Martial Arts?

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Ed Zwick Wannabe
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Martial Arts?

Post by lance » Apr 18th 2003, 10:54 am

Somedays one is just full of.... ideas :D

I know there are several fans of Anime here (Gary, Fnordboy), but has anybody actually taken Martial Arts training.

I took two years of Jeet Kun Do. I took if for self defense. Really, my brother took it first for a couple of years and he would come and say,

"May I borrow you?"


Next thing I knew I was in the shape of a pretzel. So off I went to the Reed Academy of Martial Arts. The main instructor studied under Dan Inasato (might be horrible butchering the spelling here) who studied under Bruce Lee in Los Angeles. The assistant instructor was a silver glove Savate instructor.

Training was great fun. We learned bits a pieces of Savate, Muay Thati, Kenpo, Shoot Wrestling, Kali and a couple of others that my addled brain is unable to recall at the moment. Kali, which uses stick fighting to train hand coordination, was my favorite. I wasn't very good but I loved praticing the different techniques including "heaven".

"May I borrow you?" Was the phrase most of us learned to dread. This meant that he instructor(s) wanted a volunteer to demonstrate a new technique. One moment you were standing there, the next you were face down on the mat wondering how the heck you got there.

I ended up having major surgery and just sort of drifted away after that.

So did any of you do Martial Arts training? Do any of you have any stories you would like to share?


Lance Man

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Post by K-man » Apr 18th 2003, 3:55 pm

Interesting post Lanceman. I am currently training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. ( I am holding an ice-pack on my neck as I am typing this. No Kidding. Yesterday's class was on chokes and I think my throat got crushed.) Our instructor is a Brazilian who trained and taught at the original Gracie academy in Rio. The classes are tough. We start with about 20 minutes of high intensity cardio which is kind of like sprinting for 20 minutes. The first day I thought I would die. It is an excellent discipline though IMHO. I am getting in pretty good shape (for a 36 yr old). Why BJJ? I guess from seeing all the Brazilians winning the UFC and Pride titles. Not that I ever plan on entering any tournaments. The people at the school are very nice and helpful. It has been a great experience.
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Post by Megs » Apr 18th 2003, 4:01 pm

I have taken a few classes in Tae Kwon Do. My husband wants us to join a Combat Knockdown class together, which incorporates several marital arr techniques. He thinks that I am a big baby and that I need to learn how to "kick ass".

But I wouldn't say that I have studied any. I am willing to try, though!

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martial arts

Post by lance » Apr 21st 2003, 9:32 am


Ouch, but sounds like you are having fun though. I never studied to enter tournaments, although I knew a lot of people who did. My half brother achieved a black belt in Karate. He did a lot of tournaments. I went to visit him, ohh, couple of years back, his room had a bed and trophies. That's it. No room for anything else.

He drifted away to other stuff as time went on.

Another thing when I was still training, occasionally we would have different masters who specialized in one art form, fly in to teach a work shop. I heard they were great fun, buch of sparing going on. I didn't go because they were too expensive.


Glad to hear you are taking Tae Kwon Do. I have heard that that is a fun discipline to study.


Lance Man

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Post by K-man » Apr 25th 2003, 1:14 pm

Wow! I just noticed my avatar looks something like me at BJJ class last week. Guess which one is me. :wink:
Daddy sold the farm and they've killed my trees. K-man

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