"Neverwhere" is coming to DVD

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"Neverwhere" is coming to DVD

Post by GaryEA » Jan 15th 2003, 1:56 pm


According to Neil Gaiman's online journal, A&E is planning to release a two-disc Neverwhere DVD set, possibly for June of this year.

One less Holy Grail for my video library!


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Re: "Neverwhere" is coming to DVD

Post by fnordboy » Jan 15th 2003, 3:32 pm

GaryEA wrote:YES!

According to Neil Gaiman's online journal, A&E is planning to release a two-disc Neverwhere DVD set, possibly for June of this year.

One less Holy Grail for my video library!


Thanks for the news Gary...this is fantastic. :)

This is something that I have been waiting for for a long long time. This makes my day.

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Post by GaryEA » Jan 15th 2003, 7:54 pm

I thought news of this would make you a happy man. :D


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Post by GaryEA » Apr 9th 2003, 5:17 pm

Okay, now I'm worried. I haven't seen any mention of the title being released, and the summer is fast approaching.

Maybe a well-versed letter to A&E is in order. :?

EDIT: Got this off the Gaiman message board, written by an admin;
Neverwhere will be available for sale in the US later this year, probably September, on DVD. Any videos or DVDs you currently see around, say on ebay, are pirate copies. (Unless it's the actual UK video release, but that was PAL so it wouldn't work in the US anyway)

ANOTHER EDIT: And now more from the boards (pure speculation though)...
Neil does plan to write a sequel eventually, currently called the 7 sisters. He's also writing a short story called How the Marquis got his coat back.
<sigh> They tease me so. :D


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Post by fnordboy » Apr 10th 2003, 1:03 am

damn september?? :(

Wonder what the hold up is since it was supposed to be July originally correct?

That would be great if he does a sequel :)

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Post by GaryEA » Apr 10th 2003, 1:24 pm

Did some searching. Found nothing on why it was delayed.

Hopefully the long-delayed production of the film version (idiot producers) won't hold up the sequel's progress.



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Post by GaryEA » Jun 12th 2003, 6:36 pm

bdckr was kind enough to alert me about the progress on the DVDs (thank you! :D ):
From The Neil Gaiman Journal
Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Q: I just saw on your blog that the Neverwhere DVD is in production. My boyfriend and I are very excited to hear this news, as we've always wanted to see this (without buying pirated copies at the local conventions). A quick question, though....would it be possible at this date to get the commentary closed captioned or subtitled, as well as the movie itself? My boyfriend is deaf due to an illness, and would love to be able to read your commentary while watching. If you could pass this along to the production company I'd really appreciate it.

Kristin Osborn

A: I asked the DVD producer about this today, and mentioned that several people had asked about it. He's going to find out if the BBC version had captioning, and if A&E can do it.

I sat in front of the screen in a studio in Minneapolis today for the entire afternoon, while all six episodes of Neverwhere played, and talked about whatever came into my head while Neverwhere ran, as a sort of stream of consciousness thing. It's been a long time -- I'd forgotten, on the one hand, how much I disliked the way the first episode came out, and the edit of the last few minutes of the last episode, and on the other, how much I enjoyed large chunks of episodes 4 and 5, particularly the Croup and Vandemar and De Carabas bits.

And I really, really kept wishing that we had all the footage that was shot, and could edit it all back together the way it was meant to be, missing scenes and all...

I also kept wishing I had Lenny Henry, or Clive Brill, or Dewi Humphreys in the commentary room with me, to interpolate when I flagged.
Sounds like it's coming along nicely, but what was cut (dare I ask)? Further, does he mean stuff that never aired during the BBC airings or stuff from the BBC airings that won't make it on the DVD?

Hmm... :?


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Neverwhere on DVD

Post by bdckr » Jun 12th 2003, 7:24 pm

Just a follow-up, and I don't know how recently this was updated, but A&E's online store has this listing:

http://store.aetv.com/html/catalog/s03. ... e&x=12&y=4
Neverwhere DVD set
Beneath the familiar streets of London lies another world, and Richard Mayhew is about to be plunged into a dark odyssey through London Below.

This item will ship on July 29, 2003, one month before retail availability! 180+ Minutes

Price: $39.95
Hope it helps.

You probably already know this, too, but thought I'd mention that American Gods won the Nebula, too. Hugo, Bram Stoker, and the Nebula. Hot damn.

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Post by bdckr » Jun 12th 2003, 7:25 pm


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Post by GaryEA » Jun 12th 2003, 8:04 pm

Both of those links go to blank A&E pages. Let me try this again...

Edit: Okay... for some reason, it only works in Netscape (I can't find it in IE).

Oh, yes. I shall preorder now... :D


Another Edit: Okay, it's ordered, but I'm curious why I cant find it if I look without the direct link. Did you get the link through a newsletter? If not, where the heck is it because I know fnordboy is going to want this one.

Thanks again. :)

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Post by bdckr » Jun 13th 2003, 9:18 am

Yeah, funny that.

I use Internet Explorer, and the links seem to work OK.

When I first mailed you about Neil Gaiman's blog having info about ongoing production of the DVDs, I hadn't read this thread about how you hadn't heard any info about the Neverwhere DVDs in a while. When I read that, I googled (I think it was "A&E" and "Neverwhere"). That led to a bunch of different sites, including another board that had posted a letter from some rep at A&E mentioning their on-line store. From there, it was a hop, skip and a jump away to their site. A search of their site brought me to the links for pre-ordering Neverwhere. No one else seems to be carrying it yet. I wonder why?

Glad to be of help. Bit of bibliophile myself, if there's any Neil Gaiman boooks you're looking for, let me know and I'll keep an eye out when I'm hunting.

I think I'm going to wait just a bit to buy it since it always seems that DVDs are cheaper in Canada (when exchange rate is factored in). I'm looking forward to it from everything that I've heard (and after reading the book).

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Neil Gaiman's blog

Post by bdckr » Jun 13th 2003, 9:49 am

Just checked his blog a minute ago, and today's entry has a link, too.


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Post by lance » Jun 13th 2003, 10:54 am

Never heard of it,

but I happy for you all. September is closer than you think.


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Post by GaryEA » Jun 13th 2003, 1:10 pm

The link works in IE now... odd.

Anyway, thank you again for not only keeping us up to date, but alerting us to the pre-order. I ordered mine yesterday and I'm really excited.

It's really odd that no one else has the set listed, but it may be that other retailers are just slow to pick up on it. I don't think it's an A&E exclusive, but who knows.

Interesting that the set will not have subtitles, especially in light of the question put to Mr. Gaiman in his blog from the girl whose boyfriend is deaf. It made think how I take it for granted that will be Closed Captioning on a disc. I hope this can fixed in a later release, and the boyfriend will be able to enjoy it somehow.

Thanks also for the offer on help getting any Gaiman books. I appreciate it! :D


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Post by GaryEA » Jul 25th 2003, 6:05 pm

The release date has been pushed back to August 11th. :(

However, now if you order from A&E, you get a Neverwhere poster. Nifty little trinket, eh? :D


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