Audio sync/echo?

This forum is for questions/discussions about the now sold out first DVD box set by BMG / AnotherUniverse.
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Nicky Driscoll
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Joined: Oct 28th 2002, 6:46 pm
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Audio sync/echo?

Post by Minerwerks » Nov 27th 2002, 8:49 pm

I have noted a few comments about out of sync audio or echo-y audio on the DVDs. I would like to make a suggestion for anyone who is experiencing such issues. The DVDs are defaulting to the remixed 5.1 audio tracks (though I use the term "remixed" loosely). If you hear some audio problems, go back to the main menu and select the "stereo" or 2.0 audio, then check the episode again.

Because of the way the 5.1 tracks were created, I can guess why sync and echo problems could result. The dialogue in the 5.1 mixes is spread around all three front channels, and some players and receivers add delay to the center channel, which could result in an echo-y sound. The 2.0 mix should not exhibit such a problem, because there's no discrete center channel.
= Derek =

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