Drilled on the MSCL DVDs? Check out LOTR!

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Drilled on the MSCL DVDs? Check out LOTR!

Post by So-Called Loon » Nov 4th 2002, 4:25 am

I was just checking into the deluxe 4 and 5 disk sets of the movie "The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring".

:shock: :o 4 disks with not only an extended version of the show, but about 4 different commentary tracks, a bunch of "making of" type documentary material, interactive maps. Interviews with 3/4 the cast and... more extras than i've ever seen on one flick!

retail: $39.99
sale: $25.99 :o

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/ ... 29-3959001

:shock:There's also the: The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring (Platinum Series Extended Edition Collector's Gift Set)
With gobs and gobs more stuff, including some "Argonath Bookends", trading cards, original art! Unbelievable amount of info thingies.

List Price:   $79.92
Price:  $59.94 :o Check the Amazon Rating.

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/ ... 29-3959001

As a major film making buff, i've got to get one of these babies! :mrgreen: If AU would return my bleedin' money i could! :x

(both sets are Region 1) :?

Now i know the MSCL DVD project is nowhere near the scale, but i've been waiting for this superset since the spring and i expected it to be one of those $150 deluxe things where the money is mostly for a pretty box. And it's a relatively paltry $60 for 5 disks+stuff.

You'd think AU could put together a small scale project like MSCL with a couple little extras and not screw it up entirely!
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Post by lance » Nov 5th 2002, 9:00 pm

So-Called Loon,

I ordered the first extended set ($39.99 SRP). I can't wait to see the deleted scenes. As you can tell 90% of money goes into DVDs. I hope you can get your own copy of LOTR.

Looking foward to Twin Towers?

Lance Man

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Nov 8th 2002, 3:15 am

I am, I am!!

I will admit that somehow I never read the LOTR trilogy, but I saw the movie last year with some friends. When the lights came up, I asked, "So when is the next one coming out?" (secondary question: "When can I go to New Zealand?")

I think that I am more excited about seeing the Twin Towers than the new Harry Potter movie.


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Post by So-Called Loon » Nov 10th 2002, 4:32 am

I don't care how many gazillion copies of Harry Potter have sold world-wide. I read a couple. Very creative.

But they (can't remember which organization) were absolutely correct to vote LOTR as book of the century! (and LOTR sold it's hundred million+ copies just in the latter half of the 20th century!)

Ever since i first got interested in how movies were made and started doing little 8mm things in jr. high, i've always kept in mind a few actors/actresses that might fit into a live action version of LOTR. But the animated version kinda sucked and up until the day i heard about Peter Jackson working on the new one, i figured there wasn't a chance in hell that it would be made any time soon because i knew that to do it properly would cost major $$$$ and couldn't be accomplished in even a 3-4 hour film.

I hoped someone would at least make an expensive miniseries one day.

I'm more anxious to see The Two Towers than any of the other big films coming out between now and Xmas. :D
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Post by lance » Nov 10th 2002, 9:27 pm

Interesting thing.

My wife and I have worked out an arrangement. Starting last year, I go with her to see Harry Potter and then she went with me to see LOTR. We are going with this arrangement again this year. I wasn't that impressed with Harry Potter: Sorcers Stone, I hope Chamber of Secrets is better. As for Twin Towers I can't wait.

I did read LOTR in Middle School which then lead into Dungeons and Dragons. So far I am partial to Glimli the dwarf. Socalled loon and candygirl do you have any favorite characters/actors in LOTR so far?

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Post by So-Called Loon » Nov 11th 2002, 12:39 am

I'll have to see what i think of Eowyn.

I think Sam is closest to how i imagined him. Kate Blanchet was a good Galadriel. Ian McKellan as Gandalf is probably best, though.

I think the pictures in my head interfere a bit. After the first watching of TFOTR i went home thinking except for the effects that it was a disaster. I was disappointed that not ONE "scene" from the book was kept intact. And since i particularly like the Old Forest, i was disappointed that they excluded everything from there to Bree. No Tom Bombadil or Goldberry, and the hobits were just handed their weapons instead of taking treasure from the barrow wights. The elves were far too gloomy...

