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Ed Zwick Wannabe
Posts: 1983
Joined: Jul 6th 2002, 4:47 pm
Location: Santa Cruz, CA

Post by lance » Feb 3rd 2003, 3:13 pm

mglenn wrote:
Thursday I was like, did the site get hit by a virus?
Sorry folks no Micro$oft products here.

One part Apache, Two parts PHP and one part MySQL.
Mix well and bake at 266 Mhz for 24/7 or until the power fails! :D
BTW: runs on a different server
Not only that but unless I'm mistaken (which does not or does happen depending on who you talk to) its on a different continent. So if some freak Terrorist plot would take out Butler PA ( which could happen with businesses like Ibis Tek in town) we would still have redundant services to satisfy you MSCL addiction. :D
Definately a good thing (no Micro$oft products here).


Lance Man

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