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written by Genna Garilli

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Published: 09 Nov 1999 | Size: 1 KB (156 words) | Language: english | Rating: PG-13

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based on stories and characters created by Winnie Holzman

Today the love of my life set me free,
because he feels we weren't meant to be.
I thought everything was just so right,
But i guess its over and ill be alright.

"Dont cry" was what people told me,
but they dont understand; he was everything to me
"Move on" was what I heard,
But they dont understand the love that occured.

I continued to sit in my room and cry,
I couldn't seem to stop as much as I would try,
Sooner or later Id have to move on,
I just have to face it.. his love for me was gone.

I finally got over him, as i knew i would,
I really did it, everyone said I could.
Yesterday the love of my life set me free,
Today I realize we werent meant to be!

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“School is a battlefield for your heart.”

Angela Chase, Episode 1: "My So-Called Life (Pilot)"