I was the MSCL Fan needed in LA area!

Found a reference to "My So-Called Life" in a book, movie, tv show or somewhere else? Then post here!
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I was the MSCL Fan needed in LA area!

Post by heater_05 » Jan 24th 2003, 10:05 pm

Hey, I answered the annoucment for the MSCL fan needed in the La area and I just got filmed today for the docutmentary. It was great, I was able to attend an event where Winnine give a talk and I got to chat with her for a moment. I also met Devon Gummersall. We chatted for a little bit. I must say he was very cool. Her looks much different from the show. His hair is much shorter. In fact that is what we basically talk about, "His white man's fro." Great guy. Then I was filmed talking about the show for the documentary. I believe it will air some time next year. All in all it was a great experience I must say.

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Post by Megs » Jan 24th 2003, 10:51 pm

That is the best thing that I have read on this forum! How awesome is that? How was talking to Winnie? What did you talk about? How is she looking these days?

Sorry for the 20 questions. I am a bit in awe. :shock:

:wink: :lol:
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Post by NIGHTJESSI » Jan 25th 2003, 8:50 pm

Congrats, heater_05. It's so cool that you had a chance to meet and chat with both a crew and cast member from the show, let alone be interviewed about the show. How many other people were there, and what kind of questions did they ask you? I'd love to know more about your experiece. And hopefully we'll all get a chance to see you in action soon.
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Post by TomSpeed » Jan 25th 2003, 9:44 pm

I am so jealous. Please be sure to keep us informed about airdates. Hopefully, the show will be on PBS or something.

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Graham: And how much of you?
Angela: Dad!
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Post by heater_05 » Jan 26th 2003, 4:34 am

As far as airdates, it will not be until like a year from now. See and meeting Winnie was awesome. She mostly talked about her wrtining inspirations. We got to see an episode of once and Again and then we saw the pilot of MSCL. Then she talked for about an hour. It was at the American Film Institute. So it was a room full of film students. I myself am in film too so I found it most interesting. She mostly talked about ehere she gets her inspiration, and how she keeps things athentic. Great advice for a writer and film maker. She says she basically writes from life, using her own experiences for references. Then as far as keeping up to date, she said she oberves real life and then just makes up what she needs too. Then I got to meet her myself. We had a weird moment where she sweared she had met me before. Which I had not, because, I would have remembed that. She pretty much looks the same as she did during the show. Then I introduced myself to Devon. I talked to him for quire a while. We talked about how hard it is to find work in the industry. He was very nice and appreciative. We then talked about his white man's afro, and I mention how different he looked. I wished him good luck and he did the same for me, then he left. All in all it was a great day.
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Post by NIGHTJESSI » Jan 26th 2003, 11:48 pm

It sounds like a truly wonderful day, heater_05. Thanx again for letting us be a part of it, even if it was only virtually.
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