Pre-Life: the Wonder Years

General discussion about the nineteen episodes of "My So-Called Life". Note: Our episode guide can be found here.
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AJ Langer and Devon Odessa on the Wonder Years (UK)

Post by richard » Oct 16th 2008, 9:28 am


Just a quick heads-up that ITV3 in the UK should (according to current schedules) be showing the 'Eclipse' episode of The Wonder Years on 28th October at both 09:00 and 19:25

Could be interesting!

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Re: Pre-Life: the Wonder Years

Post by 4alifetime » Nov 18th 2008, 3:12 pm

I love this topic! I was also a huge Wonder Years fan and have searched for it on DVD. I had heard that Winnie H. had written an episode, not surprised, that woman is a complete genius! Wouldn't it be great to just have lunch with her?!

It could be a coincidence that we love MSCL and the Wonder Years, but I like to think MSCL fans just know what's up!
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Post by 4alifetime » Jul 17th 2009, 2:44 pm

SanDeE* wrote:I had the BIGGEST crush on Fred Savage! I think that's the first crush I ever had...on an actor at least. :wink:.
Me too! Also, Neil Patrick Harris...if I knew then what we all know now I wouldn't have wasted my time on Doogie Howser!
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There are the people you feel this unspoken connection to,
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Re: Pre-Life: the Wonder Years

Post by Tish » Jul 18th 2009, 10:07 pm

i love the wonder years too--i couldn't wait to watch it since it premiered back in 89. i remember crying at the very last episode--that song they used when kevin talked about what happened to each person later on in life, esp. his father. what did the show go up to--1974?
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Re: Pre-Life: the Wonder Years

Post by Pixie » May 4th 2012, 2:33 pm

I absolutely loved The Wonder Years when I was a kid! Currently there are re-runs on TV so, of course, I watch :D & today they aired "The Eclipse". I had no idea Devon Odessa & AJ Langer were starring in it at all. I actually ended up exclaiming very excitedly (& rather loudly ;)) "Sharon!! Rayanne!!" when they appeared on screen.

If anyone is interested in watching, I've found the clip on youtube. Enjoy! :) (skip to 3:16 if you don't feel like watching the whole thing)

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Re: Pre-Life: the Wonder Years

Post by Mutajon » May 7th 2012, 10:33 am

So cool!

Thanks for sharing :)
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Re: Pre-Life: the Wonder Years

Post by Kbranagh » Dec 26th 2020, 8:46 pm

I saw the first two episodes and it's really good, the script and the voice over are truly great.

It's not comedy, maybe a soft comedy and on the paper is not so different from MSCL. I don't understand why the people accepted so easily this series for six years and they don't gives one chance to "My So Called Life" :evil:

Is very comfortable heard on the background W.G Snuffy Walden. I love him.
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Re: Pre-Life: the Wonder Years

Post by Kbranagh » Jan 6th 2021, 8:29 am

I finished the first season(big deal, only six episodes xD) and i'm very impressed by the quality of the show.
It's not edgy and adult like MSCL but is honest and real like "My So Called Life" and that's good enough for me.
Thanks god there are other 100 episodes left. I consider the ABC the best quality network ever for family-drama.
I still disegree about the "comedy" definition, it's not a comedy, the Vietnam conflict-argument from episode 1x04 it's hard to find even in a serious drama.
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Re: Pre-Life: the Wonder Years

Post by Kbranagh » Mar 13th 2021, 8:24 am

I am at the beginning of season 3. I'm still impressed by the quality of the show! Honest,real and full of heart and most important very balanced. We passed by a soft comedy episode at one political..and again at one more romantic and simple....all without denaturalize the show! And again, there is room for improvements now that Kevin has reached the teenage years. Season 3 and 4 have a great potential just because of that particular age that will reminds inevitably the atmosfere of My So Called Life. -

My favourite episode of season 2 is "Square Dance" it's a very simple episode but very powerful and sensitive! The dynamic between Kevin and Margaret echos Angela and Brian, that's always a good things. -
I appreciated the fact also that the main characters are are very flawed and unperfect, Kevin in first line but also Winnie for minute you loved them and one minute you hate them...just like real life.
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Re: Pre-Life: the Wonder Years

Post by seanjones » Apr 16th 2021, 7:53 pm

I am pretty blase about the eclipse episode now but i cant tell you how excited i was to watch for the first time this episode that featured kevin and winny and AJ and DEVON! Lol i loved that episode. Especially bad girl AJ.

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Re: Pre-Life: the Wonder Years

Post by Kbranagh » Apr 30th 2021, 3:52 am

I just watched the episode of season 3 "Don't You Know Anything About Women" and reminds me a lot the "Life Of Brian" episode......a lot!! The second half is almost identical, soooo weird :lol: :o
Check it out guys
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