birthday thread

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Post by SanDeE* » Dec 3rd 2004, 6:48 pm

fnordboy wrote:You tried do that to me and I wouldn't buy it on principle :lol:
Not even for a girlfriend on her birthday? :( poo poo fnordboy

:wink: :D
Um, in my room, one seam is a little off and I stare at it constantly. It's, like, destroying me.


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Post by fnordboy » Dec 3rd 2004, 7:04 pm

Kristin wrote:
fnordboy wrote:You tried do that to me and I wouldn't buy it on principle :lol:
Not even for a girlfriend on her birthday? :( poo poo fnordboy

:wink: :D
See I would rather have her know that I bought it for her because I knew she would want it. Not because I just went with what she told me because I couldn't think of anything else.

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Post by SanDeE* » Dec 3rd 2004, 7:12 pm

You could act like you bought her something else... and then after you give her the gift tell her that you knew she wanted that, she didn't have to leave all those hints around. Although, it is in a woman's nature to hint around at stuff she wants, material or otherwise. Generally speaking, of course.
Um, in my room, one seam is a little off and I stare at it constantly. It's, like, destroying me.


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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Dec 3rd 2004, 8:24 pm

Interestingly, fnordboy's attitude was similar to the attitude I had about the boyfriend in question. He would ask for something and if I said no, he would just keep nagging and whining and asking. I later found out it was because he used to do it to his mom and he always wore her down ("Can I have a cookie? Can I have a cookie? Can I have a cookie?"). I told him the if I said no the first time, I would say no the next hundred times.

In my defense of the mug idea, I was 15 and I knew that this boy needed some serious guidance about what women like. I keep waiting for his wife to thank me for all the training I provided.

Natasha aka candygirl ::

Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer.
You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?

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Post by SanDeE* » Dec 4th 2004, 4:00 am

I still don't see anything wrong with getting your boyfriend/girlfriend something that he/she really wants. In my mind, that means they want to associate that thing with you, which is a big compliment. I can't remember doing this to my current boyfriend, but several years ago when I was with my first boyfriend I really wanted this one record album. I hinted left and right for it, but eventually, I forgot about it. And then, a month or two later on my birthday, he gave me the album and it was a huge surprise to me because I forgot about how much I wanted it. Therefore, I thought he was so sweet for listening to me and remembering.
Um, in my room, one seam is a little off and I stare at it constantly. It's, like, destroying me.


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Post by starbug » Dec 4th 2004, 7:02 am

Fnordboy :shock: :D Well, I can understand that. The thing I don't like about the hinting game is that it does kind of ruin the surprise element. And Mr. S usually does well on the accuracy of what it is that I want... but the overriding factor in my whole hinting thing is that I would rather have a present I'd like, than risk getting something pointless and rubbish. I have ended up with enough crap over the years (though usually not at Mr. S's hands) to think to myself it just isn't worth it. I commend you, Fnord, on your outstanding ability to buy stuff your girlfriend actually loves. But you've got to acknowledge that it's possible most men don't have the same high-level perceptions. :wink:


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Post by fnordboy » Dec 4th 2004, 2:40 pm

Let me clarify. It is not so much the hinting that I frown upon. That is fine. It is the intentional leaving the catalog open to that item, or more importantly taping the picture of the item to a cup. That is when I won't buy it, not that my girlfriend would do that anyway. Hints are ok though ;)

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Post by Nostradamus » Dec 5th 2004, 12:12 pm

Happy Birthday for The Talented Krakow and especially for Sascha!


About the hinting, I once made the dire mistake of giving a gag gift to a lady friend who had been hinting about something else for months. I think I was a few inches away from being permanantly 'un-manned'.

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Post by SanDeE* » Dec 5th 2004, 3:03 pm

See what happens!!!!!! :shock:

Happy birthday Talented Krakow and SASCHA! :D :D :D
Um, in my room, one seam is a little off and I stare at it constantly. It's, like, destroying me.


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Post by grim4746 » Dec 5th 2004, 3:49 pm

Happy Birthday to The Talented Krakow and Sascha!:bday: :smilecolros: :bday:

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Post by starbug » Dec 5th 2004, 5:17 pm

Happy birthday Talented Krakow and Sacha!!!! Hope you had a fabulous day!
:bday: :bday: :Fade-color :Fade-color :bday: :bday:


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Post by Sascha » Dec 6th 2004, 7:33 am

Thanks everyone for the b-day wishes! *Sigh*, my last twelve months of "twentysomething" have begun. Oh, soon I'm gonna be *old*...

Re: the gift hinting - I'm with fnordboy on that one. If I make a gift, I want to surprise someone. If I have the feeling that the presentee already exactly knows what she's getting then it's only half so much fun. I'm a bit oldschool there :) Small hints are fine though. If I think he or she expects a certain gift, I sometimes just give a cheap, lame gift first and wait with the real one for an half hour or so :)

Oh, and happy St Nicolaus Day for everyone who's celebrating it today. (Probably only in Europe) I hope noone got a birching ;-)

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Post by fnordboy » Dec 6th 2004, 11:22 am

Happy belated birthday Sascha and Talented Krakow! Sorry I missed it. :(


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Post by TooCool4Skool » Dec 6th 2004, 12:04 pm

Sascha (sab) wrote:Oh, and happy St Nicolaus Day for everyone who's celebrating it today. (Probably only in Europe) I hope noone got a birching ;-)
I thought I was the only one who celerbrated that! HAPPY ST. NICKS DAY

Oh ya, and Happy B-Day!
Moltar- Well hey, Thom asked me if he could see my knife, and Thom's doing a song about knife, and he wanted to see what one looked like. Isn't that right Thom? (Pulls out knife again)
Space Goast- (Turns to Thom Yorke) Is that right?
Thom- ...No.
Space Goast- Cuz it sounds like a good idea... so do it.

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Post by Nothingman » Dec 6th 2004, 5:59 pm

Happy Birthday Sascha, sorry I missed it. You're a man, your stock will continue to rise long after you turn thirty, "old" is in your head.

The worst case of hinting about gifts is the engagement ring. The continued hinting/badgering to get you to put something on their finger is enough to drive most men postal. What amazes is they hint like you are going to forget. This is one of the biggest decisions in a man's life, it's not like we aren't thinking about it. Ladies, if it's really bothering you, just ask us what we think about possibly getting married, but stop with the hinting please, we know. If you can't talk about marriage before hand, then you're not ready so leave it be. (Sorry for the tangent, bad experience)
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