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Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Nah, forget the newspapers; the only sure-fire way to stop misbehavior like that is to take 'em to the Vet and get 'em fixed.
![]() Have you seen the pop-ups for that new plastic-surgery show? They take up about a quarter of the screen and make nauseating "slicing" sounds. On the other hand, I was watching an old ep of ST: TNG on "Spike" the other day when they blasted their logo ove a third of screen, which lasted for at least a couple of minutes! And I used to think the little transparent network ID logos were bad... ![]() I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.
-- Clarence Darrow I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it. -- Mark Twain
Over here in the UK we've just had the last Buffy box set released and I finished watching the final eps a few days ago. MSCL and Buffy are definately my 2 fav shows ever.
***POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR UK VIEWERS without the videos box sets*** My thoughts on Season 7 and the Buffy Universe: I thought the first half of S.7 was seriously forgettable. It didn't have the fun eps that S.6 had (I felt spoiled with "Life Serial", "Once More With Feeling", "Tabula Rasa" and "Gone"). But I enjoyed the second half much more, it was fun trying to guess who was and wasn't the First. ![]() "Conversations With Dead People", "Storyteller" and "Chosen" are probably my favourite eps, having only watched the season twice through so far though. I was a bit sigh-some when Willow said about the world going to end to Giles in ep 1 ("It's gonna swallow us all."). I felt like we were being rushed into the whole last-season/biggest bad ever vibe too soon. S.7 did feel a lot like S.5 to me, with the whole big apocalypse thing, though S.5 had a more gut-wrenching ending - which I think the show should have ended on, IMHO. Though it's nice to know that Buffy can have a normal life now. I think that it was pretty obvious that Dawn was never going to be potential slayer. She was born as the 'key', not a slayer. As Willow, Xander and Anya didn't hear what the monk told Buffy in S.5 about Dawn, they must not have realised this. I was also disappointed that we didn't see more of Dawn's school life and her making any real long-term friends, like Buffy did when she first arrived at Sunnydale High. Since the Highschool has been destroyed yet again (what a waste of money! ![]() ![]() Another thing, I think there's a definate split between the Buffy seasons: S.1-4 - at school/college - colourful, fun eps S.5-7 - grown up/adults - there was a much darker feel and look to the show from here on I think. Also, to start a little discussion, what ep/s do you think 'made' each season/made each season great? I think: S.1 - "Angel" or "Prophecy Girl" S.2 - "Passion" or "Becoming (part 2)" S.3 - "The Wish" and "Dopplegangland" S.4 - "Hush" S.5 - "The Body" and "The Gift" S.6 - "Once More, With Feeling" S.7 - "Chosen" These aren't necessarily my fav eps, but what I think are the best of a good bunch. ![]() I think S.4-S.6 eps are easy to choose, but I'm not sure about S.1-S.3 and S.7. ![]() *~Emerald~* "Hello, you've reached the winter of our discontent."
Some of this will be revealed during this season of Angel (specifically where Buffy is now), but people were leaving Sunnydale in droves at the beginning of Empty Places (Remember Buffy talking to Clem while he was stuck in a traffic jam? And Andrew bringing back food from the abandoned grocery store? And Anya and Andrew getting medical supplies from the abandoned hospital?). Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? I agree that Becoming Part 2 was the best Buffy episode ever. I'd probably say The Gift was next. Though both Season 2 and 5 were filled with great episodes, and 3 not far behind.
Quick topic switch. Does anyone else think that it is really weird they way that Joss is treating Charisma Carpenter? I mean, she was there from the beginning, and successfully evolved her 1 trick pony character into an interesting role. I don't get it. Here though is my WILD SPECULATION, based on NOTHING BUT MY OWN GUESS: Joss is acting like someone who was jilted. Is it possible they were involved, and then with CC's marriage and then child, he turned on her? That seems to fit the way they are acting, or more particularly Joss. And it would also make CC reluctant to respond back. Just a hunch.
I think Joss was being honest when he said that he has nowhere else to take her character (the same has been said about why Sex and the City is going to end). Each character is like a separate book and once you get to a certain point, their story has been told. Cordelia has evolved a lot since the first episode of BtVS, and story-wise, I have no problem with her not being on AtS anymore. I highly doubt that Joss was fooling around with Charisma Carpenter because he has been married to Kai Cole for quite a while (their son was born last December).
Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? The more I read about how close Angel was to cancellation and about how WB wanted the show to change to reach a larger audience (pardon my run on sentence), the more convinced I am that money was at the heart of the decision. Only so much money can only support so big a cast. LanceMan
I believe that money is always a factor in television and movies, but on a similar level, it isn't JUST money - one of the difficulties of having such a large cast is giving them all storylines and character development without turning them into caricatures (Melrose Place?). The cast has more than doubled since the first season, so it makes sense to start pruning back a little. I'm not saying that I'm glad CC is gone, but I don't think it was anything personal.
Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? Oh, I agree with you. I don't think it was a personal decision, I think it was a business decision. LanceMan See, I've read Joss's interviews where he discussed why he decided to get rid of CC. I read what he said about how Cordelia's character has run its course. But that never did sit very well with me.
First of all, we don't even know how Cordy is right now!!! Last we saw her, she had been abducted, given birth to a god-like demon, and placed in a coma. How is that resolution to her character? Still unresolved is the after effects of Connor, if any (or has she forgotten too?). And what about the long hinted Angel/Cordy 'ship? Given that Buffy will be reappearing at some point, wouldn't that make the perfect counterpoint to Angel's jealousy of Spike? Which leads me to this. If ANY character has over-run his usefulness, its Spike! For god's sake, we (finally) killed him off (long overdue I'd might add). How is that not resolution? Yet he is brought back. Spike is a tired character. Yet Cordelia supposedly has no where to go with her story. I don't buy it. There's something more to this than meets the eye. Jpp13, I do sympathize with you on this point. I do think more could have been done with CC's character. I disagree with you on Spike. I happen to be a member of the Spike fan club. Spike has progressed from season two bad ass to regular season vampire with a leash, or chip in season four. Last season he still had his chip but now had a soul. This year all the training wheels are off. Spike has his soul, has saved the world, now what? Will he brood ala Angel? Will he maintain his care free spirit. How will he handle his new situation? Alot has been done but much more can be done with Spike. My two reasons for eventually puchasing Buffy Season 7 (shudder) are for the character backstory done for Spike and Anya. Granted with Joss lighten things up for this season I don't know how much character development will be attempted but I remain hopeful. LanceMan
Amazon.com is once again taking pre-orders for the S5 DVD set, which will be released on December 9 for $38.99 (discounted Amazon price - the retail prices is still $59.98 ). It is currently the #1 on Amazon's DVD list
![]() There is also a package deal to buy BtVS S1-4 for $119.99 - the release date is October 14. Firefly is still not back up on Amazon for pre-order...yet. Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? Cool beans! That is a nice price. LanceMan Who is onlineUsers browsing this forum: No registered users and 0 guests |