
General discussion about the nineteen episodes of "My So-Called Life". Note: Our episode guide can be found here.
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Post by Guest » Dec 27th 2002, 10:44 pm

i don't know about all of you, but i just finished watching this episode (which i had only seen once a very long time ago) and i really didn't like it all that much. i guess since i've owned the video box sets (red and blue) that didn't inculde all of the epiosdes, i was so used to watching them, that i basically thought of mscl as being just those certain eps, but halloween really ddin't seem to fit in w/ the series.

i guess they wanted to make it different than any other epiosode being that it was halloween and all, but i found that kind of hard to follow along w/. angela didn't seem like herself so i was kind of confused as to if she was trying to be like the girl from the 60's that she was dressed like, or...? plus the whole thing w/ patty and graham also seemed strange and everyone treating brian like crap made me feel bad too.

haha i feel bad for brian..everyone is always being mean to him and he just takes it. i guess he feels it's excitement in his life. i did however, enjoy the ending...w/ jordan finally going to class..although, i felt that was a little corny, it still made the episode better.

tell me what u think.

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Post by Nostradamus » Dec 28th 2002, 7:22 am

I think I see what you mean... Halloween didn't have as many big plot developments as most episodes, but if you look closely you can find a few nuggets. This analysis will help you. You can also use this forum's Search function to read other threads about Halloween; it's a hot topic, but it gets buried with everything else.

I guess I'm biased, but any episode with Rayanne in a sexy vamp costume is good in my book!

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Post by Megs » Dec 28th 2002, 12:20 pm

Halloween was always my favorite episode. But that was before I received the DVDs and was able to enjoy all the rest of the episodes.

I just thought that it was fun and creepy and eerie and interesting. Plus, I love the interactions between Rayanne and Brian in that episode. It could be that Halloween is my favorite holiday. Who knows. I always loved it. Maybe because it didn't have the deep meaning story arcs. I don't know. I just woke up, so I'm not making much sense. I'll step away from the keyboard now. :lol:
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Re: halloween

Post by crimsonglowgurl » Dec 31st 2002, 12:52 pm

Anonymous wrote:i don't know about all of you, but i just finished watching this episode (which i had only seen once a very long time ago) and i really didn't like it all that much. i guess since i've owned the video box sets (red and blue) that didn't inculde all of the epiosdes, i was so used to watching them, that i basically thought of mscl as being just those certain eps, but halloween really ddin't seem to fit in w/ the series.

i guess they wanted to make it different than any other epiosode being that it was halloween and all, but i found that kind of hard to follow along w/. angela didn't seem like herself so i was kind of confused as to if she was trying to be like the girl from the 60's that she was dressed like, or...? plus the whole thing w/ patty and graham also seemed strange and everyone treating brian like crap made me feel bad too.

haha i feel bad for brian..everyone is always being mean to him and he just takes it. i guess he feels it's excitement in his life. i did however, enjoy the ending...w/ jordan finally going to class..although, i felt that was a little corny, it still made the episode better.

tell me what u think.
i know what you mean...it was my least fav episode...

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Post by K-man » Dec 31st 2002, 1:14 pm

I wouldn't say Halloween was my favorite but I did like the ep. I haven't watched it in a while, but I do remember the first time I saw it I enjoyed it. I cracked up at the whole Graham/Patty having trouble answering the door/handing out candy thing. And when Ricky shows up dressed like Brian I laughed. The parallels between Nicky Driscoll and Jordan were also well done. But that's just my opinion.
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Post by likelife » Jan 2nd 2003, 6:02 pm

like others, i noticed a distinct diference between this episode and the others... but i did not find this to be a bad thing. "halloween" strikes me as an episode in which the writers and cinematographers were able to flex their creative muscles a bit, if you will.
the costumes were fun, the extremes of certain character's personalities were out on display, and so on. also, i liked the realistic way in which all of the characters in the episode are struggling with that dilemma of whether or not they ACTUALLY like halloween, and whether or not they ACTUALLY want to wear a costume. very true to life.
danielle impersonating angela and rickie impersonating brian were both such lovely moments....

also, i think this episode allowed the writers to display a lot of humor, which i like. if you watch the scene in the costume shop, or when patty and graham are making out in the living room, it's really quite funny.

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