day of the week: Saturday
Month: July
Sport: Swimming
Game: - - -
Time of day: Evening

*~*All about You*~*

Most happy moment: I haven´t experienced it yet
Most sad moment: When me and my ex boyfriend split up
Most angry moment: Same situation a few days later
Most confusing moment: It happens all the time
Most embarrasing moment: ...
Most regretful moment: ...
Most sinful moment: ...
Most dirty moment: Well well.. :wink:

*~*This or That*~*

Pizza or Hamburger: pizza
Coke or Sprite: Sprite
Ice cubes or Crushed: Ice cubes
Rain or Sunshine: Sunshine absolutely
Pop music or Rock music: Rock
Newspaper or TV news: TV news
Bicycle or Skateboard: Bicycle
Snowboarding or Skateboarding: Neither
Fake tans or natural skin: Natural
N*sync or Backstreet Boys: BSB
UK music or American music: American
MTV or VH1: I haven't got these channels.
The Simpsons or South Park: Simpsons
Tony Blair or George Bush: Neither
North Pole or South Pole: North pole.
CDs or Cassettes: CDs.
Books or Mags: Mags
Bracelets or Necklaces: Necklaces
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Washing the dishes or taking out garbage: taking out garbage, I hate washing the dishes

*~*Hot or Not*~*
Boy bands: Not.
Eye glitter: Not.
Tanning beds: Not
Platform shoes: Not
Pop singers: Not
Black lipstick: Hot sometimes, but not for me
Animal backpacks: Not
Studded belts: ?
Tube tops: Not
TV show Friends: Hot
TV show Dawson's Creek: Not

*~*TV shows*~*

Best TV show ever: My So-Called Life
Best cartoon: Garfield
Best drama: Once and again
Best comedy: Seinfeld
Best channel: Nelonen in Finland
Most educational channel: MTV3 in Finland
Most funny show: Oh Baby
TV show with hottest actors: MSCL ( Jared Leto )
TV show with uglist actors: X-files (I don´t mean Gillian and David)
Show you want to stay forever: MSCL
Show you want thrown to the garbage: The Young and the Restless
Show you would never watch: Emmerdale, The Young and the Restless
TV show that is your guilty secret: The Bold and the Beautiful
Best current movie: ...
Best movie of all time: William Shakespeare´s Romeo and Juliet
Favourite actor: Jim Carrey, Leonardo DiCaprio
Favourite actress: Claire Danes
Favourite soundtrack: Romeo and Juliet soundtrack 1#
Favourite scene: ...
Most disgusting movie: Some horror movie
Most funny movie: Jim Carrey films
Most romantic movie: R&J
Most scary movie: Shine (Stephen King)

Movie you loved as a kid: Beethoven
Movie you absolutely hate: Probably I don´t remeber
Actor you hate: Don´t know any
Actress you hate: don´t know any
Movie that describes your life: Almost like The Truman Show
Best director: Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg
Movies you want to see: Many. ..


Best male artist: Ozzy Osbourne ( but I´m not sure is he an artist or a band)
Best female artist: Celine Dion
Favourite instrument: Piano
Favourite CD: Some Ozzy cd
CDs you want to buy next: Ozzy cds
Worst band ever: XL5 from Finland
Worst CD ever: XL5 cd of course
Worst female and male ever: ...
Favourite song: Now it is Ozzy: Mr. Tinkertrain
Worst song: ...
*~*Your Future*~*
Who is your dream husband/wife? That´s a secret
Who is your ideal husband/wife? I haven´t met him yet
Do you want kids? Absolutely
If yes, how many? Two. A girl and a boy.
What will you name them? Girl will be Aava and boy will be Tomi. Not sure yet but I like those names very much.
Where do you want to live? Here in Finland.
What's your dream job? Actress, writer, singer...
Do you want to be rich? Of course.
Do you want to retire early? Yeah
Name 3 things you want to do before you die: Travel to USA, Europe, China, get married, have children
Worst way to die: Painful death
Best way to die peacefully: In your own bed when you are sleeping, when you are old
How would you want to be remembered: ...

