Server Outage...

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mglenn Team Team
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Server Outage...

Post by mglenn » Nov 16th 1999, 9:08 pm

OK, I feel like an ass now. Well many of you may not know but the server that runs sits in my house. One of the perks of being the second employee of cable modem internet provider.

So anyway the outage was my fault, I was rewiring my house and turned the power off to the house so I didn't give myself a permanant orange afro...

And forgot to check the server after the restart...

Mike Glenn
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Re: Server Outage...

Post by Jack » Nov 16th 1999, 10:35 pm

That's okay Mike, accidents happen. Although I was suffering withdrawal symptoms, it's okay now
so don't feel too bad...maybe just a little bad. that I think about it, I'd feel better if you
slapped yourself once...okay maybe twice. Thanks.

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Re: Server Outage...

Post by mglenn » Nov 18th 1999, 7:28 pm

You see I can really blame this on the girl I just started seeing.
You know women just mess with you mind till you can't think... :-)
And then there is that whole erection from physical contact thing... :P

(OH BOY, I can just feel the flames coming now for those comment...)

The views above are mine and mine only... well most of them anyway,
I'm just not sure if I really believe any of them.

Mike Glenn
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Post by Jack » Nov 19th 1999, 12:29 am

Well now, I feel like an ass! At midnight last night, Jack learned a powerful lesson. And it's this:
Sending 4.1 amps into a circuit board designed to take 1.6 amps is bad. Bad. I'm an ass. And
I don't even have a woman to blame it on. I'm a lonely ass.

Okay Mike, try to beat that!

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Re: Whoops!!!

Post by oldguy » Nov 19th 1999, 12:37 am

Jack --- you sound like you must be an experimenting electrician
(like I am --- at least some of the time). What the H are you doing
sending 4.1 into 1.6 ? Let me know if you want to try building
musical equipment --- I'm a sucker for analog electric audio!

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Re: Whoops!!!

Post by Jack » Nov 19th 1999, 1:06 am

No I'm not an electrician, can't you tell. I'm a filmmaker. A multiple award-winning one at that
(how do you like that for a shameless self-promotion). I have two businesses, one is an A/V business,
which does corporate and consumer video productions, and one is a film production company. I
travel to LA on a semi-regular basis to wheel and deal (one of these days I'll actually turn a buck at
this. That comment ought to clue you in on how successful I am.) My A/V business pays the bills.

To elaborate on what happened: Yesterday one of my telecine projectors (a film projector designed
specifically for transfering motion picture film to video) developed a problem. Since I'm currently
in a very busy time of the year, I sort of "panicked" and decided to mess around with it a little which
was a huge mistake. I'm a writer/director/producer/editor in both of my businesses, I'm not now
nor have I ever been a technician. I messed around with the projector (a virtually irreplaceable
projector at that), saw a bright flash, then nothing worked on it. The projector has been taken away
now, and I hope the prognosis is not too bad. I've lost about a day in a half of work due to worry
and anger at myself (please somebody carve the word stupid on my forehead). That part of my
business makes up about 20 - 25% of my income. So there you have it.

One last thing: I wrote, directed and edited a short film several years ago that has been shown
on PBS venues throughout the country as well as numerous cable stations and that film won
4 major awards (3 national and 1 international). It's titled "Variations On A Theme" and is about
two screenwriters collaborating on a screenplay and the characters and situations they're
creating come to life around them and pretty soon they lose control of their own creation.

Oh yeah, one more "last" thing: I made a feature length horror film in the mid-eighties that is a
worthless piece of fecal matter. Don't think I'm being too harsh. Since I made it, I feel I can trash
it with utter impunity.

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Re: Whoops!!!

Post by oldguy » Nov 19th 1999, 1:22 am

Sounds pretty interesting. I work A/V part-time, actually. I have a close
friend who does it full time, and I have done some work for him as a contractor.
Mostly sound effects and other audio stuff, although I actually acted in a short-
length video called "Patient 603" ---- I played a psychiatric patient! It was fun,
but this video has never been shown on TV or cable (as far as I know!). I also
dabble in electrical stuff ---- again, mostly for audio/musical applications.

It's cool that you're such a big MSCL fan --- reassures me that I'm not so crazy
for liking something that by all accounts should be way out of my demographic.
But I really thought MSCL was something special & different. It sucked me
in in a way I never believed a TV drama could, and I think it did so on pure quality
alone. I have tremendous respect for the people who put MSCL together, particularly
Zwick and Herskovitz --- and Winnie Holtzman and Jason Katims. These folks are
really great artists!

OK --- I'm rambling... It's late at night, etc. But I like you're cool comments on earlier
posts. Keep offering your opinions! I'm still curiopus to know why you didn't like
"Roswell". I admit it's not as great as MSCL, but I think Jason Katims has put together
a pretty cool show there.

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