World Happiness Dance

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Post by jacqui926 » Dec 9th 2002, 8:00 pm

I definately think that Corey was interested in Rayanne, I noticed another episode where she was the first thing he asked about too.

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Dec 9th 2002, 9:11 pm

Actually after all the initial "hi"s from everyone, Corey said, "Nice cry" to Rayanne because he had seen her audition for Our Town.

I never really got the feeling that Corey was hot for Rayanne. Then again, maybe he was just more understated about it than some other people we could name :wink:
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Post by JodyK » Dec 9th 2002, 10:51 pm

Didn't Corey also ask if Rayanne liked her shoes he painted for her?


i agree...

Post by Guest » Dec 9th 2002, 11:18 pm

w/ megs about kyle's dumbfounded face and sharon looking at him thinking that he was a huge moron...she was probably questioning why she ever decided to date him in the first place. and she looked at rickie and delia and realized that it's something that her and kyle will never share.

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Dec 9th 2002, 11:34 pm

JodyK wrote:Didn't Corey also ask if Rayanne liked her shoes he painted for her?
After Rickie apologizes for Rayanne flaking on them at the dance, Corey says, "You don't have to be sorry. I wanted to ask her how she liked her sneakers."

Since Corey is an artiste (yes, that's pronounced ar-teeste), maybe part of the reason he was waiting for Rayanne to get there was to ask if she really liked his work on her shoes. Then again, wouldn't he have asked her when he actually painted her sneakers earlier (when Rickie says, "He painted your shoes," and Rayanne replies - very enthusiastically, I might add - "You want me to ask him to do yours?").


They mystery of Corey is like Shrek's onion - layers.

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corey and kyle and all the other confusion

Post by likelife » Dec 11th 2002, 6:22 pm

first off - i just rewatched LOB on my NEW dvds and (maybe because the picture is better than the tapes copied from tv that i used to watch...) for the first time i noticed kyle's staring at rickie. i think it was a combo of things. one, kyle is SUCH a boring cliche that he is astounded by anyone who shows any sort of true emotion or expression or individuality. i think rickie astounds kyle because kyle cannot imagine being a guy and being comfortable with the things that rickie is comfortable doing. bad sentence, sorry. but THEN, i watched resolutions, in which sharon and kyle start umming again because it's easier for sharon to get off when foreplay includes a brad pitt movie. true, but did you all notice how excited KYLE gets when he is explaining thelma and louise to her? he is not describing gina davis in detail, but rather, BRAD!! i am not trying to say that kyle is definitely a latent homosexual, but more that i love the way the writers play with this idea, intentionally or not.... and truthfully, it's not really about him being gay or not -- it's more about how funny it is to see such an alpha male like kyle get excited about thelma and louise or club dancing.

on to corey and rickie and rayanne --
i think that we will never know who corey is interested in, if anyone. he struck me as sort of asexual artist guy who is attractive and creative but off in his own little world. i've known guys like this before -- you fall hard for them because you think they are so deep and different, but in SOME cases, that far away look is just them thinking about their next art project.... or absolutely nothing (no offense to artistic sorts, i'm just postulating).
i think that corey is also pretty socially awkward. remember the first time we see him? he does not really know how to respond to rickie and rayanne and angela at all. he hones in on rickie's vest because he does not know how to relate socially. same thing with the "nice cry" statement. if he were more perceptive or sensitive, even, i think he would have continued to hang out with rickie at the dance. not because he would have known about rickie's crush, but because he would have thought, here's a guy who's here alone, and i'm here alone, let's stick together so we do not have to face this dance by ourselves. instead i think he was just thinking of HIS experience at the dance.

and about angela, i think she went to the dance a) because she wanted to see jordan (and yes i love it when she first sees him there, esp. because i detect some happiness and recognition on HIS face when he sees HER), and b) because angela is not totally "over" or "above" thinking that something corny and typical like a dance might actually be fun, in some obvious sort of way. rayanne is the type to dismiss a dance, but not angela.
as far as going with brian, i think she asked for the rdie because she wanted the ride. she was unconsciously jealous that brian;s attention was being averted but i do not think she actually wanted to go with him.. she asks for the punch so she has time to survey the scene and also because she has realized that this is "like" a date, and i think she assumes the easiest way to deal with it is to deal with brian until he becomes to obvious and annoying. and yes, he acts a security blanket until she sees jordan and rickie.