*~*Silly random questions*~*

10 words to describe yourself: honest, faithful, friendly, shy, dreamer, thinker, I can´t think anymore... :D
Will the sky fall one day? Maybe
Things you don't like in people: I hate people who are liars, smokers, violent attitude
Do you love people or animals more? Both. Animals are easier to live with than humans.
Are you a vegetarian? Yes !
Do you exercise everyday? No.
Are you afraid of being fat? Sometimes
Are you popular in school? No
Do you hate your neighbor? Hate is a strong word, so I guess I don´t
Have you ever hurt someone? Physically? Well. Maybe. But not seriosly.
Do you try and help people out in need? When I have a chance for that
Have you ever been out of your country? I have been in Sweden, Norway and Canary Islands near Africa.
Do you speak more than 1 language? I speak finnish, english and little swedish.
Ever kissed someone? Yes.
That's not a family member? No
Have you ever been really sick? No
Do you like or hate school? I hate school most of the time
Who was your first crush? Joe McIntyre NKOTB :lol:
Isn't life super? Not super, but okay
What is the date today? March 31 2003 Monday morning
Do you like seeded grapes? I hate those
... Sometimes someone says something really small, and it just fits into this empty place in your heart ... - Angela -

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Natasha (candygirl)
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Mar 31st 2003, 3:57 am

Welcome to the forum Maryline & Anne - keep posting!

Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com

Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer.
You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?

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Post by grim4746 » Jan 28th 2004, 12:02 am

Old though it may be I stumbled upon this and it is a dare so I guess I have to fill it out now.


Name: Shawn
Location: Windsor
Place of birth: Toronto
Date of birth: 09/10 1979
Current age: 24
Occupation: restaurant management
Height: 5 11
Weight: about 160 pounds
Hair colour: light brown
Eye colour: Brown.
Skin tone: average white guy tone i guess, not totally pale, a bit of colour
Distinguishing marks: tiny mole between my left sideburn and ear
Siblings: 2
Pets: currently none of my own
Hobbies: Is making lists a hobby? Writing, reading, poorly drawing, political complaining, aimlessly walking around this terrible city (hiking would be much better but not feasible right now)biking, reorganizing (well starting to anyway and then leaving half of whatever I was going through in a big pile for several weeks)maybe some of these aren't exactly hobbies but they do take up some of my time and offer some enjoyment.


Animal: Cats (but I like all animals even the ones that freak me out I've even gotten over my hatred of birds)
Colour: brown
Book: hmm tough call, well the book I've read the most times is Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Catch Trap
Magazine: I don’t read these normally
Play: I'm a sucker for a good musical, maybe Westside Story or Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Season: Fall
Holiday: Halloween
Number: i don't think i have one anymore
Car: I've got a soft spot for the chevette, and the dodge lancer
Celebrity: David Suzuki
President: Mandella
Smell: grilled mushrooms
City: Halifax
Country: I've hardly been outside of Canada and there are still a ton of places within the country I'd like to get to before venturing abroad so for now I'll have to say Canada (though I have this really romantic vision of the Czech republic)
Name: I don't have a favorite name
Friend: i think some of my friends sometimes read this forum so i'm not choosing a favorite friend.
Clothing: I have this sweater that I've had forever and I love it. it's too big, it's left over from when I used to buy all my sweaters too big and it never looks fully clean anymore so I hardly ever wear it anymore but I always take it camping still.
Breakfast food: eggs(scrambled), bacon, home fries and toast (ideally the "cowboy" breakfast from The Only Cafe
Lunch food: A huge Seafood Caesar Salad, or a club sandwich

Dinner food: chicken breast smothered in cheese with some sort of potato and other vegetable side, maybe a salad, or maybe pasta
Dessert: cheesecake
Snack: it's not normally snack food but in between meals I really like to snack on egg fried rice
Fruit: Strawberries
Vegetable: potato (or garlic if i can count that as a vegetable)
Pie: apple
Candy: big feet
Healthy food: spinach
Restaurant: The Only Cafe
Day of the week: Sunday
Month: September (may is a close second, I love feeling the seasons change)
Sport: Not a big sports fan but Hockey is my favorite to watch and play(tennis is second for both)
Game: Balderdash (with the right group of people)
Time of day: morning

*~*All about You*~*

Most happy moment: I feel like this should be easier to pinpoint but it's not. I have a lot of happiness it just doesn't divide into moments very easily. I'll edit this when something really big happens.
Most sad moment: my 21st birthday
Most angry moment: working side by side with the worst person I've ever met.
Most confusing moment: various 'romantic' involvements where I'm failing miserably at expressing how i feel and am doing an even worse job of understanding the other person.
Most embarrassing moment: accidentally revealing a crush on my totally uninterested friend during an argument that I should have just stayed out of.
Most regretful moment: nothing comes to mind
Most sinful moment: interfering in someone else's relationship
Most dirty moment: Eeew. A few weeks ago the bathroom flooded and started leaking into the basement right above the computer and I had to disconnect everything and move the computer while sewage water was raining down on me. It was totally disgusting and definitely my dirtiest moment.

