MSCL continuity problem?

General discussion about the nineteen episodes of "My So-Called Life". Note: Our episode guide can be found here.
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Nicky Driscoll
Posts: 21
Joined: Mar 6th 2006, 2:00 am

MSCL continuity problem?

Post by MYSOCALLEDLIFEDVD » Mar 11th 2006, 4:56 pm

You know, I have thought of another reason maybe why MAYBE MSCL did not have a second, third, fourth or even fifth season.

I have noticed that at times it seems, the show lacks continuity. Sometimes big issues have been brought up, things that you would expect to hear about in more then just one episode, only to see that they are forgotten about, or never mentioned again in another episode.

They also did it with characters as well. Certain people were introduced into Angela's life and something big happens with that person. Big enough that you would expect to see it mentioned in another episode. Only to find out that the next episode has no mention of that person, or situation at all.

This didn't happen ALL the time. Certainly they did keep continuity with things like Angela's crush on Jordan.

But at times, it almost kind of felt like with each new episode, it was like a totally new story all together. Instead of a weekly continuation of Angela's life. Kind of more like one hour short stories instead of a continuing TV series.

I remember a few times watching the show and something big would happen, and next week I would tune in to expect to hear something more on that subject, or person, or whatever, only to find out that the show has TOTALLY gone in a different direction, almost as if whatever occured the previous week is totally forgotten or doesn't even really matter. It's hard to explain really, but I've had this feeling a few times while watching the show.

Because of this, the show also at times lacks that CLIFFHANGER EFFECT that is ever soo important to a teen show. It is what keeps viewers coming back and tuning in each week.

Again, I have to compare it to DEGRASSI. I was watching it just last night and one of the girls, LIBERTY accidentally gets pregnant. And they continue this theme for SEVERAL EPISODES. It's something very important that you just can't feature it in one episode and then dismiss it in the next episode almost as if it never happened.

MSCL just seemed to go in a totally different direction with each episode instead of keeping some kind of continuity going from episode to episode.

Nicky Driscoll
Posts: 21
Joined: Mar 6th 2006, 2:00 am

Post by MYSOCALLEDLIFEDVD » Mar 11th 2006, 5:07 pm

One episode that really sticks out in my mind is "THE SUBSTITUTE" I'm sure we have all seen it.

Angela has this great new sub teacher who really starts making her think, he really starts blowing her mind.

It was really interesting.

This is something that could have and SHOULD HAVE been continued for serveral episodes, perhaps even the entire season. This sub was really fun to watch. It was very interesting.

But for some reason, they decided to wrap this whole situation up in one single episode. I was REALLY disappointed when they did that.

And then the next episode it was totally forgotten, as if it never eve happened.

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