Post by Guest » Dec 11th 2002, 10:39 pm

i agree w/ you on everything, however, i think we're all looking into the corey situation too much. we don't even know if he had trouble interacting w/ others because of social problems..there are many possibilities as to why he didn't hang out w/ ricky.

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Post by bdckr » Dec 12th 2002, 5:49 pm

candygirl wrote:Another thing about the end of the dance - after Brian went through all this inner turmoil to go to the dance with Angela, why didn't he dance with her? When he suggested they might dance (which I thought meant that he did want to dance with her), Angela explodes, "We're not gonna dance!" and he backtracks by saying, "I realize that."

When Angela comes back inside, she asks if he wants to dance, Brian says, "Not with you."

Angela is his dream girl, so why wouldn't he seize this opportunity to finally be physically close to her? I will admit that my adolescent fantasies were about slow dancing with some boy that I liked (very non-sexual fantasies!), and Brian respects Angela to see her as an object, someone to have sex with. He wants a relationship with all those little things like dancing, so why would he pass up this opportunity?

Is it because he saw her with Jordan in the parking lot and doesn't want to play second fiddle?
Jumping onto this topic late, but my take on the situation is that Brian is peeved with Angela at that particular moment. I'm not sure if I remember this correctly (old TV, fried RF modulator...) but Brian had only mentioned that they might dance. That may have been his way of asking her to dance without actually asking. He probably wanted to dance with her at that moment. When Angela explodes that they're not going to dance, he tries to act nonchalant, as if he expected that response, when he is actually feeling very rejected. Probably contributing to this is that he never really asked her, but she made the jump in logic to conclude that Brian wanted to dance with her, and her immediate response was a resounding NO.

I don't think it's any deeper than the fact that Brian is feeling rejected, the moment is still fresh in his mind, and he takes the first opportunity he gets to return the feeling.

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Post by fnordboy » Dec 12th 2002, 6:08 pm

bdckr wrote:I don't think it's any deeper than the fact that Brian is feeling rejected, the moment is still fresh in his mind, and he takes the first opportunity he gets to return the feeling.
I actually think it also has to do with the fact that he feels like an ass for doing what he did to Delia. After the "exchange" he had with her after the Angela blow up he realized (selfishly still) that what he did was wrong.

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Post by Megs » Dec 15th 2002, 10:57 am

Duuuude... Ms. Lerner can cut a rug. :lol:
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Post by AngelaBee » Dec 16th 2002, 12:33 am

okay, i watched life of brian again last night, keeping in mind many of the posts about the world happiness dance. sorry if i repeat things that were said, but i wanted to present my view of brian/angela at the dance.
so i think that angela originally asked brian to take her so that she'd have someone if jordan didn't show up. (rayanne had told angela in the classroom when corey came in that she should go with brian as a back up for jordan and so she'd "have someone to pay.")
anyway, when she asked brian to go to the dance, he totally misunderstood, he thought that she maybe was interested in him, he didn't realize that he was the backup for jordan and was just there to so she wouldn't be alone.
you can see when they walk into the dance how different their attitudes are- brian starts trying to make conversation with her, but she cuts him off to get her a drink so she can scope the scene and see if jordan is there.
brian has his hopes up and thinks maybe he'll get to dance with angela, but then he sees her with jordan outside, and all of the sudden it hits him that angela was just using him as a backup for jordan. that is when he goes up to delia and tries to apologize to her.
then when angela gets insulted by jordan when he runs off with his friends, she comes back in and goes up to brian as her back up. so when she asks him to dance, of course he says no cuz he's upset that she wasn't really interested in him and he realizes he's just a backup for jordan. (i think that part was mentioned by candygirl....i really noticed that when i rewatched the episode, that brian was angela's security blanket....)

