Taking some advice from Cate, and an update.

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Jason R
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Taking some advice from Cate, and an update.

Post by Jason R » Oct 16th 2002, 1:59 pm

I am going to go to the gym and cut out of work early today. There really is nothing to do but wait at this point.

BMG was assured that payment was on its way, and I spoke with Justin Martin at AnotherUniverse.com, and he told me that he has been working on the bonus disc, and that the company has been calling the families of employees to get them to help with the massive shipment they are expecting.

I don't know what the payment status for GWhiz is right now, but Justin also told me that Ross told him that payment was on its way to them.

These would all be good developments. However, I must state that if it turns out not to be true, I am only posting what I have been told by AU reps.

The deadline is only a few hours away. This would not be the first time that a deadline was met at the last minute. If it is, fantastic. I just think that some sort of advance notice would have been the way to go. Certainly, not emailing me and not posting the Monday update did not help at all.

I told Justin to tell Ross that if, for any reason, an extension of the deadline is needed, he should please call me ASAP. I did learn that Ross will not be back in Sacramento today, but is expected to remain on the east coast until probably Friday.

I guess that if I don't hear any good news, and if I don't hear from Ross, I will follow through and just email people as I said I would. I just wish that doing something like that wasn't so final.

To end this email, the fact that AU is calling employees' families to help with the shipment does give me some reason for hope. It demonstrates, perhaps, that AU really does intend to ship this product. I am looking for any positive news I can find.

If there is a problem, whether it is with cashflow, a serious problem, or otherwise, I just need to get some kind of heads up. In some cases, it would be only fair to extend the deadline. But I need to know now.

Be back later. I hope you have good news waiting.


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Post by MartinPierre » Oct 16th 2002, 2:04 pm

These are all good news, if you have been told the thruth.

I am supposed to be on the list of persons to be called later today to report wheter the DVDs were paid or not.

I promise I will post something AS SOON as I get that phone call.

Let's hope everything will turn out good.

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Post by Hardware » Oct 16th 2002, 2:37 pm

Great news - don't want to be negative here, but let's not lose sight of the massive number of overcharges that are still outstanding though...

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Post by Bitterman » Oct 16th 2002, 4:20 pm

I've had too many lies already. I just sent Ross an email demanding a full refund. I wish it didn't have to come to that, but it did.

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Post by Lurker1999 » Oct 16th 2002, 5:48 pm

I remain skeptical but then again I have already cancelled my order and disputed the charges. To those of you still waiting, good luck. But I find it rather suspicious that there's all these convoluted stories about payment arrangements, etc. floating around on this page. Nothing as simple as "BMG has been paid by AU in full. They have the money in hand." has been reported. That alone makes me think it's yet another stall tactic on someone's part.


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