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Did Patty know?Did Patty know?I have just watched the Pilot episode and for the first time it occurred to me that Patty actually (probably) knows how Angela got home (ie: via a police car and not Rayannes mum/mom!!). When she asks Angela how she got home Angela nearly stubbles thinking of an answer and Patty looks up at her with this awful 'I know you're not telling the truth' expression. What do you guys think? Did Patty know how she got home?? It was early days then and Patty was perhaps a little more laid back as a mom (only a little) and may have thought that Chase had learnt her lesson and was just glad she was home safe. I definitely think she knew!....also, I like the way the Bedford Falls company had Patty watching 'It's A Wonderful Life' in the background on the TV behind Angela (and we all know the connections between the film and the series!!!!!)
"And dance by the light of the moon!" Re: Did Patty know?Actually I think that Patty got more and more laidback towards Angela as the series progressed. In the pilot, she seemed the most uptight because it was the very beginning of Angela's rebellion (crimson glow, friendship with Rayanne, seperation from childhood). As time went on, I think Patty got adjusted to Angela's evolution. Parenthood is after all partly a struggle to let your child grow without letting them harm themselves or their future. Patty portrays that struggle wonderfully. But, i digress.
I don't think she knew about the police car. She might have suspected that Angela didn't really get a ride home with "Rayanne's mom," but at that point in the evening, I think Patty had pretty much given up on controlling the situation. The thought that Angela had been brought home by a cop was something that probably never entered her head... or maybe it was something she didn't let herself even consider. On the other hand, I think it is obvious that Patty had her suspicions that Graham was not really going to play pool with Neil. The Pilot is, I think, my very favorite episode... and everytime I watch it Patty really irritates me because she reminds me of my mother and the tug and war that I went through in high school. But when i put myself in Patty's shoes, I feel really sorry for her... it must be rough to feel as though you might be losing both your daughter and your husband... and that you are turning into your own mother. : ) Re: Did Patty know?I agree, I think she definitely got more laid back as the series progressed. Look at her drastic haircut..that was part of her "letting loose". BTW, I think her hair looked MUCH better when she got it cut
Re: Did Patty know?Well, it's been quite a while since I've seen the pilot so I'm going from memory here, Joanna. Although I do think that Patty knew that Angela probably got home via someone else other than Amber, I don't think she knew it was a police car because if she did, she probably would have flipped out. After all, she was most on edge in this episode. I tend to agree with RyeBlume and Colene that Patty actually relaxed more as the series went on, and that's just like RL. Patty knows Angela is growing up, and all she can do is go with the flow and hope that Angela will still turn to her if there is a problem.
"When you drink from the cup of life, chug." ~ Citibank billboard Re: Did Patty know?Yep - that's definitely the worst thing - turning in to your mother!!!!!!!1 ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
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