Books inspired by MSCL

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Three Rivers Resident
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Books inspired by MSCL

Post by lizardcub » Feb 5th 2009, 1:10 pm

Hi all,

I've recently started Underage Reading, a blog about children's and young adult lit, with my longtime best friend and fellow MSCL-lover Emily.

And today, inspired by Judy Blundell's What I Saw and How I Lied, we started a new series, "Shades of MSCL." Basically we're chronicling the obvious MSCL references we find in books for kids and teenagers. ... holocaust/

And here's where I need your help. We're all seeing MSCL references all the time, right? Well, when you do, will you please tell me? Are there any that occur to you off the top of your head that I should go check out?

Because, as we all know, it always comes back to MSCL.

Thanks all.

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Cami A.
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Re: Books inspired by MSCL

Post by Cami A. » Feb 5th 2009, 5:47 pm

In Juno, near the end. Her boyfriend mentions "Tino" when he talks about band practice. If you search this site you'll probably find a mention of it with a link to the article about it.
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Three Rivers Resident
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Re: Books inspired by MSCL

Post by lizardcub » Feb 5th 2009, 6:23 pm

Oh hee, I forgot about that! I remember a lot in Freaks and Geeks, too, although I'm blanking on specifics.

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