Ny So-called Life Movie?

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Ny So-called Life Movie?

Post by DerekMcF » Aug 11th 2002, 12:44 am

I don't know if this question has ever been asked, so forgive me if it has, but does anyone see a possibility of Winnie Holtzman writing a MSCL movie? It would give the show it's propper end, the one ABC never did, we could see what has happened to Angela in the years since Liberty High and Rayanne and Rickie, etc.
What does everyone think? Am I nuts? It's okay if you think so, but I do think the audience would be there if such a project were discussed.

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Post by KrokRos » Aug 11th 2002, 7:33 am

I don't think we'll ever see a movie like that, because it's been too long since the series was shot and aired, but I'd really LOVE it. Great suggestion/idea.


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Post by pete » Aug 11th 2002, 6:39 pm

i don't really think a MSCL movie would "work" with the actors being as old as they are now. The show is all about the confusion and pain and angst you experience growing up...it just wouldn't be the same if they were all grown up :(

It's kind of like Dawson's Creek, if anyone watches that show. I used to really like it during the first season or two, but as they got older they got more "mature" and started acting differently, and now that all the characters are in college, it's like a completely different show. It just doesn't have the same appeal anymore. Because of that, sometimes I think it's kind of a good thing that there was only one season of MSCL...I would have loved to see more, but I think it's better that it went out like it did, and we all remember it as perfect.
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Post by KrokRos » Aug 13th 2002, 4:22 am

I know what you mean pete, but I think that a countinuation of the show in a movie with the actors in their age now, about what happened would be fun and could be great if the actors where all there and wanted to do it. The ending of season one left a lot of questions, even though I'm glad there's no season two, and to skip that time between and make some great story about what happened...I donno, it seems like a good idea to me. Maybe someone could create some fanfiction about it. I know there will never be a movie like that.

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Post by mooneyguy » Aug 15th 2002, 1:14 am

An MSCL movie? I hope it never happens. If it did it would probably not be successful. Too much time has gone by, the actors are too old to pull it off. And there's no way that MSCL would work with different actors. The movie would come off too much like those sappy reunion shows.

Now, a follow-on novelization written by the MSCL writing and production team would be a wonderful thing! We could see where the series might have gone if it had been given the chance without it destroying our mental images of the characters.
Bill the Mooneyguy.


Post by Guest » Aug 18th 2002, 4:45 am

i hope they never make an ending to the movie because it leaves us hanging as to what might of happened...most likely they would kill it with an ending..

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Post by bluemonster » Aug 18th 2002, 11:26 pm

yeah, for a while i thought a MSCL movie would be cool, but it just seems like there would be no way for it to do justice to the original show since you'd have to get new actors. all of us obsessed fans would be sitting there in the theater thinking, "the real Angela would never say it that way" and throwing our popcorn at the screen. the whole thing would be a mess. :lol:
i wish that there was a button somewhere that i could just push to force me to stop talking...


MSCL Movie

Post by Jamie » Aug 20th 2002, 5:11 pm

I actually think it would be an awesome thing. I would be the first person to go and see it. I like your idea, or maybe jsut getting some different actors to do it the way the show was. I am not sure. I am down with it


Post by Guest » Aug 23rd 2002, 11:19 pm

KrokRos wrote:Maybe someone could create some fanfiction about it. I know there will never be a movie like that.
Check out the fan fic section on this page. There are a couple of really awesome continuations.
mooneyguy wrote: Now, a follow-on novelization written by the MSCL writing and production team would be a wonderful thing! We could see where the series might have gone if it had been given the chance without it destroying our mental images of the characters.
We've already seen how a follow-up novel (even an officially licensed one or whatever) does to our favorite show, so I'd rather live in blissful (but imaginative) ignorance over what they had planned. I think we're really lucky to be fans of a series that ended before it had a chance to have any bad episodes ... not that I wouldn't have loved to have seen more eps during the original run.


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Post by worldsapart » Aug 23rd 2002, 11:21 pm

That Guest above was me, BTW....for some reason my auto-login didn't login. :)
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Post by foolishoptimist » Aug 23rd 2002, 11:56 pm

I can't see any possible way that a movie would be satisfying. The advantage of a TV show over a Movie is that you get to spend a lot more time with the characters, you get to know them better because you get to see them develop over a long period of time. It's about seeing the characters change. A movie could really only show you the end result of all that happened in the intervening years. You'd be filled in on what's going on, but I think it'd end being almost like a really long "Previously on MSCL" clip.
The people involved in this show were undoubtably talented, and simply wouldn't be involved in a show that was simply a compilation of flashbacks. But despite all effort, I can't imagine it achieving all that we would want it to.

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Aug 24th 2002, 4:22 am

I agree - LOVE the avatar WA!

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Post by Jason R » Aug 24th 2002, 8:23 am

Winnie does address "how should the show have ended?" in her bonus disc interview. At least from what Dan told me. I think he doesn't want to leak any of that stuff yet, though.

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Winnie Interview

Post by Nostradamus » Aug 25th 2002, 3:25 am

:o Great leaping cuttlefish! The Holy Grail of MSCL revealed at last! This means I'll have to sanctify myself before watching the bonus disc so that I am worthy to recieve this ancient wisdom. Time to dust off the Flail of Searing Trith, the Stave of Eternal Justice, the Sacred Chicken Head of Ra (TM), and the Cheap Candles I Got At K-Mart That Always Seem To Burn Out In The Middle Of The Ritual.
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Post by KrokRos » Aug 25th 2002, 11:30 am

Well, Guest, I have read a lot of the FanFiction. I was just suggesting something about what a movie would be like, and in my wish about the collage years or something. Maybe I'll consider doing some myself but I am not good at these things.

Btw, can't wait for the Bonus disc!

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