When i got to see it again i decided i was just going to concentrate on it as a film without projecting my ideas onto it. I left thinkiing it was really an excellent film.
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Post by SanDeE* » Nov 11th 2002, 1:19 am

My copy is in "shipping status" at amazon! Excited!!!! :D

Next week = MSCL!

EDIT 11/13: It should get it tomorrow :D :D - the tracking shows that it made it to Kansas City, KS. All it has to do now is cross State Line Rd. (For those who don't know, Kansas City KS and Kansas City MO are like one big city seperated by the state line) :)
Last edited by SanDeE* on Nov 14th 2002, 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Nov 11th 2002, 4:25 pm

A funny piece about Harry Potter: http://slate.msn.com/?id=2073627

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Post by Sascha » Nov 12th 2002, 5:46 pm

I just bought the special extended 4 disc set (R2) for 39 Euro at a local store and it's really an amazing set. I haven't had the chance to watch the movie yet (hell, you need probably a whole week to watch all those commentary tracks ;-))

But the menus and the cover art are lovely.

On the other hand: 4 DVDs ... for *one* movie + bonus material!? That's insane. I'm starting to feel like a DJ...

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Post by fnordboy » Nov 12th 2002, 6:39 pm

I just went on my lunch break and bought the LOTR Extended Gift Set (the 5 disc version with the bookends R1) for 50 bucks at Best Buy.

Cant wait to rewatch it. The bookends are damn nice too. Very impressed with the packaging.

Also picked up Episode 2 for 15 bucks + free calendar at Best Buy. Goddamnit i love that store and there great sales on the release weeks.

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LOTR What else?

Post by lance » Nov 12th 2002, 7:56 pm

I just picked up my copy of the extended version and it looks great. I will wait until Buffy is over tonight before I give it a watch :D

Two Towers just over a month a way. Did anybody else get a free movie ticket to Two Towers included with their DVDs?

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Post by Sascha » Nov 14th 2002, 2:53 pm

Okay, I'm trying something new here: I splitted the Buffy-postings from this LOTR-topic into a new topic. The new Buffy topic can be found here: http://www.mscl.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1649

Hope it works :-)

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Nov 14th 2002, 4:03 pm

Works great Sascha! Sorry about the drifting.


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Post by Rickie Love » Nov 14th 2002, 5:34 pm

Hey Candygirl! And other folks -

When you mentioned 'meet me in OT, I had to think for a full minute - I IS THICK!! :lol: Anywho, I LOVE LOTR. My dad read the whole thing - including The Hobbit - to me when I was about 6. Then I read them myself in about the 7th grade. I'll never forget it though...I'd drift of to sleep, with dad talking about Gandolf (MY personal fave), etc....I still have those original copies and if I ever have kids, I'll do the same. One of my best memories.

I COULD NOT be looking forward to a movie more than the Two Towers!! Even more than HP and The Chamber. I've read all the Harry books and I really do like 'em. I was loathe to at first - hate jumping on bandwagons - everyone and his mother was out buying HP merchandise, I wasn't really into it. I like the books much more than the flicks, a' course! The other movie I CANNOT wait to see.... The Matrix Reloaded!! Woo-hoo, this is gonna be SOME season for flicks, hu?? :D

Now if I can JUST get those pesky MSCL dvds in my hands... :wink:
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Post by worldsapart » Nov 14th 2002, 11:36 pm

Don't worry Ricky -- it took me a minute to figure out the "OT" too. I never even paid attention to this board before!

I am SOO looking forward to the new LOTR. I've read all the books except that I haven't yet finished Return of the King (I read them while I was traveling in Europe and just haven't gotten around to it since I've gotten home -- and it's been 2 years!). I'm excited about HP too, but Chamber was my least favorite of the books, so the excitement doesn't come anywhere near my LOTR excitement.

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