*~*This or That*~*

Pizza or Hamburger: burger
Coke or Sprite: coke.
Ice cubes or Crushed: cubes
Rain or Sunshine: sunshine (but variety above all else)
Pop music or Rock music: Rock.
Newspaper or TV news: newspaper
Bicycle or Skateboard: bicycle
Snowboarding or Skateboarding: Neither.
Fake tans or natural skin: Natural.
N*sync or Backstreet Boys: oh damn they are both so good how can anyone be expected to choose only one ;)
UK music or American music: either
MTV or VH1: neither
The Simpsons or South Park: both
Tony Blair or George Bush: neither
North Pole or South Pole: I guess North Pole because it's closer to home
CDs or Cassettes: CDs.
Books or Mags: Books.
Bracelets or Necklaces: Necklaces.
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
Washing the dishes or taking out garbage: take out garbage

*~*Hot or Not*~*
Boy bands: Not.
Eye glitter: Not
Tanning beds: Not.
Platform shoes: Hot
Pop singers: Hot
Black lipstick: Hot.
Animal backpacks: Not.
Studded belts: Hot.
Tube tops: Hot
TV show Friends: Not
TV show Dawson's Creek: Not
---all of the above that i've marked "hot" are things that I think are fun in a way but are not really for me.
*~*TV shows*~*
Best TV show ever: Simpsons
Best cartoon: Simpsons
Best drama: My So Called Life
Best comedy: Golden Girls (I never would have though of this on my own but it's totally true)
Best channel: most channels suck equally
Most educational channel: CBC
TV show with hottest actors: Probably a soap opera
TV show with ugliest actors: probably a Canadian soap opera
Show you want to stay forever: Simpsons
Show you want thrown to the garbage: Everybody Loves Raymond
Show you would never watch: I thought it was the Anna Nicole show but it turns out I love it so I guess i'm up for anything
TV show that is your guilty secret: Passions

Best current movie: LOTR ROTK
Best movie of all time: Stand By Me (or just maybe The Big Chill)
Favorite actor: Jeff Goldblum?
Favourite actress: Glenn Close
Favorite soundtrack: Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Favorite scene: I'm not sure but it's probably from the Big Chill
Most disgusting movie: nothing comes to mind
Most funny movie: Best in Show
Most romantic movie: When Harry Met Sally (at least the most watchable romantic movie)
Most scary movie: don't know

Movie you loved as a kid: Peewee's big adventure
Movie you absolutely hate: Star Wars ep 1 (and 2 and probably 3)
Actor you hate: Mel Gibson (only recently has he raced ahead of Robin Williams)
Actress you hate: Kirstie Alley
Movie that describes your life: Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion
Best director: I’m not well enough informed to say
Movies you want to see: there’s nothing I’m that in to seeing right now


Best male artist: Jeff Magnum
Best female artist: Carla Bozulich
Favorite instrument: acoustic guitar
Favorite CD: most of what I love are compilations I’ve put together from my cd collections but for best ‘actual’ cd I guess Sebadoh’s Harmacy
CDs you want to buy next: Bright Eyes, something released before Fevers and Mirrors
Worst band ever: Creed
Worst CD ever: I tend to forget things I hate (luckily)
Favorite song: This tends to change frequently, right now I’m really liking Lover I don’t have to Love by Bright Eyes and not because I’m a slut or anything, I just like it.

*~*Your Future*~*
Who is your dream husband/wife? Rick Mercer/Cheryl Hines
Who is your ideal husband/wife? Rick Mercer/Cheryl Hines
Do you want kids? I think so
If yes, how many? Don’t know
What will you name them? Natalie and Blair
Where do you want to live? Halifax or possibly somewhere great that I haven’t discovered yet
What's your dream job? Lawyer working for a public interest organization fighting evil corporations and lobbying governments to get out of bed with the corporations and do what people have elected them to do without screwing over the people of other countries, my second choice is to be Batman.
Do you want to be rich? Yup. I want to make a lot of money and keep a little bit of it
Do you want to retire early? Probably but then begin a second career, maybe open a restaurant.
Name 3 things you want to do before you die: go to a MSCL convention, raise children, fall mutually in love.
Worst way to die: being eaten to death by someone you know
Best way to die peacefully: In sleep.
How would you want to be remembered: as that really funny attractive guy who had everything and was always happy

