Upcoming DVDs

This is the place to discuss new and old movies or DVD releases of movies. You can also create topics about your favorite actor/actress.
Please post topics related to new productions of the MSCL cast and crew into the "Afterlife" forum.
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Ed Zwick Wannabe
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Location: Santa Cruz, CA

Upcoming DVDs

Post by lance » Jan 26th 2004, 6:32 pm

Moderator note: this thread has been moved to the Movies forum.

Hello all,

(Mods I was not certain where this should go, so feel free to move to a more appriopriate spot).

I figured I would start a thread about upcoming DVD releases that you might be eager to get.

For me I am looking forward to two releases this Winter/Spring.

Without a Clue is set for a March 2nd release for Region Two. The movie stars Michael Caine and Ben Kingsley. The traditional story of Sherlock Holmes is turned on its head with Dr. Watson being the brillant one and Holmes being something of dim witted, womanizing, drunkard.

Noises Off is set for a May 4th release for Region One. This is simply the hands down, funniest movie I have ever, ever seen. The premise is simple enough, a cast of theater actors are performing a farce. The first 30 minutes is spent showing you how the play is supposed to go. Have patience. Then you get to see the acting company 6 months down the road trying to perform the same play while on tour. A large ensemble cast including: Michael Caine, the late John Ritter, Mary Lou Henner, and Christopher Reeve. If you like the Naked Gun films, slapstick, Tartuffe or Monty Python you will love this film.


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