I missed the last two episodes and I need your help.

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Frozen Embryo
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I missed the last two episodes and I need your help.

Post by Beth » Jul 21st 1999, 4:43 am

Please help me. Due to my mother being evil, I was forced to miss the last two episodes of MSCL. Please could someone give me the jist of it. Due to my living in the UK (Wales) they do not sell box sets or such over here so I can not by it.
Also, does anyone Know what has happened to "Rayanne" because unlike the others she doesn't seem to be in anymore tv/films or anything.
Please answer this because my curiosity of whether Rayanne and Angela make friends again and does she have Jordan back is making me go crazy.
Thankyou for your time. Bethx

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Re: I missed the last two episodes and I need your help.

Post by BeeJay » Jul 21st 1999, 3:43 pm

Bethx: Sorry you missed the last two episodes, they both were really good. You can read a short story line on these episodes right here at this site. Go to the Library and at the right side over the books, click on "Scripts".

As far as Rayanne goes, A.J. Langer appears in a weekly one-half hour show on ABC called "Its Like, You Know". I don't know if you get it there in the UK, but you can read about it at "www.abc.com".


Re: I missed the last two episodes and I need your help.

Post by Guest » Aug 1st 1999, 7:12 pm

I am like obsessed with this show. I taped all 19 episodes off of MTV (but my dog ate the tape w/episode #2). I need to buy the
boxed sets so I have good uncommercialed copies.
Anyway, in addition to that show "It's Like, You Know...", Rayanne has also been on Beverly Hills, 90210 (for a brief 5 minutes or so
in 1993 or 1994) and she's also been Jerry's girlfriend on a "Seinfeld" episode (I don't know when but I'm pretty sure it was a few years
after MSCL.

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