Scott Winant and Get Real (1999-2000)

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Scott Winant and Get Real (1999-2000)

Post by Guest » Sep 10th 1999, 8:29 pm


I just wanted to ask what everybody thinks of the new show on Fox, "Get Real," and did anyone catch what they said about MSCL? I heard from someone that they mentioned the show, but that part totally flew over my head. Any body have an opinion?

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Re: "Get Real"

Post by BeeJay » Sep 14th 1999, 10:03 pm

I just got to see the "pilot" last night. It looks like it might be an OK show. I want to see the next episode before making up my mind - but I'm definitely going to watch the next one!

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carbon copies

Post by emmie » Sep 14th 1999, 11:58 pm

I don't know if this has been addressed here or not, but here goes. I'm sure everyone has noticed how all the new shows this season all have basically the same feel. all these "real life" dramas. it really makes me sick. I guess I'm still bitter at how MSCL was treated 5 years ago. now all the networks want a MSCL-like show. what followers they all are.

of course, here I am ranting about all these shows when I haven't even seen one yet. there are just too many. I'm also curious as to what everyone thinks of these new shows.



Re: carbon copies

Post by Guest » Sep 15th 1999, 9:31 pm


I completely agree with you. All of these shows that try to be like MSCL, in my opinion one of the best shows on television ever, but they either turn out melodramatic or cliche. Dawson's Creek, for example, is nothing but a sex oriented show where the basic story line is "Will Dawson go for Joey or Jen?" The only good episode that show ever had was one about a teacher who made fun of a student because he had poem that made him look as though he was homosexual way(btw, ever notice how bad that show is at confronting the gay issue? No where near as real as MSCL).

And now, there's the ironically called Get Real. Please. The show is just over ridden with pop culture references and Ally McBeal fantasy and exaggerations. Frankly, I'm insulted.

It was a sad day for television when MSCL was cancelled, and it's gone down-hill from then on.

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Re: "Get Real"

Post by BeeJay » Sep 16th 1999, 1:50 am

Well, I watched the second episode of "Get Real", and frankly, I can't seem to make up my mind about what I saw. It is very mscl-like. But unlike mscl, ALL the characters use voice-overs to keep the viewer updated on their thoughts. This voice-over technique worked well with mscl and Angela; but all of the characters? It seemed a bit much.

The show seems to be aiming at all age audiences. The youngest child is a boy of about junior high school age; the middle child is a boy in high school, a junior, I think; and then there's the oldest - a girl smart enough to be considered for valedictorian of her class, but rebellious about the plans her mother has made for her.

I have to admit the hour went by fast, meaning that I was entertained and involved. I guess that's a good sign. But, as far as I'm concerned, the jury is still out!

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Re: "Get Real"

Post by mia » Sep 16th 1999, 10:21 am

I saw the second episode recently, and I have to say, I'm disappointed. It's like the show is trying to be MSCL, but doesn't quite "get it." It's "real life" trapped in the world of pop television. No one in the real world ever acts like these characters; they're just another group of people thought up by a writer who obviously hasn't been in any of the situations he/she writes about, at least not for a very long time (long enough to forget how things really were).

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Re: "Get Real"

Post by BeeJay » Sep 16th 1999, 4:01 pm

Mia, I think you 'hit the nail on the head'! I had the feeling while watching that there was something odd or wrong, or something that just didn't quite fit.
You got it right away. It seemed "put-on". The situations were real enough; the way the characters acted in those situations was contrived - pop television - that's a good description.


Re: carbon copies

Post by Guest » Sep 25th 1999, 3:16 pm

For me I don't even worry about such shows an Get Real being carbon copies because MSCL will
always be a very wonderful show.I was sad when it was taken off.As for Dawsons Creek I have to disagree
I love this show I watch it all the time and I think it is very clever.........well that's just me,but i respect your

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Re: "Get Real"

Post by mglenn » Oct 1st 1999, 8:32 am

I know that some of you have written this show off as Pop TV, but I'm going to have to disagree. After watching last nights show I think its really trying hard to follow in MSCL's footsteps. It may not be a direct replacement (What will ever be?) But I think it still portrays life in a realistic manor...

Sometimes I wonder if we have build MSCL up to such a pedistal that nothing will ever measure up. Not that the show doesn't deserve the credit. Just that we have such high expectations when we see new shows of that genre that we start to pick on every place the show fails to measure up to MSCL. All I'm saying is that if you haven't watched Get Real you should check it out for yourself and if you have, give it a few episodes before you make any judgements about it. Of the new shows this season I've seen I think its the closest to MSCL's spirt and I for one will give it my support...