*~*Silly random questions*~*

10 words to describe yourself: upbeat, frantic, giving, clever, adventurous (mildly), analytical, overwhelmed, awkward, entertaining, foolish.
Will the sky fall one day? It sure seems like it.
Things you don't like in people: extreme inconsistency, poor hygiene
Do you love people or animals more? I love people more.
Are you a vegetarian? no
Do you exercise everyday? No
Are you afraid of being fat? No
Are you popular in school? I’m not in school. I moved around a lot, in some schools I was drastically unpopular and in others I had a lot of friends.
Do you hate your neighbor? No they gave me some really great recipes.
Have you ever hurt someone? Yes so watch it.
Do you try and help people out in need? Yes.
Have you ever been out of your country? yes.
Do you speak more than 1 language? Sadly no.
Ever kissed someone? Yes.
That's not a family member? Yes.
Have you ever been really sick? Yes but when I was too young to remember
Do you like or hate school? A little of both, though being out of school for too long now I’m in love with the idea of school.
Who was your first crush? My best friend’s mom from when I was 4.
Isn't life super? You bet.
What is the date today? Jan 27/04.
Do you like seeded grapes? yup

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Dave Reed
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Re: I DARE you to fill this out.

Post by Dave Reed » Jan 28th 2004, 2:25 pm

This is nuts! I'll do my best....


Name: Dave Reed
Location: Sacramento
Place of birth: Sacramento
Date of birth: January 17, 1977
Current age: 27
Occupation: Job hunting (or, so it feels)
Height: 6'0.
Weight: about 220 pounds
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: chameleon (born with blue; now: sometimes blue, sometimes green
Skin tone: farmer tan
Distinguishing marks: big feet (wear size 14 EEEE)
Siblings: none
Pets: Tess, dingcat (cat)
Hobbies: my web site, music.


Animal: basset hound
Color: medium blue, reds
Book: "The Hobbit", "To Kill a Mockingbird"
Magazine: Sports Weekly, though it's not really a magazine
Play: no real favorite
Season: Spring or fall
Holiday: Halloween
Number: 4.
Car: '65 Ford Mustang
Celebrity: Humor - Jello Biafra; Looks: Halle Berry
President: don't know
Smell: a nice fire in the fireplace; chocolate
City: Tahoe City
Country: I'd love to be in Scotland someday.
Name: Jennifer for a girl; Hamish for a lad.
Friend: Pam, my girlfriend
Clothing: shorts and t-shirts
Breakfast food: cereal
Lunch food: sandwiches
Dinner food: ribs; sweet potatoes
Dessert: Leatherby's ice cream; chocolate
Snack: lightly-salted peanuts
Fruit: Strawberries
Vegetable: mushrooms; banana and butternut squash
Pie: mincemeat, chocolate
Candy: chocolate
Healthy food: broccoli
Restaurant: Olive Garden or Buca di Beppo
Day of the week: Friday
Month: March or April
Sport: Watch: basketball; play: soccer, basketball, baseball/softball
Game: Computer-PC: Diablo II; Computer-AppleIIe: Taipan; Board: Life, Age of Renaissance, 221B Baker St.
Time of day: Mid-day

*~*All about You*~*

Most happy moment: Meeting Pam
Most sad moment: The day Katie, my pet Basset Hound, was up and walked around, clearly not all there (she was put to sleep later that day). Not being able to be there with her when she passed away.
Most angry moment: can't think of one
Most confusing moment: can't think of one
Most embarrasing moment: can't think of one
Most regretful moment: can't think of one
Most sinful moment: That's a matter of opinion :twisted:
Most dirty moment: Can't think of anything G-rated :twisted:

*~*This or That*~*

Pizza or Hamburger: Yes.
Coke or Sprite: Sprite
Ice cubes or Crushed: ice cubes
Rain or Sunshine: Rain in the winter, sun in the summer/spring/fall
Pop music or Rock music: Rock
Newspaper or TV news: Online News :-)
Bicycle or Skateboard: bicycle, though skateboards are cool
Snowboarding or Skateboarding: skateboarding
Fake tans or natural skin: Natural
N*sync or Backstreet Boys: neither
UK music or American music: doesn't matter
MTV or VH1: VH-1 for their documentaries; who watches them for videos anymore, anyway?
The Simpsons or South Park: Simpsons
Tony Blair or George Bush: neither
North Pole or South Pole: neither
CDs or Cassettes: CDs
Books or Mags: Books
Bracelets or Necklaces: neither
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Washing the dishes or taking out garbage: taking out garbage

