Server Offline Report

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Server Offline Report

Post by mglenn » Feb 20th 2003, 11:08 pm

Hey there Lifers!

Server was offline for a bit tonight as I was installing a new cable modem with wireless ethernet access. :D

"When I disagree with a rational man, I let reality be our final arbiter; if I am right, he will learn; if I am wrong, I will; one of us will win, but both will profit." - Ayn Rand

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Post by lance » Feb 20th 2003, 11:32 pm


Thought it was my connection there for a moment. Cool about the wireless.

Lance Man

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Sascha Team Team
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Post by Sascha » Feb 21st 2003, 8:34 pm

Cool :-) :-)

Wireless is really a nice toy - I'm using a small 11Mbps Wireless LAN at home myself - so I'm able to use my notebook outdoors in the summer. It's not really fast (too many walls in the way), but it's enough for internet browsing and accessing my mp3 collection whereever I'm working around the house :-). Ahh, geek toys :-)

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Post by Sascha » Sep 11th 2003, 6:58 am

JFTR: We had short outage this morning. Our webserver crashed around 5am ET and couldn't find it's own dns name for some weird reason. But I restarted it and now it's running fine again. Sorry if you tried to access the server during that time.

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