
This forum is for questions/discussions about the now sold out first DVD box set by BMG / AnotherUniverse.
Overlooked Sibling
Posts: 37
Joined: Oct 11th 2002, 11:03 am

Post by FarrellGirl78 » Nov 14th 2002, 10:03 pm

Gord, the person I spoke to at Ventura was Janel if I remember correctly!

Anyway, it is very sad that will not deliver the boxset and I won't be seeing it. I really hate that I will not be getting the MSCL boxset that I've been wanting for almost a year now and even before that. I really really hate the situation.

I guess I will try also. Who knows, it might work! If I cannot have it well that is just too bad. Someday when I have more money, I will pay for it in $US!!!


Overlooked Sibling
Posts: 36
Joined: Oct 8th 2002, 12:09 am

Post by leerosevere » Nov 15th 2002, 12:19 am

Just want to thank those who responded to my post and sympathized... It helps a bit to know others feel as tired and depressed as I do. Share the misery! :wink:

It's a crime that our favorite show will always have these negative associations and memories attached. Well, hopefully not always.

I hope I'll have more energy to fight AU, and care about the box set again without begrudging how much I've paid for it...but not right now.

And I just want to apologize publicly to my spouse for being such a grouch lately. :oops: Sorry honey!

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