CD art & liner notes for *unofficial soundtrack*

Talk about the soundtrack of MSCL. You can find a list of songs played in the episodes here.
Liberty High Student
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Joined: Sep 3rd 1999, 12:35 am

in general response/agreement...

Post by soma » Nov 24th 1999, 6:02 pm

To agree: yes, selling the CD would be more trouble than we can handle. We can't even make one "red" cent off it. I think we need to ONLY charge the cost to make/ship and NO more. We should also put a disclaimer in the liner notes stating "fair use" of the songs. It should also state that the CD is completely non-profit and ANYONE found making a profit is free to be flogged, whipped, tarred, etc.

If someone is willing to run off copies on a printer, great! My printer is good, but I wanted it to look professional. If someone has a kick-@$$ printer, then all the better. It'll be cheaper. :)

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Re: liner notes

Post by Jack » Nov 24th 1999, 6:38 pm

Oldguy, I know you have no intention of selling other people's copyrighted material. I was just
stating the obvious (as I do in most of my posts, more babbling to myself, stream of consciousness
type of thing). I hope I didn't offend you.

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