Slash stories

Discussion and questions about the FanFiction section of You can also post excerpts of your unfinished stories here if you're looking for feedback or ideas.
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Jody Barsch*
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Post by Jody Barsch* » Mar 4th 2007, 8:10 pm

oaksand wrote:don't know if anyone is interested but the above story has been updated and some other - non slash - stories are also up some quite explicit but well written worth a look -, go to tv programmes and scroll down to mscl make sure you click on all ratings to get the explicit stories.
Which story were you talking about? I had hoped that it was the one I had posted about, but it's still the same 4 chapters, last updated 01-16-06. Oaksand, any particular authors or titles of the well-written stories you'd suggest? Thanks :D
Sometimes I write a little MSCL fanfiction:
Also, after multiple V. Mars reiterations, and finally a Deadwood movie, still wishing for some continuation of The Riches !

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Post by oaksand » Mar 5th 2007, 12:19 am

sorry i got mixed up i didn't realise there were more than one slash stories on there. the other slash story is called 'tutor'. other stories worth a look are 'edge of the earth' (not for the faint hearted!), 'thinking of you' some of the others are ok too and 'staring down the sun' is a fem slash

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Post by ikilledkennyandjr » Mar 10th 2007, 12:11 am

Woo! Free advertising!

*ahem* Anyway, on the topic of slash, there are a few stories on Livejournal, but not much, sadly. And I say it's sad because there's just too few fanfics in general for a show this great. When you look at Harry Potter, which has something like 100,000 stories on and then at MSCL, with 78? Something just ain't right.

What I love about the show, and I think what would lend itself to fanfiction if only more people watched it, is a great deal of the meaning was in metaphors and subtext. And subtext is the basis for a lot of fanfic, especially slash. If only people would pay more attention to the little show that could, that touched all of our hearts and minds at the same time...

But I digress. Sorry for rambling/whining so much, I know we have a great community here and I'm really glad of it. Before I joined (today :P ) I was reading some of the discussions and all the thought put behind it, and it just made me glad to have discovered this show and this website. So thank you. <End pointless rant>
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Jody Barsch*
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Post by Jody Barsch* » Mar 11th 2007, 12:18 am

Welcome to the forum ikilledkennyandjr!
Sometimes I write a little MSCL fanfiction:
Also, after multiple V. Mars reiterations, and finally a Deadwood movie, still wishing for some continuation of The Riches !

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