
If you want to share some events in your life or thoughts about life in general with other MSCL fans or if you just want post a rant to let some steam off - this is the place.
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The Talented Krakow
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Post by The Talented Krakow » Aug 21st 2003, 5:38 pm

Remember Graham telling Patty about going to the Grateful Dead when he was fifteen was one of the eight best nights of his life? I'm curious what everybody's best nights of your life are. Or even just moments, highlights. I only have one. Actually it's kinda dumb, so can you imagine how boring the rest of my life is, but it was - and still is - a little special to me.

I've already told you about me being obsessed with a girl a while ago, just like Brian towards Angela. One night, on the way back from a schooltrip to Portugal, about most of the people in the bus were sleeping. But I was still standing in the middle of the bus, talking to a girl I've known since primary school for a while. So when we were finished, I said "well, I'd like to sit down now after standing all that time" (nobody really had his own place, so you just sat down where there was a chair free). Totally unexpected the girl I was obsessed about said I could sit next to her (apparently she was still awake), if I didn't mind that she put her legs on my lap so she could lie down so she could sleep. So of course I agreed. We sat that way for a few hours, without saying a word (I mean, she was sleeping - or at least trying to). And that was about it.

Now tell the highlights of your life! I'm quite curious to hear everybody's special moments, unless you don't want to share it because you think it's too personal. C'mon people, don't be shy :).
Last edited by The Talented Krakow on Aug 25th 2003, 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"My parents keep asking how school was. It's like saying, 'How was that drive-by shooting?' You don't care how it _was_, you're lucky to get out alive."

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Post by The Talented Krakow » Aug 24th 2003, 3:36 pm

Nobody wants to share it? Tss..
"My parents keep asking how school was. It's like saying, 'How was that drive-by shooting?' You don't care how it _was_, you're lucky to get out alive."

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Post by Debs » Aug 24th 2003, 5:04 pm

That is a very touching story you have there. And very Angela-esque! You captured it and took me there. Are you planning on being a writer?
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Post by Emeralduk » Aug 24th 2003, 5:20 pm

Ok Krakow, I thought I'd share as no one else had yet. :wink:
I think as I'm quite young, I obviously haven't had any incredibly obvious wonderful moments yet. I'll expect they'll be when I'm proposed to, or give birth for the first time. But thinking back of what's happened so far, honestly, I can't think of any truly special moments! I did feel incredibly proud the other day, when I got my GCSE results back though. I got 6 B'S and 4 C'S - which for me is a great, as I'm not that good academically. I was SO happy to get a B in History, as I was sure I was going to get a D. My hard-revising actually paid off and I proved all my teachers wrong, that'll I'd do well and be able to escape them all.
I think my life can actually start now. :sunshine:

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Post by grim4746 » Aug 24th 2003, 11:44 pm

congrats Emeralduk! Those are better marks than i had at 16. After a while I really loved history but still didn't magage to make good grades most of the time.
I think my life can actually start now.
What an exciting prospect. I've felt that way a few times over the years and it usually says more about what I think about the future than what I think about the past.

I'm still trying to pick a highlight to post. I have a few things in mind.

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Post by Megs » Aug 25th 2003, 9:19 am

What a great idea for a post!

Obviously, the night I got engaged and the day and night of my wedding are the two that are foremost in my mind. Those will never be topped, until I have a baby, at least. My honeymoon was pretty great, too.

Also, the weekend of our first wedding anniversary. My husband and I had a rough first year, and we had gotten through it, and the celebration of that first anniversary was awesome. We went away for a few days and just spent time with each other. What a wonderful weekend.

The time I first saw my nephew, the day after he was born. I knew I'd never be the same after that. I loved him immediately. It's amazing how out of nowhere you have this love for a tiny little person you just met.

The night that my husband and I got into the Madonna concert in 2001 even though we didn't have tickets. That was one thing I wanted to do in my life, to see her in concert, and I did! I was in heaven.

The day I graduated with my undergrad. I was so proud of myself, dorky as that may seem.

