Deep Discount Canadian Shipping Probs??

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Nicky Driscoll
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Deep Discount Canadian Shipping Probs??

Post by missmarmalade » Jan 20th 2003, 6:29 pm

Heya! :)

I ordered the boxed set from Deep Discount DVD on Thursday, after not being able to find it in my area (Saint John, New Brunswick) at a reasonable price.

I chose Deep Discount after reading such great things here @ the forums, and after seeing that their in-stock items ship the next business day. By late afternoon Friday my online order status was stating that it wasn't set to ship until 01/20/03 (today, of course) which had me a bit perplexed. I called their customer service department and asked about this, and the CS rep told me that it was in the warehouse and should be mailed later in the day.

I continued to check the status of the order all weekend, and it still had not I waited until today (the date listed in the status) to check to see if it would ship, and this afternoon it still had not been shipped...once again I called, and a diff. CS rep once again said "it should ship by the end of the day"...I keep checking, but there has been no update to my account what-so-ever...

My questions is: Did any other Canadian Deep Discount customers experience these type of problems with their order? and if so, how long did it take for your order to be shipped?

I'm just worried that I will be waiting forever for the set to arrive, which is an annoyance considering they state that orders ship the next business day.

Thanks in advance!


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Post by Jim » Jan 20th 2003, 7:00 pm


Based on my experience, I believe that the order status on DDD's website can be a little out of touch with reality.

I ordered a set from them back in November, and the status didn't change from 'Back Order' to 'Shipped' until well after I actually got the discs, although my case may be the exception.

In any case, I got the discs I ordered at the best price around, and wouldn't hesitate to order from them again.

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Post by missmarmalade » Jan 20th 2003, 7:17 pm

Thank you, Jim!

That's the general concensus I am getting from reading some of the other posts about DDD. That most people would buy from them again, which I'm assuming means they must have some of the best prices around.

Question: Did you at least get an e-mail once your item had been shipped, as it states all customers do in their FAQ?


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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jan 20th 2003, 8:12 pm

I haven't ordered anything from DDD but just a general statement about ordering online - the way a lot of companies use the terms " order in process" or "item shipping" is not always what we would consider accurate or prompt. Remember that we are used to instant gratification, so we expect all our information immediately, but the reality is that sometimes their systems are not updated immediately. I am not trying to defend DDD or anyone else for that matter, but just try to keep in mind that unless the company has absolutely no business, they aren't going to physically take your DVD right off the warehouse shelf as soon as you hit that "submit order" button. As a matter of fact, even very reputable companies like Amazon have glitches in their ordering system (I just received an email notification last week that my order was shipping, but I ordered the stuff the first week in December and already received it).

Miss M, if you don't get your order within a reasonable amount of time, I would call and cancel. Sometimes it just isn't worth the frustration!
Natasha aka candygirl ::

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Post by missmarmalade » Jan 20th 2003, 10:07 pm

Thanks for the response candygirl! :)

I agree with all that you stated...the only thing I have a problem with is being told twice that it should ship by the end of the day and then it wasn't.

I just called once again, seeing as their customer service department should be closing soon, and I still hadn't recieved a shipment e-mail. I have no problem with shipping taking longer than expected, I just dislike being told over and over that it should be on it's way soon and it isn't.

I used to work customer service for various different companies, including Microsoft and Universal Studios, and I also have my own small business. I left my previous jobs because I felt that giving the customer a 'scripted' answer instead of actually getting them the info they deserve is very inapropriate. I don't believe in 'fibbing' to your customers, no matter how large or small your company is.

All 3 reps that I spoke to at DDD were very kind, so I give them credit for that. The person I spoke to tonight however, was much more helpfull in actually telling me where in the process of being shipped my item actually is. He also stated that he made note in my account file that if my item isn't shipped by tomorrow, than I should recieve a refund of all shipping costs.

I don't necessarily think that I should recieve the set in an un-reasonable amount of time...I just expected shipment and delivery in the amount of time they stated I would when I first placed my order. Any glitches with the order or the process along the way, I would be absolutely fine with, as long as I am notified. Nearly $80 (Canadian) of my hard-earned money is at stake, so I am definately prone to worrying about when my item is going to be shipped...but at this point, I don't think I'm overly concerned.

From the feedback given on this forum, I trust DDD, and am sure that I will recieve my set.


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Post by missmarmalade » Jan 21st 2003, 3:52 pm

Just an update for anyone who has been reading this topic and is interested:

I was told last night that the item appeared to be ready to be shipped, and was simply waiting to be 'scanned' into the system before shipment so my online account info could be updated. The gentleman told me it would be shipping today, in the morning.

I continuously checked my e-mail and the order status throughout today, hoping I would get some sort of confirmation that it had been shipped. Nothing. I waited until a few moments ago to make my 4th call to DDD (at 1:30pm their time) to check up on the situation and try to see exactly what was going on.

I spoke to a rep who stated right away that he knew exactly why I was being told it was waiting to be shipped: the item had been sent out on Friday the 17th (one day after I ordered) without being scanned. Therefore, no e-mail was sent to me confirming the shipment and no changes have been made to the online order status. He stated that it's a common problem (shipping items so quickly that they aren't scanned) and that newer reps at the company would still be telling me in 6 months time that it was waiting to be shipped, not knowing how/where to check in the system for the actual shipping info.

I'm still not 100% sure I believe this's a possibilty that it's something said to get customers who call every day (like myself, my money is worth following up as much as needed) to stop bugging them about their order...but hey, we'll see in 5-7 days!

DDD should definately look into a better process for making their customers aware of when the item has been shipped. Maybe letting their new or uninformed reps aware of this 'commom' problem?!

Happy the discs appear to be on their way,

P.S. appears your case was/is not the exception. Ho hum!

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