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Re: "Get Real"

Post by oldguy » Oct 6th 1999, 3:08 am

Sorry, but you have totally missed the mark. "Get Real" is terrible.
No... it's worse than terrible... It's ridiculous trash. Sorry ---- I don't
have anything against you personally. In fact, I think your web site
here is amazing. It's one of the few web sites I don't have to wait five
minutes to get to the next page. But if you want to claim that "Get Real"
is a good show, forget it. It's senseless anti-adult garbage, seductively
packaged in an MSCL-like style. There's no moral or emotional center
to any of the charaters... I don't know what the theme, point, or reflection could
possibly be here other than some desparate TV-producer-wanna-be's attempt
to pander to a gullible youth audience.

Sorry to sound so utterly negative, but I can't believe you'd even begin to
compare "get Real" to MSCL.

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Re: "Get Real"

Post by mia » Oct 6th 1999, 9:18 am

Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say that the show is garbage, but it's definately worth missing. It doesn't seem to have any substance. Mglenn is entitled to his oppinion, of course, but I think urging people to watch the show again once they've already decided it sucks is going a bit far. OF Course we've put MSCL on a pedestal, and OF Course we're looking for something to measure up; that's the whole point. We shouldn't have to settle for something just because it's the closest thing around to our beloved show. Maybe the TV Gods will get it right the next time around...

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Re: "Get Real"

Post by mglenn » Oct 6th 1999, 10:52 am

I'd like to point out that Scott Winant, of MSCL fame, is the director of Get Real so I'm not sure that I agree that its just some wanna-be producers attempt to follow MSCL. I think what your seeing is Scotts directing style coming though. And although the writing is not up to Winnie's caliper, I do believe the show has a moral center. Its one of the few show I've ever seen that hasn't had one or all of its characters sleeping around in the first three episodes. And given todays moral climate on Television that's to be applauded. The main thing the show lacks is the on-going subplots and suggestive imagery that MSCL is famious for. As for emotional content the last episode, in which the fathers best friend dies, was more emotional for me than the episode where Sharon's dad has a heart attack. I personally don't see the anti-adult sentiment that you spoke of. I see a family coming to grips with the fact that everyone is growing older. I would like to hear more of your views on this subject...

I think the hardest thing to get use to is the fact that your dealing with all the characters being part of the same family and not friends. But this in its self opens alot of doors for character interaction as friends interact one way but family relation are a whole nother ball.

And as a side note I take very little about internet discussions personally, we each have our own opinions. Our just differ in this case. :-)

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Re: "Get Real"

Post by oldguy » Oct 6th 1999, 1:31 pm

Thanks for your comments, and I'm glad you weren't offended. I kind of deliberately
criticized the show in an extreme way just to see what sort of a reaction I'd get...
stimulate some discussion. Actually, I only saw the first episode of "Get Real",
so my comments may have been a little unfair. But the impression I got from that
episode was that the show seemed shallow. The parents were portrayed as
kind of a teenager's stereotyped view of "screwed up" --- They were portrayed
without any redeeming characteristics.

The only new show I really like is "Once and Again," which I find has many of the
fine qualities of MSCL (moreso than "Get Real"). One thing I really like is that
every character has depth... good and bad qualities, and interesting quirks and
unpredictabilities. And I like how both "MSCL" and "Once and Again" usually
end a show with a powerful growth or awakening of one or more characters. It
isn't just following some boring lives in stagnation... characters are actually
learning and growing with each episode. Now since I've only seen the one
episode of "Get Real", it's unfair for me to comment as to character growth.
But within the one episode, the characters seemed too shallow to grow at

One thing that MSCL did better than any of these new shows is incorporate
music as part of the constant stylistic flow of the show. I think "Freaks
and Geeks" had no music at all for 40 straight minutes (talk about boring).

Anyway, I may have gotten the wrong impression about "Get Real" from
the first episode, but it's hard for me to imagine that show succeeding on
the level that MSCL and "Once and Again" succeed.

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Scott Winant and Get Real

Post by adam » Oct 2nd 2000, 7:20 pm

I don't know if any of you watched the show get real it was on fox last season but if you didn't know it was from the creators or producers of MSCL or something like that anyway i was seeing when it was going to start the new season and i can't find out. i am almost certain that it was canceled. with that said i would just like to say why do they feel like they have to cancel all the shows that are made by those people. all the good shows are canceled while crap is still shown.

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Re: Get Real

Post by richard » Oct 2nd 2000, 7:29 pm

The only link to msCL that I can see is that Scott winant was Executive Producer on it and also directed an episode, there may be more.

IMDB has some info on it. and its web-site is <a/ href=""> Get real </a>

so is worth a look

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