The day my husband and I closed on our first house, and moreso, the first night we spent in our house. We owned our own little part of America, and it was such a great feeling.
Last edited by Megs on Aug 25th 2003, 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The Talented Krakow » Aug 25th 2003, 4:04 pm

Really nice to read these stories, I hope more will be posted.

Your post reminds me of a concert of The Offspring I saw two years ago Megs, I really loved it (I'm a big fan of them). It was actually also a highlight, but it was nothing near the story I described in the startpost.
Debs wrote:That is a very touching story you have there. And very Angela-esque! You captured it and took me there. Are you planning on being a writer?
Thanks. No, I have no plans on being a writer. I had when I was little though.
"My parents keep asking how school was. It's like saying, 'How was that drive-by shooting?' You don't care how it _was_, you're lucky to get out alive."

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Post by doodles444s » Aug 29th 2003, 12:26 am

It took me a while to think of a day that could be considered the best of my life.. I think this one is one of the best, if not the best....

When I was 17 I did the Walk for Hunger in Boston with my boyfriend at the time (Derric) and two school friends, Jen and Andy- who were a couple. Jen and Andy were in track throughout highschool and convinced my boyfriend and to go to the Walk. They ran about 10 miles and my bf and I walked about 5 (figuring by the time they were done with 10 we would have made it about 5) and we met up at the finish at the end. But while Derric and I were walking we had so much fun... just talking and getting to know each other. Also everyone was so friendly around us and they had radios with music blasting. The streets of Boston were so nice and when we were done a little early we sat on a huge rock and just watched everything around us. Then we met up with Jen and Andy and went on a Swan boat ride around a pond. The four of us together were like a double date.. but also just like a group of friends hanging out... even the drive (at least an hour) back and forth was nice...
I dunno... didn't mean to go on and on :)... once I got started I just wanted to explain it all. Dont know if it sounds kinda dorky... :)

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Post by Debs » Aug 29th 2003, 7:30 am

Trek America 1993
The Pacific Dream
August 22nd to September 18th

The day I celebrated my 21st birthday is forever etched on my mind. I had finished my year working as an Au Pair in suburban Maryland and was two and a half weeks into my spectacular Trek around the West Coast.

Although our friendships were relatively new, like all bonds born of unusual circumstances, my fellow Trekkers and I had already become very close. There were about 14 of us of varying nationalities and together we’d experienced LA, Yosemite NP, Lake Tahoe, San Francisco, Redwood Forest, Mount Rainer, Seattle, Yellowstone NP, and so many other places along the way. I’m cheating you by simply reeling off a list of names; the places above gave me two and a half of the most inspiring and luminous weeks of my life. And I still had more to go!

Already I had so many memories, I wasn’t too bothered about “celebrating” my birthday because I was on one month-long celebration; the Trek I’d saved an entire year’s wages for.

The day itself was spent mainly in the van travelling through red rocks and sandstone cliffs to our next destination, Arches NP. Scenery out West was like nothing I could imagine. Simply driving along was an adventure. I remember one time we were driving through the desert toward The Rockies and the sky was so spectacular that it brought tears to my eyes. Everyone (except our driver & guide Jose) was asleep. It was my sky and it was breathtaking.

We set up camp in Arches NP and walked through to Delicate Arch to watch the sun set. Delicate Arch is a huge rock that has gradually been eroded to form a gigantic but ‘delicate arch’. The entire area is made from smooth reddish stone that rolls across the surface for as far as the eye can see. It’s so beautiful.

We climbed to our position opposite Delicate Arch and drank in the view. Beneath us, the rock was warm and the breeze that kissed us was even warmer. The colour of the landscape mirrored the setting sun as we watched as the sky turned from blue to pink to wild orange. We must have sat there for a good two hours. One of my fellow Trekkers strummed on his guitar and we listened peacefully as we surrendered conversation to enjoy nature’s show.

Afterward, Jose decided that it was too early to go back to our tents and drove us to an out-of-the-way secluded beach where they threw me a birthday party! There, we made a fire, turned up the van stereo and jumped up and down like lunatics!

