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by Natasha (candygirl)
Mar 22nd 2002, 8:51 pm
Forum: ARCHIVE: AnotherUniverse 2002 DVD Customer Forum
Topic: $20 DVD Deposits. Answer to very common question.
Replies: 9
Views: 3499

Re: Serious problem with step 3....

Mmmm, chocolate mint! We just got our order of Girl Scout cookies - thing mints and tagalongs. Yuuuuum!

Joanna, if you REALLY want to experience a Twinkie, I'll send one to you.

Ding dongs are better IMHO.

I also like the Nutty Ho Hos - they taste good and the name cracks me up.

by Natasha (candygirl)
Mar 22nd 2002, 3:48 pm
Forum: Other TV Shows
Topic: Felicity
Replies: 111
Views: 26128

Re: Tonight's Felicity

I got home in time to see the end with the whole Ben's pregnant fling plot line. Damn I can't believe that I missed the MSCL rip off!!
by Natasha (candygirl)
Feb 28th 2002, 3:45 pm
Forum: "My So-Called Life" Books
Topic: My So Called Life Goes On
Replies: 9
Views: 13118

Re: My So Called Life Goes On

I was excited on principle when I saw the books at Borders, but I sat down and read both of them. Ehhhh. The first book picks and chooses moments from all 19 episodes, which just doesn't do it justice. The second book was a bad vision of Episode 20: The Summer that Lifers Would Never Imagine. I don'...
by Natasha (candygirl)
Feb 28th 2002, 3:42 pm
Forum: The Show
Topic: Favorite MSCL Moment
Replies: 23
Views: 11327

Re: Favorite MSCL Moment

You don't have to apologize for your rant - you have come to the right place =) Sometimes I see the crap on tv and it makes me appreciate MSCL that much more - for its honesty, for the writing, the acting, how it was so good that it hurt.
by Natasha (candygirl)
Feb 28th 2002, 3:39 pm
Forum: Other TV Shows
Topic: What are Lifer's watching these days?
Replies: 120
Views: 66089

Re: What are Lifer's watching these days?

Wow, that IS really interesting. That explains why I am obsessed with BtVS these days. I love the way the Buffy/Spike relationship has been developed. The moment when she realized that she does love him - oh, the look on her face. And watching Spike change from a reluctant non-evil vampire to an uno...
by Natasha (candygirl)
Feb 28th 2002, 3:24 pm
Forum: Jared Leto
Topic: Jared Leto in Jane Magazine
Replies: 6
Views: 3546

Re: Jared Leto in Jane Magazine

My understanding is that Jared and the band want to maintain the artistic integrity of the band, meaning that they want people to come see them and be fans because of the music rather than having Jared groupies. Hence the lack of information on the TSTM website regarding who is in the band, pictures...
by Natasha (candygirl)
Jan 26th 2002, 6:25 am
Forum: The Bedford Falls Company
Topic: Relativity
Replies: 4
Views: 8889

Re: Relativity

I loved "Relativity" too - Kimberly Williams (from "Father of the Bride") was so great. I can't believe that shows like MSCL and Relativity get cancelled after one season yet crap like Nikki and Reba live on. Where is the justice? If I ran the networks, Relativity would not have been relegated to th...
by Natasha (candygirl)
Jan 26th 2002, 6:18 am
Forum: The Show
Topic: Recurring lines
Replies: 22
Views: 8214

Re: Recurring lines

What I love about "in my humble opinion" is how everyone uses it on the internet now as IMHO. I like to credit Angela for impacting the world wide web in her own little way =) Let me live with the delusion, please.
by Natasha (candygirl)
Jan 26th 2002, 6:04 am
Forum: The Show
Topic: hypothetical movie question
Replies: 22
Views: 10889

Re: hypothetical movie question

Wow, James Marsden would be a good subsitute for Jared! Those blue eyes... Um, sorry, I was distracted by thoughts of Jared and James staring at me. Since James is busy with Ally these days, how about that hottie dancer from Center Stage? Or Paul Rudd? What about Seth Green (Oz on Buffy) for Brian? ...
by Natasha (candygirl)
Jan 26th 2002, 5:36 am
Forum: Jared Leto
Topic: Jared Leto in The Thin Red Line
Replies: 5
Views: 3279

Re: Jared Leto in The Thin Red Line

Well, Jared (and many others in the movie) were supposed to have much larger roles in the film but due to the fact that the movie was still over four hours long after the first edit, they started leaving people on the cutting room floor. One kid (I forget which one) had the starring role (according ...
by Natasha (candygirl)
Dec 10th 2001, 11:19 pm
Forum: Other TV Shows
Topic: What are Lifer's watching these days?
Replies: 120
Views: 66089

Re: What are Lifer's watching these days?

Me too, me too! I have been watching Buffy ever since my sister got me hooked on it. At first it was just a cute, amusing show but now I have all this emotional investment - that Buffy/Spike thing! I meant to watch scrubs from the beginning but the whole fall schedule got thrown out of whack by Sept...
by Natasha (candygirl)
Dec 7th 2001, 3:47 am
Forum: The Afterlife of Cast and Crew
Topic: did you see?
Replies: 15
Views: 8013

Re: did you see?

I watched Three Sisters last season just for A.J. but I haven't seen it at all this season. Even though I am not a nielsen family, I feel like I am supporting MSCL by watching A.J.'s shows (even It's Like You Know). The first time that I saw Mr. Katimski on Nash Bridges, I started yelling and pointi...
by Natasha (candygirl)
Dec 7th 2001, 3:25 am
Forum: The Music Of My So-Called Life
Topic: *UNOFFICIAL* MSCL soundtrack
Replies: 167
Views: 58145

Re: MSCL Audio CDs

I pledge my undying gratitude to you!! The clips are matched up with the songs so well. I could rave and rave about how awesome the CDs are and how much ass you kick for doing this. I owe you big time for this. I agree - cover art is unnecessary since this will be in the CD player forever. I also ki...