Moving to Seattle!!

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Moving to Seattle!!

Post by andrewgd » Feb 23rd 2004, 8:43 pm

Yay! So I'm making my way out of nothing-to-do Connecticut and finding landing in Seattle. I was just out there for two weeks last month, dropping off a friend who's moved out to room with another friend of ours. I stayed a couple weeks, and decided there was about 100% more opportunity for me out there than here.

So in two weeks I'm going to move out with them and see what happens. Should be fun!
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Post by starbug » Feb 24th 2004, 5:17 am

cool! I love Seattle. It has that cool-city vibe without being up itself like so many other cities... I spent a few days there a couple of years ago and really thought it was fabulous. plus the climate is just like London, which is sort of depressing and comforting at the same time. :wink:


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Post by Nothingman » Feb 24th 2004, 11:39 am

Congrads Andrew. Seatlle is a fun town, scary drivers, but fun town. I'm sure you'll be able to find lots of indie girls there hanging out coffee houses. Ahh, the possiblilities. Ohh and there are a tone of art/design companies there, you'll be in like flint.
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Post by fnordboy » Feb 24th 2004, 1:05 pm

Congrats and good luck andrew! :D

I never liked Conn. so I am sure Seattle will be a better place for you. ANd yes the indie chicks must be galore there. Image

Some cool bands are from there as well, like Death Cab For Cutie, so you should be able to see some very cool shows.

Hope everything works out for you.

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Post by andrewgd » Feb 24th 2004, 9:55 pm

We went to see Notwist while I was there. They ended up being pretty boring, but the crowd was fun. Especially the part where my friend ends up hitting on the friend of the girl I was sort of eyeing, and completely crashing and burning. It was very amusing.

Now I get to figure out what I want to bring with me. I figure, computer, clothes, books and dvds should about cover it. Its going to be hard to leave my vhs tapes, comics, and toy collections, but I think I'll manage for a while.

I've made a list of about 20 game design studios out there, and have started sending resume's/portfolios to them. Gotten a couple responses, and some good advice as to what to put in my portfolio. So we'll see.

Oh yeah, and by opportunities, I did mean jobs, but the indie girls definitely helped in my decision. ;) (as well as the cute japanese girl population)

Anyway ;) You can see some photos of my trip if you browse through my blog here:

Very fun. These two weeks before I go back are going to take forever.
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Feb 25th 2004, 3:17 am

andrewgd wrote:the indie girls definitely helped in my decision. ;) (as well as the cute japanese girl population)
And the truth comes out!

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Post by Megs » Feb 25th 2004, 2:43 pm

How exciting! Good luck and have fun!
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Post by fnordboy » Feb 25th 2004, 3:35 pm

andrewgd wrote: (as well as the cute japanese girl population)
Damn! Didn't even think of that. Lucky bastard :(

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Re: Moving to Seattle!!

Post by lance » Feb 28th 2004, 8:55 pm

andrewgd wrote:Yay! So I'm making my way out of nothing-to-do Connecticut and finding landing in Seattle. I was just out there for two weeks last month, dropping off a friend who's moved out to room with another friend of ours. I stayed a couple weeks, and decided there was about 100% more opportunity for me out there than here.

So in two weeks I'm going to move out with them and see what happens. Should be fun!
Ahh, another refugee heads for the Pacific coast.

Wonderful news! I am very excited for you.

Have a blast. I have always wanted to visit Seattle. After I get my situation set up in Vegas, perhaps I will. :D

I have heard that it is an amazing city. I too have heard about the traffic nightmare. No more 3 months of snowy, winter weather. Awesome.

Of course the cute women you have seen, don't hurt either.


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Post by andrewgd » Mar 30th 2004, 6:03 pm

So I've been out here a few weeks now. No luck on the job thing, but its coming soon. (I can feel it :) ) So far I've been offered a sierra club thing where I could basically beg for money door to door, 2-10pm. Not exactly something I'd want to do. I've got a few more weeks where I can be picky, after that, I may just have to take anything.

I haven't gone to any shows yet (but am becoming familiar with the local bars...wheee!) This friday Nelly McKay will be in town. We're definitely going to try and see her show. Should be interesting.

Hmm...nothing else too interesting is going on, just sort of settling in to the area. I'm sure it'll feel a lot more like home once I find some work. Right now it still feels like I'm vacationing here.
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Post by lance » Apr 6th 2004, 6:42 pm

andrewgd wrote:So I've been out here a few weeks now. No luck on the job thing, but its coming soon. (I can feel it :) ) So far I've been offered a sierra club thing where I could basically beg for money door to door, 2-10pm. Not exactly something I'd want to do. I've got a few more weeks where I can be picky, after that, I may just have to take anything.

I haven't gone to any shows yet (but am becoming familiar with the local bars...wheee!) This friday Nelly McKay will be in town. We're definitely going to try and see her show. Should be interesting.

Hmm...nothing else too interesting is going on, just sort of settling in to the area. I'm sure it'll feel a lot more like home once I find some work. Right now it still feels like I'm vacationing here.
Glad to hear that you made it out there. I will keep my fingers crossed and say a few prayers that you find a job.

One interesting thing you might become aware of: live events are carried much earlier on the West Coast. My co-worker and I are both moving to the Pacific Time zone this year. We both observed that we will be able to watch the 2005 Oscars and still get to bed by 10:00 pm.


My brother (in Vegas but grew up in Cincy) reminds me that NFL games that start at 1:00 pm on the east coast start at 10:00 am in Vegas. I am so looking forward to this.


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Post by K-man » May 26th 2004, 2:18 pm

How exciting to be in Seattle! Being a tree-hugging freak, I would love to see the pacific Northwest....Washington, N. California, Oregon, British Columbia. My father was at Ft. Lewis WA when he was in the army and tells me it is beautiful Spring thru Fall. Another friend visits Tacoma every summer, says it is beautiful there. Denver is about as far N and W as I have ever been. :( Someday....right.?.. Hope you are getting settled out in God's country, keep us posted.
Daddy sold the farm and they've killed my trees. K-man


Post by guest_special_k » Sep 12th 2004, 2:04 am


I'm so glad that you made it to Seattle! It truly is the jewel in the crown of the Pacific Northwest, and such a slice of heaven. Should time permit, please post an update! A few places to check out: Twedes Cafe (Twin Peaks, anyone?) in North Bend for breakfast in the shadow of Mt. Si, The Salish Lodge/Falls in Snoqualmie, Orcas Island in the San Juan's, the walkway between Nordstroms and Pacific Place as sunlight breaks through the rain and clouds, Starbucks in Pioneer Square, Left Bank Books (across from Pike Place Market), the balcony at Westlakes for dinner in a light drizzle, Kidd Valley, Uptown Espresso. There are many more, but, it's late... I almost envy you for the splendor of autumn about to unfold. ^_^



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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Sep 12th 2004, 2:44 am

I have all these ideas of what Seattle is like - Say Anything, Singles, Sleepless in Seattle.

Natasha aka candygirl ::

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Post by special_k » Sep 12th 2004, 3:35 am

candygirl wrote:I have all these ideas of what Seattle is like - Say Anything, Singles, Sleepless in Seattle.

Sleepless barely touched the city, to my great chagrin. Singles provided a much broader view of the area, and The Ring managed to catch some of it's ambience. Sunset over Elliot Bay, Gasworks, Mt.'s utterly breathtaking.
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