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Re: corey and kyle and all the other confusion

Post by lizardcub » Dec 16th 2002, 1:57 pm

likelife wrote:true, but did you all notice how excited KYLE gets when he is explaining thelma and louise to her? he is not describing gina davis in detail, but rather, BRAD!! i am not trying to say that kyle is definitely a latent homosexual,
I see this one totally differently--I think it shows that Kyle, much as he may not always seem that way, has actually been perceptive enough to realize that Brad Pitt turns Sharon on in a major way, and, more surprisingly I think, is willing (at least subconsciously) to have Sharon sleep with him only or mostly so she can get off on her fantasy, with at least subconscious recognition that if it weren't for Brad she wouldn't be as interested in sleeping with him at that point.

Actually, another possibility is that either Sharon has told him how much she likes Brad, or he picked up on it, and now it's something that they openly joke/flirt about. In which case, his seeming like he's using Brad to get Sharon to have sex doesn't really imply that he knows she doesn't fully want to. He could just see it as a game they play.

Oh, and by the way, even though Kyle *is* an Alpha Male type, I don't see him as the lunkhead some people do. I actually thought he was pretty sweet in connection with the sophomore top 40.

Hmm, perhaps I should have made a Kyle topic for this post.

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kyle and brad

Post by likelife » Dec 17th 2002, 4:42 pm

i agree that kyle may have had TONS of heterosexual and even maybe perceptive reasons to mention brad pitt to sharon... i just thought it was funny. like, if you wanted to try to find proof that kyle, of all people, is actually latently gay, then there you have it. i guess it's the notion of him as the high school jock with the busty girlfriend who just MIGHt be something totally different. in "angela's world" there's a lot of talk about how even the authority figures and mainstream characters in the show somehow get marginalized or redefined -- i think this is a perfect example. just like corey, we do not know enough about kyle to get to the bottom of any of this, but the writers give us a lot to think about...

and no, kyle's not all bad. he's sweet to sharon in his own way, it's just that she realizes that he is not what she wants or needs.

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Dec 17th 2002, 4:58 pm

Since we're talking about Kyle and Sharon, I find it interesting that in many ways Sharon seems like a modern woman. She is assertive, intelligent, independent, and involved (we could also accuse her of having a Type A personality, but I'm going to focus on the positive female image for now). She is comfortable in leadership roles (yearbook, ASB, making gift baskets at Christmas) so she seems to have a very modern independent spirit.

What seemed to contradict this image is that in this episode, she was waiting for Kyle, her boyfriend, to ask her to the dance. They have already been attached at the lips for over a month (and in high school, that's long enough to be considered a relationship), long enough for a dance or other school function to be an assumed date with someone she has been dating, yet she insists on making a big deal about whether he is going to ask her or not.

The way she approaches it is very old fashioned (think Lorraine in Back to the Future) - Sharon isn't just concerned about whether she and Kyle are actually going to the dance together, but she wants him to ask her to make it "official." I guess considering her long floral printed dresses, I shouldn't be surprised by this.

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sharon and kyle

Post by likelife » Dec 17th 2002, 5:05 pm

that's a good point...
i guess i always assumed that sharon was waiting to be asked because at their school, people usually ask each other to dances.... and most often the guy. my HS was the type where barely anybody had dates to the casual dances like WHD, and then the prom and the formals were dances that you wanted a date for, but girls asked guys just as often. so it might have been just "how it was done" at their school, or, on the other hand, sharon could have been looking for some recognition from kyle; she was so busy setting up the dance and organizing everything else that she just wanted to feel recognized and appreciated.
on th e"modern woman" note, i've always liked that sharon sticks up for rayanne about her sexual practices when kyles tries to put her down. she has many reasons to relate to rayanne, but i'm impressed that she chooses to show it. "face it. you and your friends would give someone a medal if they did that!"
love it.

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