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Sharon's roomSharon's roomSo I was watching Strangers in the House the the other day, and I noticed that in Sharon's room, there are two twin beds. This struck me as a little odd. Why would she have two beds in her room?
There was never any mention, to my recollection, of Sharon having any siblings. I suppose it's possible that she has an older sibling who no longer lives in the house, but I would think someone would have mentioned calling that sibling when Mr. Cherski has the heart attack. Any other thoughts?
I think it's the girlie equivalent of a young boy having a bunk bed even though he doesn't share his room with a sibling.
Even though I only had one bed in my room (so deprived), I didn't think it was totally weird for Sharon to have two beds, especially if Angela practically lived there as a kid. It would probably make sense to Camille to buy two beds so that Angela didn't have to sleep on the floor every weekend. On the other hand, Angela has a full sized bed, which is big enough for two kids to sleep in.
yeah I can understand what you're saying about it being weird that she has 2 beds, but my really good friend has 2 twin beds in her room and she kind of uses it as a couch, basically for decoration, and it seems like Sharon would like the traditional 2 twin beds as a girly decoration in her room... also for angela to sleep over
This life has been a test. If it had been an actual life, you would have received actual instructions on where to go and what to do.
I had one twin size bed in my room from when I was a little girl until about 7th grade. After that I've had a full size bed. So Angela may have had a smaller bed when she was a lot younger, then asked for the larger bed in middle school. Actually, come to think of it, her bed in The Pilot wasn't a full, was it?
When my younger sister was born, I was kicked out of the crib (I was only 16 months old) and given a full sized bed which has lasted me forever. Granted the mattress has started to sag (and I am thinking about that now that it's almost time to visit the family for the holidays), but I have always had a full sized bed. And let me tell you - it's a lot easier to upgrade (I have a queen sized bed now) - when I moved into the dorm my freshman year of college, I was afraid that I would roll right off the bed.
![]() When my sister was big enough for a bed, my parents got her a full sized bed too. Only my youngest sister got a twin, for no reason that has ever been revealed to me. Very mysterious. ![]() I guess it was just weird to me because none of my friends ever had two beds in their room unless they shared the room with siblings. Some of them had trundle beds for when friends slept over, though, so I suppose it really isn't that strange that Sharon had two beds for when Angela spent the night.
I had a twin-sized bed all the way through college (the one at my mom's house was half of a bunk bed that could be split to make two twins). It never seemed small to me until I upgraded to a full-sized bed recently, and now I can't imagine going back. I love the extra space!
I just watched the Pilot again and it looks like Angela does have a full sized bed. Her room is only shown twice in this episode - first when Sharon comes to pick up her Anne Frank and then after Angela comes home from Let's Bolt. Although it's a little hard to tell because of the angle in the first scene and then the darkness in the second scene, I based the size of the bed on two things. First of all, you can see that Angela has two pillows next to each other at the head of the bed and if I recall correctly from my dorm days, you can only fit one regular sized pillow across the width of a twin bed. Secondly, (and I admit this is a much less scientific reason), if you look at the bed closely when the camera pans to Angela staring off into space (after she wipes off her lipstick) you can see the width at the foot of the bed. The two posts are too far apart to be a twin sized bed.
That said, Angela does get a new bed. In the pilot, Angela has a four poster bed made of dark wood. You get a really good view of Angela's new bed at the end of Why Jordan Can't Read when Patty brings in the carton of ice cream. Angela no longer has a four poster bed but a lighter colored wood curved headboard and footboard. Ahhh, OCD. Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? Re: Sharon's roomI also thought it was odd Sharon had two beds, but I think it was just a way of letting the viewers know how close she and Angela were. They'd been friends and Sharon's room was "their world," almost like Angela's second bedroom where she even pretty much had her own bed. Kind of sweet.
Re: Sharon's roomThat's true. I think the two beds were meant to point out a close childhood friendship between the 2 girls.
About Angela's room--it did seem to keep changing. Not just the size of the bed, but the everything about the bed, and the positioning of the furniture in her room! To me it seemed different almost every time! I wonder if this was done intentionally or not? We never do see Danielle's room, do we? "So, the mouse makes pressure, just by breathing?...I can relate."
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