My So Called Nightmare on DVD Discoveries Disk?

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My So Called Nightmare on DVD Discoveries Disk?

Post by Animeg » Nov 2nd 2002, 2:19 pm <-- here is the text of this link:

MSCL DVD Release Docu...

Jason Rosenfeld of Dry Grass Partners LLC will be talking about his experience in bringing "My So-Called Life" to DVD on the upcoming "DVD Discoveries" DVD produced by This DVD is selling for $9.95 (including shipping) and features other interviews from David Prior (Fight Club, Moulin Rouge), Charlie de Lauzirika (Hannibal, Legend and Speed: Five Star Collection) and Van Ling (ID4, The Abyss).

Here's what was said about Rosenfeld's piece:
My So-Called Nightmare: The plan seemed simple enough - bring one of the most critically acclaimed television shows ever to DVD. With its rabid cult following, My So-Called Life should have been one of the biggest no-brainer releases in the history of TV-on-DVD. So why was bringing this project to the public such a never-ending struggle for Jason Rosenfeld? Find out in this documentary, which was, in the words of Rosenfeld himself, inspired by The Magnolia Diary.

Get more information or order the DVD.

My So-Called Life

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Post by dTheater » Nov 2nd 2002, 3:41 pm

Inspired by the Magnolia Diary? That's the best extra I've ever seen on a DVD? I have to check this thing out.
- Jim

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Post by Jason R » Nov 2nd 2002, 4:01 pm

Inspired but I dunno if it is the same. I just wanted to do it pretty straightforward. It's just a dorky looking guy in front of a camera for about 12 minutes telling you about niche TV stuff. Tips for fans and tips for studios to somehow get together on this stuff.

I really only talk about MSCL in a more cursory sense. I don't think that the title "My So-Called Nightmare" is appropriate. I don't focus exclusively on the problems, although I do certainly bring them up. However, I do it so that the problems can be avoided on other projects by other fans and studios. In fact, I just suggested they change it to "My So-Called Niche Marketing" and they are.

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Post by MarkSWalker » Nov 3rd 2002, 4:14 am

Well, Jason, I'd rather see your mug on a DVD, than Rojek's.

Dude, you're cute! :)


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Post by Krakolano » Nov 3rd 2002, 5:09 am

MarkSWalker wrote: Dude, you're cute! :)

...i don't think that's something one dude should say to another dude...

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Post by arteitle » Nov 3rd 2002, 7:19 am

Krakolano wrote:
MarkSWalker wrote: Dude, you're cute! :)
...i don't think that's something one dude should say to another dude...

Unless said dude is into dudes, of course. Or just secure in his dude-ness.

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Post by GordLacey » Nov 3rd 2002, 3:32 pm

dTheater wrote:Inspired by the Magnolia Diary? That's the best extra I've ever seen on a DVD? I have to check this thing out.
The DVD is only $9.95 US INCLUDING SHIPPING. ... eries.html

It's going to be great, and well worth the money for the thing.


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Post by GaryEA » Nov 3rd 2002, 4:23 pm

I pre-ordered when I first heard about it, and I'm looking forward to the disc a lot. Plus, with all of the stuff that's on it - including Jason's "diary" - it's a bargain at ten clams.

That's my free plug of the day. :mrgreen:


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Post by Jason R » Nov 3rd 2002, 6:32 pm

I told them that I was going to model it kind of off of PT Anderson's commentaries, but then with the whole AU nightmare, I focused 40% on how fans can get shows released and 50% on how studios can listen to fans and gauge whether a show can work as a niche title.

The other 10% was directly about this project, although all of it applies to how this project came together.

So, in the end, it's really not like the Magnolia diary at all, but it probably does shed some light on the behind-the-scenes side to this project. However, I don't mention a certain e-tailerby name even once. It's probably worth looking at it if just to see how I manage that!

Full Disclosure: I do receive a royalty for appearing on the DVD.

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Post by MarkSWalker » Nov 3rd 2002, 11:38 pm


So, do you get money if we buy that DVD or have you already
been paid your royalty? (The DVD sounds interesting, but having
been a DVD'er since before the little buggers even existed, I have
kind of kept tabs on how things happen, and even though I like
Charlie and Van, I kinda' know what there all about and what they've

But, for meager $9.99 I'll get it if you get something out of that $9.99.

(And, no, I haven't drank any Kool-Aide) ;)

Also, for Krakolano-

1) I am a both a dude who likes dudes "that way," and secure
enough in my maleness to say that to another dude,
when appropriate and applicable, even if I weren't queer.

