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Soda or pop?
Soda or pop?Quiz time!
Just for the sake of allowing people to mock on a regional basis, confess! I was born in Chicago but now live in California so I have a combo pack: pop, sneakers, ketchup, Rojerk, pizza, ATM When I moved to California, I noticed that a lot of people pronounce the short i sound almost like a short e sound, so pillow sounds more like pellow. One of my teachers (a California native) pronounced bag as baig. I want to hear everyone else's answers to Jason's "you talk funny" quiz. Feel free to add other examples - like "punch buggy" as opposed to "slug bug." Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?
In St. Louis we call soda ...soda. I have friends in K.C. and they call soda...pop. I also have family in Iowa and they call soda....pop. We call 'tennis shoes' ...rubbers. (as opposed to leather soled shoes i guess) I think when I was a kid we called tennis shoes...sneakers. Where is that quiz by Jason?
Daddy sold the farm and they've killed my trees. K-man
soda vs popHey all,
Let's see: Soda, jerk (Rojek), pizza, ketchup, ATM, elevator, truck, mom Lance Man
Well, I was told about a certain adult film where one of the characters gasped, "GIVE ME YOUR SHOE!" at a particular moment.
Which reminds me of the scene in the Zit - "He's, like, making her beg for her shoe!" (Rickie's response: "Wow, I never heard of that!") Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?
Re: Soda or pop?Sneakers Catsup/Ketchup = EVIL Pizza or Pie...depends on the situation ATM or Mac Machine...never heard Versateller before... BTW im located in North Eastern NJ on the border of Manhattan... IE Sopranos land if that helps. Delightful thread!
Let's see. Born and raised in North New Jersey, in the same area fnordboy is from, only I've practically got the Sopranos in my back yard (the house is in the next town ). Sneakers. (I haven't been in gym since 12th grade.) Soda or cola (I've heard of "soda pop", and I'm assuming it's where the other half of the country got "pop" from) Pizza/pie ("Do you want pizza or fish tonight?", or "I'd like to order a pie, large, with extra cheese and mushrooms") Ketchup Rojek is just Rojek. I can't think of another word that describe him best. Well, "criminal" might work... Elevator. MAC or ATM. And here's one that always confused me; When the heck did "little league" baseball become "Pop Warner"? I don't understand the phrase... Dumpster (instead of "skip" - if I got the spelling correct. I think I watch too much Ground Force!) I spell "color" and "neighbor" without a "u" in them. And I say "herb" without pronunciating the "h", despite, as Eddie Izzard says, that "there's a f***ing 'h' in it". Finally, I say "Tren-un" instead of "Trent-on", much to the chagrin of my girlfriend. Gary p.s. sorry for the cursing (not "cussing")
Heh...don't tempt me..... Ground Force is one of the best shows on TV. I can not get enough of it. First off Eddie Izzard rules. I too say erb not herb (unless it is someones name...then it is Herb). Colour and Neighbour are from my understanding the brit version...in otherwards WRONG ...but i spell gray with an E (Grey) just because to me it fits the color better .
I watched it for the first time during a marathon on BBC America. It's funny as hell. I missed the Manhattan episodes though (hope they air it again). "Cake or death?" "Uh, cake please." "Very well. Give him cake." Oh, you're on your own there... See, I spell it with the "a". Just looks better to me. Maybe I had a demented set of Crayolas... A-HA! Here's a train of thought that ties in with what girl_from_texas said; Do you use brand names or the actaul name of the product? Is it "Crayons" or "Crayolas"? "Bandage" or "Band-Aid"? "Glass cleaner" or "Windex"? "Tape" or "Scotch tape"? "Marker", "Magic Marker" or "Sharpie"? (I use the second choices on everything except I use "crayons", plus I order a lot of Diet Coke.) If I think of more, I'll chime in. -g
Q-tips or cotton swabs?
Xerox or copier? Pop Warner runs the young kids football equivalent. I'm between the ages of knowing kids who play little league and having kids you are little leage age, so I'm not sure what's going on in terms of the names. When I was that age, football was called Pop Warner. I checked the Official Pop Warner website and they list football and cheer/dance (no baseball), so I would guess that calling little league "Pop Warner" is the all encompassing word for "kids sports" these days. Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? Someone else who says "Coke." Joy. Actually, I have a theory about that: since Coca-Cola originated in Georgia, it's reasonable that the term so dominates the South. Truth. Beauty. Freedom. And above all things... Love.
Good ones. I opt for Q-tip and "copy", with the machine being the copier. Thanks for the clarification. As far as I know, the term is not used in my area - it's little league no matter what the sport is. I remember the kids my age who played football played "little league". I only saw the term once or twice when I was a kids sports photographer. The people I worked for was based near my home and it was only until I ventured into Western Jersey and into NY or even CT that the term popped up. The kids kept correcting me when the familar term passed my lips ("It's Pop Warner!!"). Ah, kids. -g Who is onlineUsers browsing this forum: No registered users and 1 guest |