*~*Hot or Not*~*
Boy bands: Not
Eye glitter: Not
Tanning beds: Not
Platform shoes: Not
Pop singers: Not because they sing :-)
Black lipstick: Depends
Animal backpacks: Not
Studded belts: Not really
Tube tops: Depends
TV show Friends: Not
TV show Dawson's Creek: Not, except for Katie Holmes.

*~*TV shows*~*
Best TV show ever: M*A*S*H
Best cartoon: Peabody's Improbable History (within Rocky & Bullwinkle); George of the Jungle
Best drama: My So Called Life
Best comedy: M*A*S*H, Night Court
Best channel: Game Show Network (yes, TV truly sucks)
Most educational channel: The Learning Channel; The History Channel
Most funny show: See "Best Comedy"
TV show with hottest actors: don't know.
TV show with uglist actors: don't know.
Show you want to stay forever: don't know.
Show you want thrown to the garbage: Almost everything on ABC, NBC, and CBS. Heck, about 99% of TV, for that matter.
Show you would never watch: Green Acres
TV show that is your guilty secret: none.

Best current movie: ‘Lord of the Rings, the Return of the King’
Best movie of all time: The Crow (I don't really know, actually)
Favourite actor: don't know
Favourite actress: don't know
Favourite soundtrack: don't know
Favourite scene: Scene in The Crow, where one of the hoodlums gets hit by the car. The driver gets out, grabs him, throws him against the car and says, "Hey, you stupid ***-****, you wrecked my car!"
Most disgusting movie: Beach Blanket Bingo
Most funny movie: Airplane!
Most romantic movie: The Crow
Most scary movie: don't know. I found The Exorcist to be a comedy.

Movie you loved as a kid: The Hobbit
Movie you absolutely hate: don't know
Actor you hate: Kevin Costner
Actress you hate: don't know
Movie that describes your life: don't know
Movies you want to see: can't think of any right now


Best male artist: don't know
Best female artist: Enya
Favorite instrument: drums
Favorite CD: Operation Ivy - s/t
CDs you want to buy next: LotR soundtracks; complete Ozzy-era Black Sabbath re-masters
Worst band ever: Garbage; noise bands
Worst CD ever: don't know
Worst female and male ever: don't know
Favourite song: Metallica - "Orion"
Worst song: don't know

*~*Your Future*~*
Who is your dream husband/wife? don't know.
Who is your ideal husband/wife? One with whom I'll live forever in consistent happiness.
Do you want kids? Yes.
If yes, how many? She and I will negotiate on that.
What will you name them? See "favorite names"
Where do you want to live? Sacramento
What's your dream job? don't know
Do you want to be rich? I want enough to live comfortably and happily. Richness is dependent on how one defines it.
Do you want to retire early? I want to retire at the time when I'm done working.
Name 3 things you want to do before you die: Get a job :-), travel through Scotland and Germany, and get to the end of this quiz. :-)
Worst way to die: suicide
Best way to die peacefully: In sleep
How would you want to be remembered: As a kind, loving individual.

*~*Silly random questions*~*

10 words to describe yourself: shy, intelligent, analytical, humorous, smart-aleck, periodically-energetic, accepting/"tolerant", orderly, helpful, and patient.
Will the sky fall one day? no
Things you don't like in people: arrogance, cruelty, abusive, stupidity
Do you love people or animals more? Trick question, people are animals.
Are you a vegetarian? no
Do you exercise everyday? No, but I do three times a week with a day in between each.
Are you afraid of being fat? No
Are you popular in school? No
Do you hate your neighbor? no
Have you ever hurt someone? Yes.
Do you try and help people out in need? Sometimes
Have you ever been out of your country? no
Do you speak more than 1 language? not fluently
Ever kissed someone? Yes.
That's not a family member? Yes.
Have you ever been really sick? No.
Do you like or hate school? Like
Who was your first crush? Gad. I think it was a girl named Lindsay when I was in 6th grade.
Isn't life super? Sometimes.
What is the date today? January 28, 2004
Do you like seeded grapes? Yes.
"Where it's not just a way of life but a toxic adventure & 60's-style love-in"

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