Tapes of the show

Looking for "My So-Called Life" items or willing to part with one?
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Please note that we will delete all requests or offers for illegal bootleg copies of the show or bonus materials.
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Frozen Embryo
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Joined: Jan 29th 2001, 5:10 pm

Tapes of the show

Post by Rhettfairy » Jan 30th 2001, 4:36 pm

Heya, all! I was wondering if anyone has any of the "Lost Copies" of the show (the ones not in the two box sets, which I have) that I could obtain legally (i.e. not paying for them, as it is a violation of law to sell bootlegged material). I am willing to pay shipping costs, of course, and provide the tapes. I would really love to have them, as my copies were destroyed in an unfortunate accident. Please help a loyal MSCL fan!

Overlooked Sibling
Posts: 47
Joined: Mar 4th 2001, 4:10 pm

Re: Tapes of the show

Post by Krakolano » Mar 4th 2001, 4:59 pm

i for one would have no qualms about obtaining them illegally. especially the last episode.

i don't believe in making plans...whatever happens happens.

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