Zap2it top 10 shows that were cancelled but shouldn't have

MSCL may be gone from the tv screen, but there are lots of good (and bad) new productions airing each week. Talk with other MSCL fans about your favorite shows or the shows you hate. Of course you can also discuss TV show DVD releases here.
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Zap2it top 10 shows that were cancelled but shouldn't have

Post by Sammi » Dec 6th 2002, 2:55 pm

I saw this in another part of the forum, but I thought I should post my comments here. If you go to the following you will see a list that I whole heartedly agree with. Some of the shows I remembered like Once and Again and My So Called Life, but I had forgotten about others. I remember other people in this forum discussing "Homefront" and I didn't remember the show, but we I looked at the list it all came back to me. I remember watching Hometime with my mom when I was 12 or 13 and it was such a good show. I can't believe I had forgotten about it. Both my mom and me where upset when it got cancelled. Boy that list sure brought back memories.

Jody Barsh
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Post by Khatt » Dec 6th 2002, 9:16 pm

I remembered a lot of the shows... and have no arguements with Sports Night being number one. I love TV Gal's column and read it every week. And I frequently use for my entertainment news... lol
"If dreams are like movies, then memories are films about ghosts."

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