2) Jason, from all appearences, is secure enough in his maleness
to accept a compliment regarding his attractiveness regardless of
the gender of the comlimenter. (Besides, it was a easy dig to make
against Rojek in the process, albeit, a cheap one.)

And, from all appearences, Rosenfeld is cute! :D
(A bit like saying "The sun is a star." don't you think?)

But, before anyone gets any warped ideas, just
know I don't "go" for str8 men.

Frankly, Jason has done a lot for us all through this nightmare, and
it was an easily, if also true, compliment to make in passing.
(And the last thing I want to do is fuel the fires of idiots like Socrates85.)


Last edited by MarkSWalker on Nov 4th 2002, 3:22 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Jason R » Nov 4th 2002, 12:20 am

It's not a huge amount per disc, however, I did it more to get a message out about niche marketing, and I think it is useful in that sense, and I also do very much support what DVD Discoveries is doing, which is to over a view into the DVD business.

Thanks for the kind words, Mark!

MarkSWalker wrote:Jason-

So, you get money if we buy that DVD? or have you already
been paid your royalty? (The DVD sounds interesting, but having
been a DVD'er since before the little buggers even existed, I have
kind of kept tabs on how things happen, and even though I like
Charlie and Van, I kinda' know what there all about and what they've

But, for $9.99 I'll get it if you get something out of that $9.99.

(And, no, I haven't drank any Kool-Aide) ;)

Also, for Krakolano-

1) I am a both a dude who likes dudes "that way," and secure
enought in my maleness to say that to another dude,
when appropriate and applicable, even if I weren't queer.

2) Jason, from all appearences, is secure enough in his maleness
to accept a compliment regarding his attractiveness regardless of
the gender of the comlimenter. (Besides, it was a easy dig to make
against Rojek in the process, albeit, a cheap one.)

And, from all appearences, Rosenfeld is cute! :D
(A bit like saying "The sun is a star." don't you think?)

But, before anyone gets any warped ideas, just
know I don't "go" for str8 men.

Frankly, Jason has done a lot for all us through this nightmare, and
it was an easily, if also true, compliment to make in passing.
(And the last thing I want to do is fuel the fires of idiots like Socrates85.)



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Post by Cornelius1047 » Nov 4th 2002, 1:23 am

dudes who like dudes "that way" and Magnolia references! i love this forum more every day. hmm. who is this Socrates85 dude? what have i missed? i've been gone for so long, trying to keep my mind occupied. what the heck has been going on?! :P

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Post by Jason R » Nov 4th 2002, 1:26 am

If you had a problem with AU, let the fun folks at: ... board=CMIH

know about it. Socrates85 is one of the guys there. He was banned, so now he posts under 90% of the names there.

In fact, if you had a problem, I actually ask you to post it there. You see, they think I am making it all up, and I believe it is time to educate them.

Magnolia rocks. Aimee Mann rocks. 'Nuff said.

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Post by moviezzz » Nov 4th 2002, 2:20 pm

Jason Rosenfeld wrote:If you had a problem with AU, let the fun folks at: ... board=CMIH

know about it. Socrates85 is one of the guys there. He was banned, so now he posts under 90% of the names there.

In fact, if you had a problem, I actually ask you to post it there. You see, they think I am making it all up, and I believe it is time to educate them.

Magnolia rocks. Aimee Mann rocks. 'Nuff said.
My goodness. That board makes this one look downright civil. What a bunch of idiots. Are any of those posters Ross?

And the DVD sounds great, not just Jason's story, but the rest. Now since I've never done business with this company either, is this more reputable than AU? If we put in a pre-order, will we get the DVD? :lol:

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Post by mglenn » Nov 4th 2002, 3:14 pm

But the fun part is that myself and Steve have been accused of slander on that board... which I find quite funny as both of us, as well as the rest of the team, have attempted to the best of our ablity to remain completely neutral in this, reporting only what we could confirm through outsite sources.

But I'm guessing that they/he feels that this entire message board is just me, Digo, Sacha, Dan and Steve posting under assumed names as all of you. You see we infact have no life outside of this website and as such can take the time to impersonate all of you twisting and manipulating everything in a vailed attempt to crash a penny stock (thats sarcasm incase you missed it).

Disclaimer: I am not a stock broker/advicer/guesser/expert and as such nothing and I mean NOTHING I say should ever be used as investment advice. If you invest money in something because of anything I say your just plain dumb, but that again is my opinion and no stock should be put in my opinions either. And since I have now discussed stocks, opinions and putting and stock in opinions, I'm going to quit talking as I have confused myself.
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