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Post by north_Star98 » Nov 1st 2002, 1:51 am

OH MY GOD!!!!! I just saw him in concert...h ewas playing at my college!!!! i got a picture...i got a pick...i got a cd...signed!!! it was great!!

i think he was alittle drunk though and his signature...i twa sjust a letter...but tha'ts ok!!!

i'm soooo psyched!!!

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Post by pete » Nov 6th 2002, 1:55 am

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Post by mischa » Nov 7th 2002, 4:23 am

i'm so jelaous!!!! :x :twisted: :lol:

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Post by Megs » Nov 7th 2002, 10:22 am

So how was the concert? Any good?
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Jared Leto

Post by glitter_punk » Nov 7th 2002, 9:40 pm

I saw 30STM open up for Adema one friday in July. At that time, I didn't know it was Jared Leto's new band, I didn't even know what he was up to. So at the venue, the people I came with and I remarked on how similar the lead singer was with Jared Leto. I was front row and the security guards even joked about it, not knowing it WAS Jared Leto. So then... to make it worse, after the concert, we walked by this bar a few doors down, and who comes out, none other than Jared himself. Well I'm stupid and I didn't recognize him. I was like,"hey it's the lead singer, WOW they do look similar" and I made eye contact with him and smiled and walked away, just thinking it was some good looking guy who looked like Jared Leto, I was too embarrassed to tell him he looked like Jared Leto, so I just walked by him and left. We stood about a foot away from each other.. I get home, and realize it was jared leto. Stupid me, I could have told him how he changed my life, etc, but no... I'm stupid. They did an awesome show though, not knowing who they were, I bought their CD the day it came out, which was 11 days after the show, ironically, Jared Leto said when it came out and he goes,"yeah man, 12 days, we're really excited' and my boyfriend pointed out that it was only 11 days away...

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Post by north_Star98 » Nov 8th 2002, 3:58 pm

the concert was really good! i got the cd...well they were all signing...so i was liek oooh ooh. the music is really techno rockish. :) but jared never once said his name...even when signing....he didn't sign his name...he signed some little symbol (although the realllllly pretty girl in front of me got his true signature...but the rest of us...got a symbol) i dont think he wante dpeople to know that he's in the band...i think he wants people to come for the band and not for him, which is really cool he was at one of our dining areas for a while...and i had no idea he was there!!! i wish i had gone i colud have!!!!

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Jared Leto in concert

Post by NIGHTJESSI » Nov 11th 2002, 5:22 am

I haven't had a chance to post until now, but I just had to share my 30 Seconds to Mars concert story.

I saw the band at Oasis One-Sixty in Chicago Heights, IL, Thursday. Local band Flathead Fillups opened up the show, but I missed most of their set since I was having trouble getting in. I was supposed to be on the guest list, since I've done a ton of media for Oasis, but my name was, as usual, missing from the list to get in. Once that was finally settled and I had grabbed a bite to eat, FF was done with their set.

Next up was Cinder, who really failed to impress me and most of the crowd. I was perplexed how this band had been able to get on this bill, but apparently, Cinder was also on tour with Creed, whom headliners Sevendust had been touring with. BTW, Sevendust was amazing and the crowd was loving every minute of that, but you're not reading this post to hear about them.

The crowd got pretty restless while waiting for 30STM because there was a very long intro playing, likely because there was some fine tuning going on with the sound. In any case, once Jared and the rest of 30STM took the stage, it was great. The sound was a bit too bassy, but you could still tell that the band was good. Unfortunately, some of the crowd wasn't as open-minded since they were there to see Sevendust. Still, 30STM held their own. Jared kept thanking the crowd for their patience and for checking the band out, and afterwards, they signed autographs at the merch table. I'm an idiot and didn't bring my 30STM CD with me so I passed on going over to the table. But I did manage to snag a 30STM promotional standup on the way out.

I know Jared likes to keep his 30STM personality separate from his acting, and he certainly does a good job of that. His hair was bleached partially blond for that skunk look. It was long and flipped to one side. And he also had on this black makeup that went across his eyes for an eerie look. One thing that really struck me was how much he was digging playing his music and jamming with his band. Hopefully 30STM will continue to build a fanbase and tour so all of you can get a chance to see them too.
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30 STM

Post by glitter_punk » Nov 11th 2002, 1:53 pm

30 STM does have a pretty large fanbase if you go to their website http://www.thirtysecondstomars.com they have a forum with a lot of devoted fans... it's strange because they haven't mentioned MSCL at ALL, and it's strange how it's totally seperated, but that's Jared's wish, so oh well.
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Nov 11th 2002, 3:31 pm

Waaaaaay back ages ago, there were people who mentioned MSCL at the TSTM website and they were subsesquently bitch-slapped into submission. The fans at the TSTM website are focused on the music, so don't bother registering there if all you want to say is "Jared is so dreamy - I loved him in MSCL" because most likely you will get a verbal tongue lashing. Other than that, the board is mostly nice. Some infighting, but it has improved greatly since the album release.

I recommend seeing the band live if at all possible - they are a lot better than I thought they would be!

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Post by Synthetic » Nov 12th 2002, 10:11 pm

yah Ive seen 30STM 8 times so far, and 10 after next week, they are truely an amazing band, thier music is over the top and so different I really recommend picking it up..I get chills listening to the cd and especially seeing them in concert, very powerful

Jared is an extremely nice guy..I've hung out with him and talked with him at all the shows, hes so generous and caring and he asks ALOT of questions lol..at first it was really hard to talk to him, he stares at you with those eyes, and you're like stuck, but now that I've seen him so many times I can just babble on and on and not worry about anything...the rest of his band is pretty nice too, I love them all...they are out on tour with Sevendust right now so if any of you get a chance you should go check them out asap

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