The night I celebrated my 21st birthday is without a doubt one of the eight best nights of my life (so far). This is just one of the many experiences and adventures Trek America gave me. I love to revel in my Technicolor Trek memories and I eagerly anticipate the next time I can join them out West.

Deb x
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Aug 29th 2003, 2:10 pm

Debs, when I began reading your story I thought you were referring to Trekkies, not Trekkers - hahahaha! Great memory though.

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Post by Debs » Aug 29th 2003, 8:51 pm

Hi Candygirl - Whilst I was writing I thought that may happen...

Debs xx

PS: I've been away a while and it's good to be back xx
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Post by dTheater » Aug 30th 2003, 12:47 am

I think I have a few:

I was about 10, 11, 12 years old and I had an English teacher read a story I wrote for school and she raved about it and tried to get it published and helped me tremednously in developing my writing. In all my years of school, she was the only teacher that ever made the kind of difference that you expect a teacher to make.

Playing multiple instruments in different bands through the last 5 years has been a highlight, even if it's not my life's goal.

In college as a film student, the first student film of mine that I wrote, directed and acted in; that whole experience was a highlight because at the time, I had no idea what I wanted to do, then I fell in love with movie-making.

Speaking of movies; by chance seeing the movie American Beauty on it's opening day. It's my favorite movie ever, and I'll always remember as I watched the end of the movie, I had this feeling of weightlessness, like I was floating. I think I was so transfixed, I was forgetting everything around me. That's just a little personal highlight.

Speaking of weightlessness, I lost 35 lbs. and kept it off. That was good.

Just like Graham's Grateful Dead concert, I saw a Dream Theater concert in NYC at the Beacon Theater and that was a top 10 moment of my life. It was 4 hours long and just an unbeliavble night all together.

My first trip to Chicago -- which I fell in love with -- and topping it off by seeing Kaytee live and talking with her afterwards. That whole week was one of the best of my life and I loved the city and now plan to eventually live there.

So none of these are life-changing or earth-shattering, but it's the little things in life that I always remember the most.
- Jim

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Post by kappster » Sep 4th 2003, 2:43 am

dTheater wrote: Speaking of movies; by chance seeing the movie American Beauty on it's opening day. It's my favorite movie ever, and I'll always remember as I watched the end of the movie, I had this feeling of weightlessness, like I was floating. I think I was so transfixed, I was forgetting everything around me. That's just a little personal highlight.
I felt the exact same way about American Beauty. That is a movie that people either really like or really hate. I can remember when I saw it that there were several groups of (older) people that walked out in the middle in disgust. That movie completely took me over and I still get goosebumps everytime I watch the end of it. Unfortunately, I am a pretty jaded person, but that movie got right through to me as too few movies do.

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Post by meggrrrl » Sep 4th 2003, 11:16 pm

I think you're on to something about that movie. I adore it, but it seems like most older folks I show it to (my parents, parents' friends, mother-in-law, etc) don't get it and are even offended by some parts of it. I don't see how anyone could watch it and not be touched to the core. I weep like a baby at that ending, every single time.

The highlight of my life would certainly be giving birth to my kids. I never knew this until I experienced it, but after giving birth - (I don't know if this is true in the case of medicated births, I only had completely drug-free births) - you experience an intense rush of adrenaline that lasts for hours. It's unbelievable. I wonder sometimes if mothers of large families are actually just adrenaline junkies. It seems crazy, but once you experience it, you're dying to do it again - all that pain that led up to it seems completely worth it.

But of corse, besides the adrenaline, meeting and loving my two babies has been not only the highlight of my life, but has become my life.

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Post by Megs » Sep 5th 2003, 9:26 am


Wow, Meg, you gave birth twice with no medication? You are my new hero! I know I'd be screaming for an Epidural very early in my labor! But I have a low tolerance for pain.

"I have all these dreams where I know exactly what to say. And you tell me, you know, that you forgive me."

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