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Search found 676 matches
But isn't the point of Black Dot more about creating an anti-sweat company, one where the workers have a share in the profits and one that uses environment friendly materials and manufacturing? That's a good point, and I'm all for that. But Adbusters has a history of railing against the corporate g...
I lost all respect for adbusters after they started doing their "anti-label" label. A black dot is just as much a viral marketing ploy as a nike swoosh. They're not proving a point, they're joining in on the exact thing they've railed against for years. And now they're making sneakers?!? I thought t...
You walked out of Highlander III, but not Highlander II? Rediculous! Anyways, I have no hope for Ep III, but I'll see it anyway. I still need to know how he can screw it up more. I think every fan-boy/girl could have written the first two better than he did. I do admit there are amazing and fun mome...
Halo DeuceAnyone been playing it? I've almost beaten it. Of course, I'm a little jaded, but I think it's pretty good, and the LIVE play is a blast. Nothing like spending the night on the town, and then yelling drunken insults to people you've never met. And doing pretty well in the game too, dispite the inebr...
Oh, heh, so. . . needless to say, I've been having so much fun out here that I don't often get back to the forum. I'm trying to catch up now so I can keep up on it again. We'll see. :) If anyone's interested, I do post at my.imaginationispower.com I've had some photos up, and commentary on seeing ga...
The eBay Lunchbox Sale.I'm suprised nobody else has posted there link to their lunchbox ebay sale. Guess I'll be the first. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6103836611 I didn't even open the dvd. I've heard enough about it, don't really need to watch it myself. But if you're dying to get your hands on it...
I don't know what I did before Adblocker. When I use other people's computers, the web looks really really ugly. Ads EVERYWHERE! I see comments on Aint It Cool News about the ads that are all over the place, and it takes me a second to realize that they're all blocked for me. Its very nice. I really...
So andrew...you can have her. :mrgreen: Shweet. I think part of it is she reminds me of the unrequited post-highschool crush I had. I still haven't figured out if Saved! is a comedic Christian movie, or a farcical movie about Christianity. The first preview made it seem like the former, and the new...
I don't know much about Saved! but I think I could sit through it because I love Mandy Moore. I'd like to see it more for Jena Malone. I'm definitely looking forward to Spider-man 2, Anchorman, Farenheit 911, and I'm SOO in love with the trailer for Garden State. Best. Trailer. EVER. It looks like ...
Fahrenheit 9/11 Trailer Trailer Its been a while since I posted around here. This is definitely good reason. There's just been so many lies, and shameful stories about where our leadership has been taking us, speaches that contain such lines as "no more torture chambers in Iraq" right next to comments about Abu Graib. Its...
24 Hour ComicI posted this on my site , but I thought I'd share it here as well, see if anyone is interested: "Comics leading theoretician Scott McCloud came up with the 24 hour comics challenge about a decade back. Simply put, a cartoonist tries to write and draw an entire 24 page comics story in 24 consecutive...
You'd think investors would have the common sense to google a person's name who they're handing over thounds and thousands of dollars too. If someone can't even do that amount of research...well... Anyone googling Ross Rojek in the last two and a half years would have realized what a POS he was, and...